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Showing posts from August, 2016

Wild Phenomena: Comfort in Crazy Normal

Photo by Mary Vee In the moments it took my computer to power up and get to this page a sunrise splashed across the sky.  First hues of pastel pinks kissed the clouds. The color brightened to a neon fuchsia. Patches of dark blue sky showing through blended to a soft baby blue. At this moment oceans of pink waves ripple the blanket above and are turning salmon. The whole sky is ablaze. Another beautiful sunrise from our Father. And because of a return to a normal schedule, I witnessed this event. Vacation season has ended. My friends and I are home from the big writing conference in Nashville. Last night, we in the north left our air conditioners off to enjoy a sixty degree sleep. Daughter's alarm "didn't go off". Ah yah. I'm wondering if she remembered to set it for this first day of the semester.  And the cat walked in the way of our feet. All is normal. The routine has returned. Even with a crazy daily schedule there is comfort. Everyone k

There Is Power In A Well-Timed Break

There are few as obsessed as the fisherman and the golfer. Even the Pokeman Go player knows when to come in out of the rain. Clouds formed in the west heading toward the lake at the edge of our property. The coming rain was a no brainer.  I looked up from my work screen and saw these two fishermen. The rain had started to fall. Definitely time for a break and a bit of entertainment. Would they fish in the rain or not? How bad did the rain have to get before they'd take a break? The temperatures hovered in the 70's, which meant the rains would feel chilly, especially when sitting in a metal boat on a lake. The fishermen cast their lines. The sky grew darker and the rain fell.    The fishermen reeled in their lines. The rain deluged. The men bent over a bit, hiding from the rain. Must fish. Must ignore rain! There are times when God asks us to do a job. Sometimes He really wants our participation, sometimes He only wants us to show Him we a

Fabulous Feature-Sylvia Bambola-Storytelling

Today we welcome author: Sylvia Bambola A commenter will win a copy of Sylvia's book: The Babel Conspiracy International Readers invited to enter! Scroll down to see how. Mary here.  I have a blessing for you. Sylvia's post really touched my heart. Talk about the heart of writing stories for God's sons and daughters. Her passion has stirred me. Created a longing to read her books and to sit down at a coffee shop for a 1:1 chat with her.   I asked Sylvia, How has God led  you on your writing journey? Here is what he said:   He Filled Me With a Love for Storytelling Long before I came to know the Lord, He filled me with a love for storytelling.  When I was young my friends and I would sit around making up stories, usually scary ones. In eighth grade, I began my first novel, which was never finished. But the groundwork was laid. God had instilled in me a writer’s heart. Years later, af