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Showing posts from June, 2014

Celebrating Two Years

Two wonderful years of chatting with you about tons of topics. Thank you! Reading your comments is one of my favorite times of the day. God has blessed. During this second year, I have focused on bringing interesting guests every weekend to lead our discussion. Weren't they awesome?   The Fabulous Fridays are not limited to authors. The theme is: sharing how God has led an individual on their journey. We've read some fantastic adventures. If you've missed any, or would like to reread one, click on the tab at the top "Fabulous Past Guest's Testimonies." The list is in alphabetical order by last name. On Monday and Wednesdays I post other discussion starters and devotionals. Topics have included: what we learn in church, what we see in nature, current events, book and movie reviews, anything that starts a discussion, a giggle, or a praise. And now, sit back and enjoy our chat. Here, have some virtual sweet tea or freshly brewed coffee.

Fabulous Friday Feature-Glitches, Issues, Inconveniences

Photo Courtesy My sweet guest didn't show.   I can't help but wonder what happened.  Photo courtesy I hope everything is okay for her.  In fact, I almost hope she was so busy she forgot about coming today rather than she have a problem. Photo Courtesy Have you had this happen that to you? You made arrangements to be somewhere then--due to something crazy or sickness, or Aunt Polly calling to chat for three hours and you know how difficult it is to get her off the phone, or a flat tire, or, well, there are tons of these types of glitches that vaporize any memory of the arrangements. And when you remember you feel really bad. Photo Courtesy I'm not even going to tell you who the author is...because when she remembers and emails me--the poor thing will probably lavish her apologies--I'm going to ask her to reschedule. I'm convinced she has a wonderful testimony to share with us.  So,


Photo Courtesy What is the greatest treasure you have? Let's assume air, heartbeat, and other essentials are already on the list and think of something different for this topic. God gives us many treasures. Sometimes we don't notice them because we've always had them. Water, a roof, food, freedom to worship, transportation, communication, ability to read, our senses, friends, clothes, etc.  Still, God watches over us, insuring the sun, moon, and stars stay where they should, gravity works, web of life functions, and etc. He loves us so much He wants us to enjoy the treasures. Have you decided what your greatest treasure is? Good. If this treasure is a person : take a moment and pray for him/her. Thank God for the blessing of having this person in your life. Say something special to them even if you have to use the phone or social media. Memories tend to fade over time, so consider what could be done to help you recall in the future what you are rememb

Sneaky Moms

Photo Courtesy My adult son made his opinion crystal clear. No birthday celebrations for him.  He is turning one of those golden numbers and hasn't figured out our girly trick--perpetually 29. The rascal even insured there could be no celebration by tightly packing his day. Even Houdini couldn't squeeze a visit to my son. Hah! As though he could stop a mother! My covert plan went into action a week before his birthday. Super charged with kindness and infused with respect for him, a brilliant idea flashed in my mind (shh, his birthday is today--don't tell anyone) Step one : Buy small gifts that he likes. Hubby and I went to a bookstore and found a small sign complete with his style of humor and perfect for him to hang in his apartment. We also found a book about his favorite topic: political history. Step two : Leave gift in bag (make sure receipt and price tags are removed) Step three : Write a check for spending money. Step four : Engage plan. A we

Fabulous Friday Feature: Cynthia Ruchti-All My Belongings

Today I welcome author:  Cynthia Ruchti Enter to win Cynthia 's book ,  All My Belongings Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter. I met Cynthia at the Write to Publish Conference. Although a member of the faculty/staff, Cynthia's warm and friendly spirit encouraged conferees to chat with her. She never rushed away but always found a time to laugh or talk with us. When I saw her again this year, she invited me to her table. Sure enough we were laughing in seconds. I asked Cynthia, "How has God led you on your writing journey?" This is what she replied: God took Me on The Scenic Route When I was younger, I naively thought that the verse “straight and narrow is the way”—referring to the simple, well-defined, narrow-bordered way to peace with God—meant that the career and service path God sets us on is like that, too. But almost without exception, He carves an individualized, “scenic” route that defines what He wants

A Love Hate Relationship with Bugs

Photo Courtesy Mosquitos seem to think I am their best friend.  They follow me whenever I step outside and try their best to invite themselves into my house. I hate mosquitos. One five minute walk to the car renders at least twenty bites. Black flies, heard the news and swarmed to my house. Yeah, I was the main menu. I hate black flies. The bites last me twice as long as any other member of my family.  Between the mosquitos and black fly bites I look like I have chicken pox. Shall we talk about deer flies and spiders? Oh yes. Every critter knows my first name. As I nursed my wounds this summer, I should have bought stock in hydrocortisone, my sweet Father in heaven gave me these verses: The cow and the bear shall graze; Their young ones shall lie down together; And the lion shall eat straw like the ox. 8  The nursing child shall play by the cobra’s hole, And the weaned child shall put his hand in the viper’s den. 9  They shall not hurt nor destroy in all

Why Trusting is So Difficult

Photo Courtesy At first I thought we could talk about treasuring each moment. After all, w e never know how long God has given us here. Seconds after the thought came to me, I received a call from my adult daughter. Her voice was shaky.  She happened to be in a bad neighborhood at the moment and something frighten her. I did treasure her phone call, but I didn't treasure her being afraid. Hubby and I talked with her for a while. He, of course, found a way to make her laugh, and by the end of the conversation, she felt better. In rethinking my original idea, God probably doesn't expect us to treasure each moment. The Bible says God forgets the sins of His children as far as the east is from the west. Obviously, He has chosen not to treasure some of our moments. The Bible also says God will never leave us, nor forsake us. So in the untreasured moments, we can know God is standing by our side, doing what is needed to cause the situation to work into His big plan. Un

Fabulous Friday Feature-Janet Tronstad

Today I welcome  author  Janet Tronstad Enter to win  Janet's book: either  Lovebirds at Heartbreak Cafe or Alaskan Sweethearts                                                                                           Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter. I've know Janet only a short time and already feel a kindred friendship with her. She's just one of those kind a gals.  I asked her to share with us how God has led her on her writing journey. Here is what she said: An Awkward Partnership I am so excited to be with you today. Mary posed a difficult question when she asked me to share the spiritual aspects of my writing journey with you. God, me, and my writing have been, at times, an awkward partnership. I was writing before I knew Him very well and, by the time I felt the urge to dedicate my work to him, I didn’t do it because I had accumulated rejections (lots of them) and didn’t want to appear like I was