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Showing posts from April, 2014

Well Done

Like you, I love to hear when someone feels I did a good job.  I don't need to hear a verbal response. Seeing my children's faces on Christmas morning, receiving a pat on the back from co-worker, earning a bonus in my pay check, or the sweet bubbly feeling God puts in our hearts is plenty for me. In the middle of the job or in preparation of the work, though, I frequently feel nervous.  Nervousness is a response to caring if others appreciate the work done for them. Nervousness is also a response to knowing we were not fully prepared. A tinge of guilt goes along with this form of nervousness. Recently, I heard a judge tell a performer: "Suppressing the nerves and hiding that [suppression] is important 'cause we are all nervous all the time. You know. It's like part of the job. But to, kind of never, make anyone believe that you are [nervous] is a huge part of performance. Try to make the 25% that was shaky part of the other 75%, which was really, really

The Unexpected Gift

The unexpected gift rarely falls on my side of the fence.  Don't get me wrong. I have what I need and a bit more, so there isn't a need for an unexpected gift. God has blessed me with a fine husband, three children, a roof over my head, and food on my table. My walls are decorated with kid created art. The Lord has blessed me with a godly church to attend. I am very content. Perhaps you could say you have most or all of the above, too.  BUT have you ever received an unexpected gift…one that you didn't know you needed? Did it come at a time you never expected? It wasn't Christmas or your birthday. In fact, there wasn't a holiday in spittin' distance. Hubby had worked many extra hours to raise the funds he'd promised to give to a needy person we knew and I squeezed the fat out of the budget to insure we could help as much as possible. Times were lean this year, but the reward God gave our hearts meant so much. A week ago, we received an unexpect

Fabulous Friday Feature: Jane Kirkpatrick

Today I welcome an author who crafts unforgettable stories:  Jane Kirkpatrick Enter to win  Jane's book ,  Homestead Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter. Some  of us receive the call to serve God in the most unusual places. Jane followed God's call to write, but wait until you hear the details!  I asked Jane to share with us how God has led her on her writing journey. Here is what she said: God Lead Me In 1979, my husband and I purchased 160 acres along a wild and scenic river in a remote part of Oregon. The land boasted 12 foot tall sage brush, a reptilian road that dropped 950 feet down a steep grade along a dirt one lane road with no guardrail,   rattlesnakes and the promise of a spring. I never thought we’d live there – just camp and hunt and fish – because it was so distant from the nearest town 25 miles away. (Our mail box was seven miles away). The property had no power to it, no water and no structures. Th

Throw Backs and Best Evers

Haven't the throw backs on FB been fun? Friends are digging through memories and sharing pics from fabulous days in desperate need to be remembered.  TV shows have had themes segments focused on the best ever years. Have you joined the fun? Photo Courtesy Today, I visited my mom in a special care facility. The aids turned on fifties music during the lunch hour. My mom knew all the songs.  Back in her teen years she'd learned all the dances. Talk about the ultimate work out--have you seen someone do the jitterbug? Earlier, the therapist had visited with my mom before lunch and mentioned the need for her to exercise her left leg.  As the lunch music bounced in the air I tapped my feet and shifted them back and forth. "Come on, Mom. Join the fun." She said, "Oh, no. I did those dances a long time ago when I was a teen." Ah hah. The challenge was on. Could I get my mom to move her leg using the music. I knew she loved the songs from her er


Take a deep breath, hold it for a moment, and close your eyes. Now that you've open your eyes and taken another breath think of something that you consider to be lovely. Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. Philippians 4:8 I'll start the list: 1. This is the day after Easter. HE IS RISEN! Did you say or think to yourself--He is risen indeed?  Yeah, me too. 2. Spring 3. flowers 4. rain 5. fragrance 6. earth 7. sunshine 8. bike rides 9. mud (and kid mud pies) 10. family 11.

Fabulous Friday Feature-Marianne Evans

Today I welcome an author who aspires to show God's love in every one of her stories:  Marianne Evans Enter to win  Marianne's book ,  Devotion Two winners will be chosen! Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter. While scrolling through FB one day, I happened to read about Marianne winning the ACRA trophy (Ancient City Romance Author's). I wrote to her and found out she had released several new books last year. And when I found she lived right here in my home state, I instantly knew she and I needed to connect. She has proven to be a godly, spirited, fun friend. I asked her if she could share with us how God had led her on her writing journey. After reading her words, so focused on glorifying God, I had to share with you what she said: God's Plan Came to Fruition My writing journey began in the lined pages of a black-and-white spotted composition book. I was in the fifth grade, and each time I handed it in for Englis