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Showing posts from November, 2019

To The Moon And Back

Years ago, when I first started this blog, a writer commented, "I can see you like to travel."  She was right. Imagine, though, taking a trip to the moon!! Today is the fiftieth anniversary of the Apollo 12 mission to the moon. The astronauts' adventure didn't receive the same notoriety as Apollo 11, the landing on the moon, or Apollo 13, the everything-went-wrong-that-could-possibly-go-wrong mission. Thankfully those astronauts survived. Tom Hanks starred in the movie telling the journey. Did you know, though, that the Apollo 12 Saturn V rocket also had problems? Lightning struck the capsule more than once and they lost all power for some time. Did you also know astronauts, Charles Conrad, Jr., Richard Gordan, Jr, and Alan Bean were good friends? Tapes of their conversations during the flight are hilarious. They brought up a tape deck with a variety of music. Told jokes. And much more. The

Wally's Homemade Food At Exit 10

The advantage of traveling is stumbling upon fantastic places to eat.  Sometimes a restaurant is hidden in unexpected places. During this week's snow/ice/sleet storm that bulldozed across the United States this week, hubby and I were forced to stop at exit 10 in Chesterton, Missouri. I must admit, I didn't expect this weather in the southern portion of Missouri. We filled our gas tank, booked a room at the hotel across the expressway, then, after searching, ended up back at the gas station complex. Inside motorists can buy de-icer, scrapers for the windshield, a warm jacket, hats, mittens, and so much more!  To the far left was Wally's Home Style Cook'n. I'll admit I was suspicious. What kind of food would I find at a restaurant tucked in a truck stop? Until I saw these tables. Wally's is smart. First up are the dessert choices. Delicious slices of pies, cakes, and puddings. Farther down, the server will give you a

Have You Been To New Mexico? Epic Vast Beauty. Join Mary Vee For A Quick Trip

This is not my first time driving through New Mexico. If I have my say, it won't be my last.  This state has colorful landscapes mastered.  Someday, I hope to actually stay here a few days here. Probably not in the summer. Too hot. For now, New Mexico serves as a link to my destination. A link worth capturing on film and sharing with you. I drove south on a two-lane highway.  The sun rose to my left.  A desert storm crept over the mountains and spilled into the vast, flat scrublands to my right.  Rain tumbled onto the thirsty land. In the sky, it looked like a fine mist, but the drops that hit my windshield were large, plump, and wet. The storm continued to push across the sky.  The rising sun revealed waves of color in thin portions of the cloud. Back where the rain fell, darkness loomed. Experience has taught me, the best photos are usually behind me. I turned and saw this rainbow pop out of nowhere. The sun dazzled the brush