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Showing posts from July, 2014

Fabulous Friday Feature- Sherrinda Ketchersid Pinterest Expert

My close friend and fellow Writer's Alley cat, Sherrinda Ketchersid  is my guest today. She is A-MAZ-ING when it comes to crafts + computers. A while back I did a post on Pinterest and surprise of all surprise many of you loved the post and seemed to want to learn more. I am hardly an expert, but I know someone who is. Meet Sherrinda Ketchersid. Pinterest: The Pros and Cons Pinterest…you’ve heard about it, right? Well, let me tell you, I absolutely love it! It is such a fun site and can be a great tool for anyone to use. From planning a party to writing a book, Pinterest can make it easy to collect pictures and websites to help you with your project. The thing about Pinterest is that you can create “boards” and then “pin” pictures and tutorials from websites all over the web. That way it is easy to go back and find the things you need easily. Think of it as an online filing system…a beautiful, colorful, visual filing system! Here are a picture of

Snail Mail and Post Offices Closing

Photo by Mary Vee I received this thank you note in the mail. Seriously, I had snail mail!! I opened my mail box and inside I found something other than a bill. The little envelope had my name and had a return address from one of my readers on this blog. Photo by Mary Vee I tore open the seal, pulled out the card and read a handwritten message. This meant so much to me. Admit it. When the rare moment comes, don't you get totally jazzed when you find a personal envelope address to you in your mailbox? Those personal messages come about as often as they did when the Pony Express first started. Photo by Mary Vee Our local post office is slated to close. Hubby and I live in a tiny rural community. We don't have a traffic light, store, or gas station. About the only business still open in the "downtown" is the post office.  The decision hasn't been made how or who will deliver our mail. I'm still hoping for the post off

What Would You Do if You Had Free Time?

Photo courtesy My husband and I visited a missionary in June. This is a hard working couple with a difficult ministry. God called them to work in a tribal community.  Like every group of people, this particular tribal people have some really sweet people and some not so sweet people. When they speak, there is a tonal sound to their words. I love listening to it. The missionary has found a way to blend the tribal people and local ranchers in the church. We sat in the service with the blended group, sang with them, prayed with them, and listened to the sermon with them.  The Missionary's Church Photo by Mary Vee The missionary works long days. He bales hay, repairs things in the church, is a worker at the public school...he reaches out to the whole community in order that they may see and want a relationship with Christ. When we visited this missionary, he talked about things his wife wanted to do if she had free time, and things his daughters wanted to do if they

Fabulous Friday Feature-Michelle Rayburn

Today I welcome author:  Michelle Rayburn To win a copy Michelle's book,  The Repurposed and Upcycled Life Scroll to the end of the post  to see how to get your copy. I met Michelle at the Write to Publish Conference. Although a member of the faculty/staff, Michelle's warm and friendly spirit encouraged conferees to chat with her. She never rushed away but always found a time to laugh or talk with us. When I saw her again this year, she invited me to her table. Sure enough we were laughing in seconds. I asked Michelle, "How has God led you on your writing journey?" This is what she replied: A Renewed Sense of Purpose I always knew I loved writing, but didn't know I wanted to be a writer. I was one of the unusual students who enjoyed a writing or speaking assignment from a teacher, and disliked multiple- choice exams. I remember a seventh grade assignment to write a short dialogue between two people. Emphasis on short. I

Helping the Wounded

   A lot of animals like to visit our yard.  This year a family of seven geese have settled here. The little ones have grown from puff balls to nearly adult size already.  Two of the goslings have injured legs. I didn't know how the other geese would treat  them. Would they leave these two behind? This goose hobbled along with the family. Neither of the injured geese were ever alone.     This animal family ate together. Slept together Swam together Preened together The family was relaxed in their routine while the watcher stood guard, ready to alert the family of danger. There are times we all feel wounded.  Perhaps hurtful words said by someone else.  Maybe we disappointed ourselves with what we did or said.  An important person didn't recognize our work,  or we weren't included when others were chosen. As a member of God's family, you can know you are safe. Never l

A Great Opportunity

God blesses us everyday with great opportunities. Even in the midst of trials or fun times, God gives us opportunities. Think about your day so far. Have your cup of coffee? Wait--I'm going to get mine. Be right back. Okay, I'm ready. Had a little fun and put an "M" for Mary on top. :) What opportunity has God given you to bless someone? To bless yourself? (that's okay, by the way. God wants us to be happy) To bless God? Yes. I'm hearing some great ideas from you all: *call a friend *send an email/FB message to someone in need *fix a super dinner for the family tonight *listen to the birds *do the one project I've been putting off *hug my spouse/child/parent *pray for my pastor and his wife Great ideas!!!! It's also okay to ask someone to do something or pray for you.  What prayer request do you have? Write it in the comment section. I will be praying right away for your request.  What can we do for you? Well we'

Fabulous Friday Feature-Linda Glaz

Today I welcome author:  Linda Glaz Enter to win Linda's  new book ,  Bride of Necessity Scroll to the end of the post  to see how to enter. I met Linda at a local ACFW meeting. She taught several of the classes. Her personality, though is lively, smart, and fun. She knows what is up to date in the publishing field and shares tips. After sessions she is one of the most personable people I've met. I instantly counted her a friend. At the meeting I won one of her books. Read my Wednesday post for the book review. Seriously, she is an entertaining author. When I asked Linda how God has led her on her writing journey she gave this answer:  Enjoy All God Has Created How has God led me on my writing journey? After 23 years, there’s so much to tell about how I did everything wrong, then got smart and got serious about the writing, found an agent at conference, and then began working with him as an assistant after a time.  Then a door