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Showing posts from January, 2014

Fabulous Friday Feature-Colleen Coble

Today I welcome a sweet person who has many novels published and is the CEO of American Christian Fiction Writers:  author Colleen Coble Enter to win Colleen's   January, 2014 release, Butterfly Palace Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter. It seems we all must face huge trials in our life. Despite her experience, Colleen joyfully shared with me what God has done for her. I asked her to tell you how God has led her on her journey. Here is her story: After Wandering So Long in the Wilderness I can still remember the first story I ever wrote. It was in first grade and was about twin colts. My teacher praised my writing, and the seed was planted. Someday I would be a writer. The seed lay dormant through the early years of marriage and raising a family. “Someday” I was going to write. I devoured books by the armloads from the library, and it bothered me to read the hopelessness in them that assumed there was no God. Through t

How We Can Consider One Another?

One of the most recent lessons I've grasped in my writing career is the importance of knowing my audience. What I didn't realize was the importance of connecting this very topic to all walks of life. Even Jesus knew to mold His words to fit the abilities and other aspects of his listeners and thereby showed His consideration to those He spoke with.  How can we better consider others? Let's talk about it. Photo Courtesy Tailor our vocabulary : We pretty much all know to use age appropriate vocabulary when speaking with individuals. There are other things to consider as well.  For example: My hubby is a medical person. I have clearly communicated my disinterest in the grossies of his job. He also needs to define terms for me when talking about his day.  Then again, when my techy teen speaks in acronyms, text speak, flips through computer screens while "teaching" me, etc. we have a communication issue. I want to learn, listen, follow along, I just nee

Benefits to A Comment in Any Situation

Photo courtesy I'm guilty. There are many blogs, FB posts, and Twitter posts that I read and haven't written a comment. I've seen someone at church, work, at the store, etc and didn't make the effort to say something to a person I knew or only was acquainted with.  There isn't always a good reason other than I didn't take/make the time or I was unsure if my comment was good enough. Recently I judged a writing contest. The contestants were asked to send a word of thanks to the judge  when they received their score sheets.   One person wrote a very kind response to me. I recalled her work as one with beginning writing characteristics. Remembering how nice judges were to me when I sat in that position, I chose to comment only on the basics, gave resources, and sprinkled compliments where I could. I did not inflate the grade to make the person feel better, though. The comment I received warmed my heart. The individual said he was older and had alway

Fabulous Friday Feature-Julie Klassen

Today I welcome a sweet person who masterfully writes the stories she dreams:  author Julie Klassen Enter to win Julie's   January, 2014 release, The Dancing Master Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter. Julie's new release has such an inviting title. Go ahead, take a peek at the book cover below. I asked Julie to share how God has led her on her journey. Here is her story: Books & Dreams For the last few years, I’ve had the following verse propped up near my laptop:          “For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” --Ephesians 2:10 I have always loved books, and wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember. In fact, my Mom, who was my biggest fan while she was alive, kept a second grade report card that said something along the lines of “Julie’s stories and poems show great potential.” So I really do believe God wired me

A Memory Device For You

Photo Courtesy Recently I added a memory game to my week's activities.  It all started when I listened to one of those fabulous sermons in church and actually took notes. Later in the week, I recalled liking the sermon and searched for the notes, but lamented when I couldn't find the piece of paper. I quizzed myself: What was the general topic? I racked my brain…good grief this was Thursday and a thousand other things had happened when I asked the question. After a cup of tea, visualizing where I sat in the sanctuary, and using every other means possible to remember the general topic I finally answered the question.  The process to recall the rest of the good things said was an epic fail.  Although I have since started using a notebook I have created a memory game. On Monday, at any point during the day, I try to say the following without the use of my notes: General topic of the sermon Main book of the Bible used  Application point Then I wo

When Our Work Goes Unnoticed

Photo Courtesy I think each of us can share moments when our work has gone unnoticed. It seems to happen most often when we try our hardest. Paul McCusker's post from yesterday was especially powerful to me, and perhaps powerful to you as well. If you haven't had a chance to read it, scroll down and take a gander. He shared the life of one seemingly insignificant person, Hurum-Abi. The Bible doesn't say that Hurum-Abi received any awards, special gifts from those he helped, or even a pat on the back. It seems he packed his bags after his last day of work and went home. This is the task we have here during our life time. The Bible says this life is short, a mere breath. What we do with it is very significant for the future--for those who will be going to heaven. This is still January. Still the first month of 2014.  God will bless us with Hurum-Abi moments. Opportunities to do something big and something small, both important to His plan. Completi

Fabulous Friday Feature-Paul McCusker

Today I welcome  author Paul McCusker .   Enter to win Paul's  2013 release, Passages Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter. Our family has joyously spent many, many hours listening to the popular Adventures in Odyssey series written and directed by Paul McCusker and presented by Focus on the Family. We've heard the show on the radio, bought  the  cassettes, then CD's and videos. Of course Whit is our favorite character. I contacted Paul McCusker and asked if he would be willing to join us here on Let's Talk and was so excited when he said yes.  I asked him to tell us how God led him on his writing journey. Here shared this wonderful story: Only One Mention-Yet His Legacy Lives On There are times when I wish I could pinpoint when or where I took an interest in writing. But, unlike some, there was no specific moment, an epiphany, or a slap on the forehead when I thought, “I know what I want to do…” I never had