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Showing posts from March, 2014

And Then We Hear About...

Just when we think our lives are overwhelming.  Overworked. Stressed. Burdened. God allows us to catch a fantastic story in the news. Yup. It happened here. I wasn't whining, complaining. Wasn't even feeling sorry for myself. It was more of a: wow my to do list has 30 hours of work for today. And then I caught a few minutes of the Live with Kelly and Michael show. To make sure I caught this clip, God had to get me out of my house since we don't have TV, inspire me to drive to the hotel where my husband was working, make him too tired after working the night shift to get up for breakfast forcing me to go by myself, have the hotel tune the community breakfast room TV station to this show, AND have me listening at the time.  He did all of that to let me catch this five minute focus on Lauren Perkins, mother of sextuplets. What captured my attention about this woman was her smile and attitude. In previous news stories about mega birth families, the

Fabulous Friday Feature-Anita Higman Returns

Today I welcome  author, Anita Higman a sweet and friendly lady,  with a desire to help others  Enter to win Anita's  latest release, Home at Last (there will be four winners!) Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter. After the fabulous turn out from Anita's last visit, I simply had to invite her back to share with us again. Anita has released another new book, too! I met Anita after agreeing to read her book for a publisher.   Click here to read my review   I was very impressed with Anita's writing style, her humor, the realism in her story, yeah. As you can see from the list to the right, her post has has the greatest number of hits on my site..over 1,000!  I asked Anita to share something more about God's blessings in her on her writing journey. Here is what she said: What is Truly Passionate? When a man kisses a woman—and the two care about each other in an amorous way—well, we’re most likely guaranteed some

Opportunities Captured

Today thousands of opportunities will come our way. Good and bad. The choice to capture the opportunity or walk away from a bad opportunity will be ours. The moment may be something as simple as having a chance to say something nice or encouraging. Perhaps holding back unkind words. The moment may be a huge imposition, like having to leave an activity to meet someone's need. We sit comfortably, sipping tea or coffee. A thought pops in our head. An idea to DO something.  We ponder. Then decide. The decision is either selfish or giving.  When my children were little, they had a favorite book. One would grab the treasure in her little hand and bring it to me. "Read it."  This was the seemingly 400 request to read the same book that day. (I read it :) ) You may have experienced a similar constant request. Or early in the morning, a thought wakens me before the alarm goes off. Get out of bed, where the blankets are nice and warm, and do morning Bible rea

Joys of Listening

Photo Courtesy This week our church is wrapping up our AWANA program for the year. I have served as the Sparks Director (grades K-2) for about eight years.  I must admit, in the wintertime, when the sun goes down at 4:30pm I have to drag myself out of my snuggly warm house to get in my car, drive the thirty miles on icy roads, and duke it out with the bitter wind to walk from my car to the church building--can you hear me grousing? As I step in the door and look about, everything changes  as the dance of little feet and music of young voices begins. Photo Courtesy I blink away the snowflakes, blow my runny nose, and see the children hopping, squealing, tagging, chatting, and giggling in the foyer. A few run up to me…."Miss Mary…" and the first story of many for the night is told. The little ones flitter about as I hang up my coat and fish out my ID badge from the bucket. Once a boy or girl has shared their important news, they skip away, callin

Fabulous Friday Feature-Mesu Andrews

Today I welcome  author Mesu Andrews Enter to win Mesu's   March 2014 release, In the Shadow of Jezebel Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter. I met Mesu when reading about her book in an email. It sounded very interesting. I wrote to Mesu and instantly we became friends. She has such a warm heart and desire to serve God. I asked Mesu to visit with us and share how God has led her on her writing journey. Here is what she said: I Felt the Spirit's Nudge I never intended to become a writer. In 1996, I was a busy pastor’s wife with two pre-teen girls and a growing speaking ministry. I didn’t have time to be sick, but an annoying flu bug lingered for weeks, then months. Eighteen months later I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and I began journaling for the first time. A slower pace provided more quiet time with Jesus, and I began sharing weekly e-devotionals with family and friends. About the same time, a Bible study piq

Spring Break-Northern Rims

Spring Break- Northern Rims of the Grand Canyon.  This is the last day of our trip. The Northern Rims are chilly. I hear there will be a storm, maybe even snow! Bring a warm jacket, walking shoes to head down the trails, and your camera. Ready? As we drive to the entrance the storm is closing in. I love watching the rolling clouds. Notice the difference in the trees here? Scroll down to the last post to see the more desert style trees at the Southern Rim. We are higher in altitude, hence the temperature change. The buffalo don't seem to mind the rain. The rain quickly turned to snow.  Several families parked their car to let their children get out and throw snowballs. Hold tight to the branch as you lean over the edge. Be adventurous, step out on the rocks to get the best view! I hope you had fun at the Grand Canyon during Spring break.  I'm excited to read your comments when I get back. Your turn: What is the