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Showing posts from November, 2012

Fabulous Friday Feature: Janice Hanna Thompson

Today I welcome my friend, an accomplished authoress who is giving, gracious, and gifted with humor: Janice Hanna Thompson .   I met Janice through ACFW. She showed her fun spirit right away. I asked her to share her writing journey with us this weekend. You may be surprised how God has paved her life with a passion for story. Enter to win an autographed copy of Janice's book ,   Queen of the Waves , see below. A Passion for Story Some writers nudge their way onto the publication scene with a lovely resume in hand, one that includes a degree in English or Literature. Others experience a “lucky break,” an amazing opportunity that propels them through the publication door, bells clanging and whistles blowing.   Most writers press their noses to the grindstone—grunting and grappling their way to publication, one sour rejection after another. Then, there are those who come out of the womb writing—child prodigies, who

Comfy, Friendly, Warm-Home

Even though we signed the papers for our new home several days ago, I feel like this is the day our new house becomes really ours. What made the difference? The movers are delivering our furniture. courtesy of Watching a video about a place and going to the place are two totally different experiences. A video can cause me to want to go somewhere, but not leave me with the sensation I had been there, no matter how big the screen is. Today, I'm not looking at a photo on line or recalling my visit with the realtor, I am walking in our house. As the boxes pour out of the truck and fill the house, making narrow mazes to walk through rooms and halls, our house will sprout a kernel of life. One by one those boxes will be emptied and items will be put into their new home. Cleaners will wash away the scents of the last owners. We'll wake the first morning and wonder where we are. Walk to the kitchen and hope the coffee pot was packed in the top box

Caring for Pets When Traveling

The winner of Keli Gwyn's book is...scroll to the bottom, please We have two cats, inherited them from our young adult children who went off to college. To make life easier for them and us, we trained the cats to be outdoor creatures.  photo courtesy of But, when we sold our house in one state and were forced to live in a hotel for one month before moving into our new home in another state, we had to modify life for our pets. Thirty days in a hotel room with cats. The biggest issues: how to keep them from darting out the door, where to put them when the maid insisted she had to clean the room, and how to keep the animal smell from happening. After five days, the two cats pretty much learned they were stuck in the hotel room when our feet blocked the open door. They didn't like it. One sneered, the other cowered, but eventually they came to the door and greeted us without running. Yesterday one stood guard at the door and pleaded to leave. I t

Fabulous Friday Feature-Keli Gwyn

Today I welcome a kind, giving, fun-loving author friend:  Keli Gwyn .   Enter to win an autographed copy of Keli's book A Bride Opens Shop in El Dorado, California, see below. I met Keli through ACFW. she showed a warm friendship right away. I asked her to share her writing journey with you. She of course thought about Thanksgiving and wrote this: How a Writer is Blessed Big Time The stereotypical writer sits at a keyboard, alone for hours on end with no one but a cast of characters for company. When I embarked on my writing journey nearly seven years ago, that description fit. I wrote in virtual isolation for two years. Although I had the support of my family and local friends, I knew no other writers. And then the Lord began showering me with even more blessings. How did it happen? He brought some awesome people into my life. People like you . I’m sure you’ll agree that the many people we meet on our j

A Thankful Heart

I confess, I am a kid at heart. I love watching the Muppets and other kid productions I love the November and December celebrations. So rather than make a Thanksgiving list, I invite you to have some fun and listen to the words of this song. If you can't see the video. Here is the You Tube link: A Thankful Heart May your Thanksgiving celebration fill you with happiness and remind you to have a Thankful Heart. How has God blessed you? I will start the list: I am thankful for my home (we are signing the papers for our new house today) I am thankful for being able to spend time with my children and husband. I am thankful for celebrations. I am thankful for God's gift of love to us.

