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Showing posts from January, 2017

The Coffee Shop has Taken over the Golf Course

Who knew what all could happen at a coffee shop? Is it weird that two totally unrelated events came to my attention, having basically nothing to do with coffee, took place at a coffee shop? The first I just sorta blew off, but for some reason it stuck in my head revving up the importance of the second. A friend met a group at a coffee shop. They talked, chatted, conducted business, shared ideas, and went forth armed to take care of whatever they talked about. After the meeting, my friend stayed and wrote some of her story. While she was there, another group formed around tables across from her. This was a class on serving beer. My friend joked she now knew the rules and customs for serving beer. Okay.  Not too interesting other than the coffee shop served as a meeting place for a group of writers, a place for a writer to work, and a place to learn the proper way to serve beer. THEN A guest speaker spoke at my church. He is a missionary who oversees, answers question

The People Who Keep Us On Our Toes

Sometimes we feel alone. We may have a job in a cubical, are a work at home person, a traveler, even a cashier, server, or basically any job can have that alone feeling to it. Potential friends cross our path more than we realize. Author Keli Gwyn sensed this problem as well. Here is how she tackled the issue: When New Friends Cross Our Paths The stereotypical writer sits at a keyboard, alone for hours on end with no one but a cast of characters for company. When I embarked on my writing journey nearly nine years ago, that description fit. I wrote in virtual isolation for two years. Although I had the support of my family and local friends, I knew no other writers. I have a feeling musicians, artists, cooks, and others do the same. And then the Lord began showering me with even more blessings. How did it happen? He brought some awesome people into my life. People like  you . I’m sure you’ll agree that the many people we meet on our journeys are one o

Crossing the Rubicon-A Saying With A Big Meaning

Photo Courtesy For my regular readers you may wonder what happened to the part two post I said I would do today. Sorry. It is postponed. Something incredibly shiny popped up that had to be shared and discussed. I think you'll be interested, too. While satisfying a huge curiosity of mine about the time between the Old and New Testaments, I bumped into the saying, "Crossing the Rubicon" and learned the significance of these words. You may be aware that the Romans controlled Jerusalem during the New Testament days. I had long wondered how the city went from restoration under Nehemiah and Ezra, to being overtaken by the Greeks, and ending up with Roman power--all between Malachi and Matthew. One page in my Bible. A page that lasted four hundred years. Good stuff to learn and if you are interested in following my research in easy story form you can go to my ministry blog  God Loves Kids  and search for all posts "Time in between Testaments" Fast fo

I Could Have Avoided the Topic of Inauguration Today BUT...

I could have avoided the topic of Inauguration today.  But I decided not to because the United States of America, and other countries as well, were formed by a group of people who came together to unify a culture, a way of life. These people felt their cause worth separating from others. Whether a person agrees or disagrees with who was elected, some or all of their views, some or all of their policies, Inauguration Day is still the day that represents the installation of an elected individual to this self governed country. I make it a firm policy to never say who I voted for, and I won't today either. I have that right. There have been many presidents in my lifetime, some I voted for, some I did not, but I cast a ballot every time. Some I didn't agree with their policies or agendas or actions, some I did. But on Inauguration day, respect for the office is crucial. This said I'd like to pose a question to you. It will yank your thoughts from current times. A que

Cleanse Your Reading Palate-3 Day Countdown

Yes, the weather is extremely chilly, for all of us. As long as you are in the northern hemisphere, that is. Brrr. This, my friend, is the perfect time to pick up a book and read it all the way through. Cover to cover. We are a TV, media age and are missing so many wonderful stories told only in books. True movies may have the props, the music, etc. BUT media does not have YOUR imagination. The setting you see, the voice you hear, the touch, the taste (did you know lasagna tastes different to you than it does for me?) This is a fourth of my library. Yeah, hubby and I place a priority on reading. He even built the shelfs. Since this is still January, we have time to establish great habits for 2017. Rather than encourage you to read a book, I'm going to ask you to step outside of your box. The comfy box. The one where you have four of five good books sitting on your nights stand that you plan, have been planning, and might, kinda, sorta, eventually get around to readi

Friday the 13th, This Road Ain't Easy

Friday the 13th has been one of my favorite days since...I can remember. Talk  about a day with plenty of entertainment. People stay away from black cats (I have one..purposely picked the little guy out from the rescue shelter), broken know the crazy thoughts that arise on this day. Did you know, I learned this during my visit to Italy this year, that the residents of Pompeii were superstitious? They had statues of  cornucopia s around the city and small ones in their pocket to "protect them" from their superstitious beliefs. Yeah. Pompeii. Guess the cornucopias didn't work for them. My friend, Jim Rubart  has the fun, joking, yet wise personality of a big brother. He is an author and my guest today--and what a perfect post to have for a Friday the 13th. So...for is Jim Rubart's post, one we all need to read on a mid January weekend that happens to have a Friday the thirteenth.  This Road Ain’t Easy! So ma

One Word for 2017-Ten Day Count Down

I chose "depth" for this year because I want to be more than superficial in everything I do.  So if I am cleaning, I'd like to try harder than to just swipe the dust in view. Maybe pick up objects and clean under them, too. If I'm reading God's Word I want to dig deeper into the meaning of the passage I read. If I'm working on my writing craft, I want to give each minute a quality that amazes even me. If I meet someone for the first time, I want to show them a sincere interest. With all of this in mind, I'm also thinking about the myriad of news and events happening in our world.  How can I become deeper involved? How can I not stir up anger, but stir action in others? How can I lend a hand? How can I help make others aware? My daughter told me about a news event that recently happened in Beijing. There are coal factories that produce heat used in business and homes. There is a fog that has settled over the city. Without wind, t

One-Word Part-Two of the 2017 Party Still Going On!!

I hope you're enjoying the party that is STILL HAPPENING HERE!! SCROLL DOWN to the post below to join in the fun. PRIZES. TELL OTHERS!! EVERYONE IS INVITED!! It's still January, have you remembered to write 2017 instead of 2016? I usually don't until February rolls around. Still-- There is something thrilling about welcoming in a new year. I can hear Marilla Cuthbert telling young Anne Shirley, "Oh stuff and nonsense. Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it." Good advice that fits a new year, eh? 2017  is  a New Year with no mistakes. So what will we do with this year? Think about something really fun that you would like to do this year. Make it at least somewhat doable. Now, write that idea down and tuck the piece of paper someplace safe. At the end of the year we'll pull that piece of paper out and hopefully be surprised that yes, fun things can happen in a year along with the trials. Let's get started with this new 2017: O