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Showing posts from October, 2019

Before the Chilly Temps Hit...Head For the Beach!

The snow pictures are appearing on the internet. Already! I've seen some from Colorado, Iowa, and Montana. I hear the snow is heading east.  Before the chilly temps take us to the end of the year, let's head to the beach one more time, eh? I especially enjoy the duck families who visit every year. Once their babies are old enough they leave. But until then, they hang around on our little beach. Lake Superior, in Michigan just has this chilly look to it most of the time. Yes, there is some snow in this picture.  Even without it, the shade of blue typically seen here is chilly. These tenacious weeds grow with a fervor. The only way to keep the sand available for fun is to pull them. Lake Michigan has a bit more green to the water. The shore has a powdery soft sand. West of Traverse City, Michigan is this scenic area. The drop off is 450 ft. A blast to run down...a dredge to climb back up. The Oregon shore of the Pacific had gray grainy sa

The Matterhorn- A Chilling Adventure

Did you know I went to the Alps this month? Seriously! The picturesque mountains of Europe. The snowcapped most of the year string of mountains. The place of history, culture, a-mazing food, and much more. Oh to pick from the many amazing opportunities, sites and sounds, smells and tastes to talk about today. I am beyond jazzed. Can you tell???? All pics were taken by me. If you use any please give my name credit Let's see. Today I will choose: The Matterhorn.  Pools of blue/green water have their color from mineral deposits left from the glacier that was once on this section of the mountain. If you look closely at how tiny the people are down there, thi is a tad bigger than a pool. Because of the Matterhorn's pointy shape, the winds, and the treacherous terrain, only professional climbers attempt the climb. 500 people have died in the attempt. There is, however, a cog rail that takes viewers on a steep climb to the top of a mountain across f

Don't Let the Heat Keep You Inside When Visiting San Antonio

My excuse for traveling to San Antonio was an important writing conference. Fortunately, several writing friends and I had an opportunity to walk to nearby attractions. All photos are by Mary Vee. Please credit my name if you use them. Visitors may enter the grounds and the fort free of charge. There is a donation box if you choose to contribute. I first stopped by early in the morning on my walk and was surprised to see a gate open and a guard standing in front of it.  I commented on the lovely trees to the guard. This live oak was one of my favorites. He pointed to his favorite trees inside the gardens.  I thought the tree to the left might have been a Banyon. They are similar in that both are huge trees with massive curvy branches that are as thick as trunks.  Later in the day I returned to the grounds where I photographed this door and arch. Notice the intricate scroll work etched into the stone. Very impressive. Am I right? COMMERCI