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Where Did I Hide My Car This Time?

By Mary Vee

This last month, I should have bought stock in tires. Burned enough rubber to keep any tire factory in business. Most of the miles in a rental car.

Each rental car white.


I haven't a clue.

But when walking through the hotel lobby door to the parking lot, I realized everyone in the hotel had rented or purchased a similar white car. Okay, maybe not everyone, but it seemed like it. You know that lost feeling when walking out of a store, "Where did I park this time?" Uh huh.


Sandra Bullock's character, Lucy used this in While You Were Sleeping to prove she knew Peter's car. Katherine Heigl's character Stephanie Plum used this in One For the Money to find Morelli's car.

Yes, the FOB.

In a row of six white similar cars, mine blinked yellow lights as if it were a long lost friend begging me to save it from the cloned masses. Luke Skywalker lifting off a storm trouper helmet revealing his true identity to the princess in episode four of the Star Wars saga.

How did car owners identify their vehicle when they first came off the assembly line? Each product looked the same! Did they have to remember where they parked? And what if their vehicle was the first one in the row but another car came along and parked on the left side? No rearview mirrors to hang an identifier.

I am thankful for the FOB.

And then I wondered, if a group of people stood together, who could tell which was a child of God? Sometimes I fail to show others I belong to Him.  Did I blend in, or did I stand apart? What spiritual FOB could reveal my faith? God reminded me.  Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

To make sure my spiritual FOB is working, I need to walk with God daily and practice the fruit of the Spirit moment by momet. I'm not perfect. Have failed many times. Diving back in the Word of God recharges my spiritual FOB batteries enabling me to be seen clearly as a child of God.

Do you have any funny FOB stories?

photo courtesy of


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