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Fabulous Friday Feature: Krista Phillips

Today I welcome my kindred friend, authoress, funny, techy smart, willing to help, loving mom: Krista.  

Enter to win a copy of Krista's new book, Sandwich with a Side of Romance

I met Krista as a writing partner for the Writers Alley. We have prayed together, written posts, encouraged and blessed each other through an online friendship. AND I AM ROOMING WITH HER AT THE ACFW CONFERENCE!  eeeeeeeeeeee! I asked Krista to share with us the blessings to publication

Bubbling about Publishing

Bubbling Over!

Mary asked me to "bubble" about my publishing experience.
So I'm going to try to reach back into the past and pull out my teenage-bubbly-girl hat and like, totally, tell you about how radically cool and awesome publishing is.

Or something like that!

Preparation Bubbles

Like a sandwich, all publishing journeys need a little prep time. Some will be a year, some will be twenty years.

Mine was bubblin' four years from when I first started seriously writing to the time that wicked awesome contract was in my hands.

While the prep time can be grueling at time, I wouldn't change a thing about it. I met a bunch of great writers who I plan to have as friends for life. I've grown as a writer and grown in my faith as I've faced rejections, discouragement, and those blessed rays of hope that God brings at just the right time.
Bubble Lesson: Embrace the Journey!

Down-to-Business Bubbles

In 2011, my writing career went from elusive dream to EEEEEE worthy possibility! An editor approached me, asking to see my stuff. I sent her a proposal and sample chapters of my book, A Sandwich Romance. A few months later, she asked for a full. A few more months later, she called, offering a contract. Two days later, I secured an agent, Rachelle Gardner.

It was a pinch-me year!

But... it was a hard year too. My daughter was in the hospital, dying of heart failure while waiting for a heart transplant. She received the life-giving gift on April 9th, 2011. She had a bunch more ups and downs, including another heart surgery when her new heart was failing.

That ended "bubbly" too. She's now doing FABULOUS with her new heart and toddling all around my HOUSE, not the hospital.

Bubble Lesson: Hold on for the Ride!

Releasing Bubbles

My book is OUT!


Is that bubbly enough?

Effective September 1st, 2012, my debut novel, Sandwich, with a Side of Romance officially released! Pinch me or blow bubbles in my face or something!

I won't lie. As FUN and AWESOME as it has been, it's been stressful at times too. But I'm so in awe of my VERY big God who has orchestrated my publishing journey and brought me JOY through times of pain and frustration.

So really, I'm bubbling over with Jesus' love even more than I am about publishing epicness.

Bubble Lesson: It's all about JESUS!

If you, like, wanna, read my book, or something, you know, you can always, like go to a bookstore and get it or go to amazon or  Barnes and Noble if you wanna. But you don't have to. It'd be, like, totally sweet if you did though.

Oh, and I also blog at  so it'd be super cool to see you over there on the downlow...?

(and with that, I'm now returning to my 31-year-old person!)

Thank you Krista for this bubbly response. The road to publication can be wild

God has given all us some bubbly moments to encourage us 
or help us see the lighter side of life.
What bubbly experience have you can be about anything.

I'll start. One of many bubbly experiences: I was the first one in my family, including my parents, to graduate from college. They were very proud. 

To enter to win a copy of Krista's new book, Sandwich With a Side of Romance, leave a comment and sign up to become a follower. Please leave your email address. USA residents only. Winners chosen by

Winner will be announced on Monday's post.


Janice said…
Bubbles! Wow! I can even remember as a girl how special it was when the dishwashing would produce a rare airborne bubble.

I felt really bubbling over when I finished homeschooling our son and he went to a Christian college where I knew his faith would be strengthened and not eradicated. I was so happy to see the final results of those long years without pay for getting him educated.

It would be great to win your book, and I do believe I would feel bubbly over that!

Blessings, Janice
Don't forget to become a follower to complete your entry. Thanks Janice:)
Anonymous said…
Bubbly is a good way to look at life. A smile is a free gift that many cherish receiving. Bubbly people are just plain fun to be around. I am glad your daughter is better, and she will hopefully continue to provide you with bubbly times.

Anonymous said…
Bubbly is a good way to look at life. A smile is a free gift that many cherish receiving. Bubbly people are just plain fun to be around. I am glad your daughter is better, and she will hopefully continue to provide you with bubbly times.

Thank you Marcia for stopping. I see you are a follower so I have entered you in the book drawing.
Krista Phillips said…
LOVED bubbling with you Mary!!!!! Thank you so much for having me!
sandra said…
I have had so many bubbling over experiences in my life because I have been very blessed. Marrying my husband and having two great kids have provided many of the greatest times of my life. I know I was bubbling over with joy when my first born son graduated from high school and just started college. So proud of him! Can't wait to read this book--sounds great!
thanks for stopping by. What great news about your sons. And what a wonderful blessing they've been to you.

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