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Showing posts from May, 2014

Fabulous Friday Feature- Bethany Macmanus- Mystery/Suspense Author

Today I welcome mystery/suspense author:  Bethany Macmanus Enter to win  Bethany's book ,  Murdered Between Stalagmites Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter. I've had a wonderful time getting to know Bethany on FB. We've chatted and shared some amazing stories, some you can read below. We've become good friends. During one of our conversations I asked her to join us and share how God has led her on her writing journey. Here is what she wrote: Gravitated to Things That Go Bump in the Night It all began when my mother pulled me out of kindergarten halfway through the year and started homeschooling me. I'd simply gotten sick one too many times, and Goodness knows I got in too much trouble for talking to my little seatmate, Brian. (To this day, I'm too extroverted to spend much time sitting at my desk, though I love writing so!) I would get my schoolwork done before lunch and then dive straight into a stack of

Book Review of Meant To Be Mine, $200 Visa Card Giveaway, & Facebook Party (6/10) with @BeckyWadeWriter!

Enter today's book give away from today's post.  Simply leave a comment and become a follower  OR subscriber. "Daddy." That one word spoken by a little girl melted the heart of the most famous bull rider on the rodeo circuit and had him sitting on the floor listening to princess stories.  How quick can a man fall in love with his child? In a heartbeat.  I liked the way Becky Wade 's story, Meant to Be Mine portrays the deep love of a father for his daughter. His willingness to sacrifice time and money not only for her needs, but to draw this child who hadn't met him until age five into a loving father-daughter relationship warms the heart. But little Addie's mom didn't feel the same. Since the morning after their impromptu wedding, Celia struggled with the hurt from his words. "The wedding was a mistake." he said. He loved the girl from back home. Duty bound to protect her daughter from the same hurt, Celia refused to le

Selah-Memorial Day

Photo Courtesy We often see the word Selah in the book of Psalms. The word Selah means: Take time to pause. Let's pause to thank those who have represented our country in the military. Both those who gave their life or were injured in service and those who returned to their homes carrying the memories of their service. Let's also remember their families and pray for them. There is one Psalm that uses the word Selah several times.                                                                                         Psalm 32 I acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the  Lord ,” And You forgave the iniquity of my sin.  Selah For this cause everyone who is godly shall pray to You In a time when You may be found; Surely in a flood of great waters They shall not come near him. You  are  my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me w

Fabulous Friday Feature-Dianna Benson

Today I welcome an author who shares God's peace in Suspense stories:  author Dianna Benson Just announced- Dianna is the 2014 Selah winner!! Congratulations, Dianna!! Enter to win  Dianna's book ,  Final Trimester Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter. I was very happy when Dianna asked to join our Fabulous Friday Feature segment for a weekend. She is the one of only a few suspense novelists who has taught me I can read this genre and survive. (I have a secret. If you ask in the comment section, I’ll tell you.) Each of these authors has a sweet natured personality and love to joke in conversations. Why is that? I have no clue. I'm going to have to ask Dianna to shed light on that subject. You'll enjoy our chat today! I asked her to share with us how God has led her on her writing journey. Here is what she said: A Thrilling Ride! I started writing my first book in 1993. After completing five mainstream su

What Is Your Golden Age

If you could live at anytime in history, what time would you choose? I recently watched a movie where the main character wanted to live in Paris during the 1920's. At the stroke of midnight he was mysteriously transported to the 1920s. He, of course, saw all the mystique and awe of the sights, sounds, and people. It truly was all he had hoped. Then he met a girl from the 20's who had the same thoughts but about the 1890's. One night as they walked the Parisian streets they were mysteriously transported to the 1890's. She, of course, saw all the mystique and was in awe with the sights, sounds, and people. It truly was all she had hoped.  The main character heard two men from the 1890's talking about the wonder of the Renaissance and wishing they could have lived at that time. It was then that he realized we all wish to be in a different time and place.  His revelation helped him realize the beauty of the year he originally lived in. A great theme. I

The Pontoon and the Empty Heart

When we bought our current house, the previous owner didn't want to take the small pontoon paddle boat. She asked us to buy it. My husband didn't even blink before saying yes. Winter moseyed by followed by the perfect summer to try out the pontoon. Hubby stepped on board and hopped back off before the boat sank. He pulled the boat back out of the water and hauled it back up to the shed. Poor pontoon sat in the corner the rest of the summer and through the next winter before hubby gave it a second chance. He researched Internet sites, examined the information, and devised a theory. The inner tubes inside the pontoons needed air. Hubby pulled the pontoon out of the shed and set it in the grass. He hauled the compressor out and filled the inner tubes with air. The pontoon was drug down to the lake and tested.  Go figure. It didn't sink.  Hubby grabbed his fishing pole and paddled out to the lake. ~~ There was a time when my heart was e

Fabulous Friday-Nike Chillemi-Crime Stopping Mystery Author

Today I welcome an author who writes Crime Stopping Action Stories spiced with humor:  Nike Chillemi Enter to win  Nike's book ,  Harmful Intent Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter. Nike is the leader of my ACFW crit group. She keeps our gang of varied genre writers together with her godly spirit and love for helping other writers. While we've prayed for each other's needs, I was truly touched when reading her post for today. Nike has several books published and has just released her latest. When I heard the good news I asked her to visit with us and share how God had led her on her writing journey. Here is what she wrote: When I Listened I'm not one to say, "God told me to write this novel," still, I do feel it's been God nudging me to write fiction. I do get inspiration for my stories, seemingly out of nowhere . Of course, we know what this type of silent and sudden muse is all about. It's the Holy Spirit