Giving Thanks At the Right Time

Winner of Jim Rubart's book Soul Gate is...scroll to the bottom of this post. Joni and her husband Ken photo courtesy of I had a frustrating time the other day. Needed to get out of the building and feel the sunshine. While doing a few errands, I turned on the radio, clicked a few stations and happened upon Joni Eareckson Tada's program.  This woman has been a constant inspiration to me. At age seventeen, she went with some friends to a lake and swam out to a floating dock. They soaked in the sun for a while then she decided to go back in the water. She stepped to the edge, held her hands in a diving position above her head, bent over, and dove into the water.  Joni and her friends didn't know the water was too shallow for diving in that area. Her friends became concerned when she didn't surface. Several dove into the water looking for her and brought her wounded body to the surface. Her neck had been broken in the dive, turnin

Fabulous Friday Feature-Jim Rubart

Today I welcome the author who will make you laugh, shake your hand,  and pull you into an intriguing story: Jim Rubart .   Meeting Jim Rubart at the ACFW conference was definitely a highlight for me Enter to win a copy of Jim Rubart's book  Soul's Gate , see below. I first saw Jim in a hilarious skit put on by My Book Therapy during the 2011 ACFW conference. His novel Rooms was a major topic in the bookstore. I picked up a copy and became intwined with the story. I had the privilege to talk with him again at the 2012 ACFW conference .  Jim Rubart in MBT skit with Rachel Hauck, Karen Ball, and Susan May Warren When I heard his new book Soul's Gate had been published I asked him to come tell his writing journey.  I asked Jim to share his writing journey. Here is what he wrote: This Road Ain’t Easy! So many authors. So many different journeys. I’ve yet to hear the story of publication from one of my

Walking in a Professional's Steps

photo courtesy of freedigital A professionals make a business transaction pleasant. They talk with respect, shine a smile-no matter how they feel, do the job-even if they'd rather be fishing, and help those they serviced-happy they did business with them. Every Friday I invite a professional to this website to talk about their career journey. I must admit, each one who has joined me thus far has provided a wonderful post, stimulating our hears and thoughts to expand our world and flavor it with their experiences. Mom's are professionals, too. Have you seen a baby smile after being fed, returned to play after a diaper change, or nestled on her lap? Yes a satisfied customer in  mini size. I've seen professionalism in all walks of careers, included cashiers, you know, the one who puts up with the crabby customer in front of you who complains they've been overcharged two cents, or the fact he/she had to wait in line five minutes.  To me professionalis

Saluting Those Who Have and Are Protecting Us

courtesy of the Library of Congress Photo Library Most likely you know someone who has either been or is currently serving our country in the military. My husband served as a medic in the Air Force during the Viet Nam War. My Dad and father-in-law served in the army. My brother served in the Marines spending time in Japan. My brother-in-law served in the Navy. The only service our family missed was the Coast Guard.  Like you, I have numerous friends who have served in the military as well. Most came home. Some did not. The ones who came home often felt forgotten after a period of time, but the dreams and memories of the time spent in service never left them. They felt in their heart service was honorable, something they were doing for their loved ones and their country. Few regret their choice. And so I am thinking about how I am spending this day which has been set aside to remember and thank the brave men and women who have and are serving our country. There was only one

Fabulous Friday Feature-Erica Vetsch

Today I welcome a super author, kind friend, and one who is a blessing to many: Erica Erica is giving away an autographed copy of her book:     A Bride Sews with Love in Needles, California,  see below. Erica shares her warm smile around the Christian writing community. She is fully engaged in reaching out to others on facebook, twitter, and on her blog. Twelve of her books have been published and a thirteenth will be out in December. I asked her to tell u s about her writing journey and was very happy to receive this great response: When Does Inspiration Come? Recently a friend of mine asked on her blog “What inspires you?” I loved all the answers. Some readers were inspired by music, some by walking in the mountains, some by reading great fiction, or looking at the sky. After some thought, I realized that my most inspirational times, the times when my imagination is most nimble, are those precious moments at night before I fall asleep.