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Showing posts from December, 2016

Good News

Twas (It is the week before Christmas.) And all is a bustle. I don't know about you, but I've put in some long days, preparing rooms, menus, shopping, and activities for the family members who will be here for Christmas. I love the preparations but am really happy for the break to write this blog.  Hey, want to take a break with me?  In this fourth week of Advent let's think about some amazing words from our heavenly Father. Absolutely nothing can separate us from God's love.  You are so loved.  To prove His love, God sent His Son, Jesus,  to live among us, talk with us, teach us, show us about God. Jesus is our Good News. He made a way for us to live forever with the God who loves us. Christmas will be celebrated this Sunday by many. It will be a  time to celebrate and remember the birth of God's Son.  Years ago a family from church told me they held a birthday party for Jesus on Christmas day. They made a birthday cake and put up


Erica Vetsch shares her warm smile around the Christian writing community. She is fully engaged in reaching out to others on facebook, twitter, and on her blog. She has a gift of inspiring others to do...whatever God has directed. More than thirteen of her books have been published. Today, Erica discusses inspiration. When does it come. And what happens when inspiration strikes us. Inspiration Recently a friend of mine asked on her blog “What inspires you?” I loved all the answers. Some readers were inspired by music, some by walking in the mountains, some by reading great fiction, or looking at the sky. After some thought, I realized that my most inspirational times, the times when my imagination is most nimble, are those precious moments at night before I fall asleep. Photo Courtesy For as long as I can remember, I have daydreamed myself to sleep at night. When the house is quiet, everything is dark, and I can just close my eyes and let my mind drift to mag

Advent-A Secret Kept By An Entire City

photo by Mary Vee It's the third week of Advent 2016. Set aside the crazy aspects that take place, you know what they are, and think of the heart meaning of Advent with me.  Breathe in deeply. Hold the air. Slowly release. Ready? This is a time of wonder and preparation. Dedicate your thoughts for what is about to come: The celebration of the birth of Christ the King. Feels good, yes? Okay, I couldn't keep from talking to you about Italy another week. I learned so much about the rich heritage of this country while there. Trust me, you'll see why today's post is worth your time and its connection with Advent.  Photo by Mary Vee After walking through the entrance of St. Francis Basilica, through the lower chapel with the breathtaking painted ceilings, up the narrow stairs, and out to a court, I saw this view. The lower brick area was the first floor I just walked through, the upper stained glass windows are the third floor, the main chapel where the P

Dusty Hidden Places

Today's guest is Cynthia Toney. I know her from a young adult writers small group in ACFW. Her gift and ideas for books has launched her writing career. Dusty Hidden Places I love the writing world. I feel as though I have finally come home. A long career in art, advertising design, and marketing distracted me from pursuing what I always wanted to do but didn’t quiet the urge. When people asked if I drew or painted in my leisure hours, the answer was always no. Did I dare tell them my dirty little secret? That in quiet solitude I put on paper (no personal computer then) ideas for greeting cards, instructional articles, and advice columns?  In performing my duties as advertising artist and graphic designer, I took every opportunity to write when the job offered it. I couldn’t help but attempt to improve advertising copy that came across my desk for use in an ad I designed. Not everyone in the business appreciated my editorial efforts, however.    Once, I was chastised

Advent-How Michelangelo Struggled to Show Christ's Ultimate Sacrifice

It's the second week of Advent 2016. Set aside the crazy aspects that take place, you know what they are, and think of the heart meaning of Advent with me.  Breathe in deeply. Hold the air. Slowly release. Ready? This is a time of wonder and preparation. Dedicate your thoughts for what is about to come: The celebration of the birth of Christ the King. Feels good, yes? Okay, I couldn't get Italy off my mind for today's post. Why? Because Michelangelo's four Pietas are seared in my memory from my trip to Italy this last October. The power. The emotion. I could have stood before each one for hours, so deeply impacted with the message. Here is the artist's first Pieta. Showcased in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City. Seeing this piece was beyond inspirational.  Michelangelo sculpted this piece when only twenty-three years old. Mary is portrayed as a young person, indicating that Christ died even for her. See the way she holds Jesus as a n

God Given Talent Isn't Enough...What He Expects

Photo by Mary Vee - Rocky Mountains, Montana I met Angie Breidenbach at a Montana ACFW meeting held in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. She is a sweet friend who is always willing to help. A piece of trivia for you: Angie was Mrs. Montana.  Driving through Montana you can't help but think about God. Rocky Mountains, vast flat ranch lands, rugged to the max. Breathtaking. Today we're talking about the talents God has given us. But possessing your talent just isn't enough. If we allow insecurities or other things to distract us from using these magnificent talents, then what good is it? I asked Angie to share her thoughts... God Given Talent isn't Enough...What He Expects  I am a communicator, I talk a lot, write a lot, and connect. There's irony in that statement because though we have natural talents and innate personalities, we still must learn the skills of how to use those talents to become who we are meant to be. Coming from a home