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Crossing the Rubicon-A Saying With A Big Meaning

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For my regular readers you may wonder what happened to the part two post I said I would do today.

Sorry. It is postponed.

Something incredibly shiny popped up that had to be shared and discussed. I think you'll be interested, too.

While satisfying a huge curiosity of mine about the time between the Old and New Testaments, I bumped into the saying, "Crossing the Rubicon" and learned the significance of these words.

You may be aware that the Romans controlled Jerusalem during the New Testament days. I had long wondered how the city went from restoration under Nehemiah and Ezra, to being overtaken by the Greeks, and ending up with Roman power--all between Malachi and Matthew. One page in my Bible. A page that lasted four hundred years.

Good stuff to learn and if you are interested in following my research in easy story form you can go to my ministry blog God Loves Kids and search for all posts "Time in between Testaments"

Fast forwarding from Nehemiah past the Greeks and the Hasmoneans, two Roman generals are in power. One took his armies north and west conquering France, the United Kingdom, etc. His name was Julius Caesar. The other marched to the east conquering what is now Turkey and east then south to Jerusalem and around to Egypt, his name was Pompey. 

Caesar and Pompey had agreed to let a three man committee rule the Roman empire while they were off conquering. The committee died out leaving Caesar and Pompey to fight over who would be in control. 

Petty fighting took place. Caesar marched his men to the Rubicon River. At that time, there was a Roman law stating the generals could not cross the Rubicon River.

Caesar ordered his army to cross the river, which was an act of war. A declaration. A point of decision that could not be reversed. He had committed himself and his army to this war and there was no turning back.

Caesar led his army in pursuit of General Pompey. General Pompey and his men fled east around the Mediterranean and south around to Egypt where Caesar conquered him. Caesar then proclaimed himself emperor.

And that is how the saying, Crossing the Rubicon came to mean: a point of no return. A decision with no way to turn back. A commitment. Firm. Binding. 

We are coming to the end of January. Many resolutions have faded. Perhaps we slumped back into habits we'd hoped to have conquered this year.

But hopefully there are some things for which we have Crossed the Rubicon. I'd say my faith in Jesus Christ is a definite Crossing of the Rubicon. In all these years, I have not gone back on this decision. I'm not perfect. Have much to learn. But God knows that and continues to teach and work with me every day.

Another is my marriage vows. Many, many moons have passed with this commitment firmly intact. 

My love for my children. Ah yes. Binding. Unstoppable. 

Help me think of some more.

What Rubicon's have you crossed?

Just a thought, while in Italy this October, we crossed the Rubicon. The tour guide probably pointed it out without me understanding the significance. Now I know.

This post has been brought to you by the one-word: Commitment 


Robin E. Mason said…
my dedication to my writing career - and learning to call it a career not "just" something I'm doing!
quietspirit said…
Mary: Any commitment we make is tantamount to "Crossing the Rubicon." I studied Latin for three years when I was in high school. I had forgotten the meaning. Thank you for the reminder. Blessings to you.
Definitely, Robin. BECAUSE God has called you to this work. And see the product so far? You have, what, three books? That is so awesome. Keep going.
Wow, I would really like to learn Latin. I'm serious. But first, I'm chasing Italian. Yep, I meant the word chasing.
I guess what I'm seeing is if we need to reserve the word "commitment" for something we are really and truly serious about, right.

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