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Fabulous Friday Feature-Robin Caroll

Today I welcome an authoress who will be the new ACFW Executive Director. 
A warm and caring authoressmy friend, Robin . 

I met Robin through ACFW. She has accepted the position of ACFW's Executive Director starting 2013. Robin has volunteered many hours with ACFW with the express goal of helping others. Robin is an author of southern stories of mystery and suspense. Like everyone else, she has been busy during the Christmas holiday, but took a break to spend time with us.  

Robin, When and how did God let you know He needed you in a writing ministry/career?

I've always loved to tell stories to entertain people, I just didn't realize so many years ago that He would call me to writing stories of hope and faith. Early in 2005, I felt the strong desire to write fiction with the purpose to entertain, but also to honor Him in every story.

What sparks of happiness has God given you?

Every time I get a contract offer, I give praise to Him. Every day, I get to do something I love that honors can you beat that?

I understand you will take on a major role at ACFW effective January 1, 2013. Please tell us what you will be doing and how the job helps members.

ACFW is the one organization I can say has helped me beyond any doubt in my writing career. Because of that, I started volunteering in order to give back to the writing community. Each year, I took on new duties and adventures, which have blessed me so much. Beginning in 2013, with the restructuring of ACFW, I'll be the Executive Director. This position will oversee all aspects of ACFW. I'll be taking vision directive and oversight from the Executive Board and implementing those with staff and volunteers. We're so excited about being able to add a strong layer of cohesiveness across all areas of ACFW, which will benefit all the members, published and unpublished.

What is the one favorite book you ever read?

The Stand, by Stephen King.

Other than your new ACFW duties, what goals do you have for next year?

I have four projects lined up for addition to the three books I already have scheduled to release.

How has your family supported your ministry?

I can't imagine doing any of this without my family's full support. My husband is also ACFW staff, so he understands the deadlines and responsibilities. He is an enormous help in our daily schedule and the kids are beyond understanding when I'm on deadline. They're okay with quick dinners; grilled cheese and soup, or salad & sandwiches. LOL They all help in researching or plotting or developing of characters, so with every release, we celebrate the entire family's contribution!

If you are unable to see the video below, go to this link: Robin Caroll Interview

Robin was born and raised in Louisiana, Robin is a southerner through and through. Her passion has always been to tell stories to entertain others. Robin's mother, bless her heart, is a genealogist who instilled in Robin the deep love of family and pride of heritage--two aspects Robin weaves into each of her 15 published novels. Her books have finales/placed in such contests as the Carol Award, Holt Medallion, RT Reviewer's Choice Award, Bookseller's Best, and Book of the Year.

Robin's web site:

Thank you Robin for joining us this weekend!

Reader, How has your family supported you in your career?


Becky Doughty said…
Mary and Robin,

Robin, welcome to your new role in ACFW - as a new member this last year, I am praying for all the changes taking place and looking forward to what the Lord is doing in this industry.

I love that your favorite book is The Stand - it's one of my all-time favorites, too, and every time I think of it, I'm inspired to pray for Stephen King. I really believe that he hears the knocking of the Lord at the door of his heart--some of his books like The Stand are evidence to that--but just needs the right push to open it to Him. Wouldn't THAT be an amazing testimony????

Mary - enjoying getting to know you here. Thanks for having Robin today.
Thanks for joining us today.
What insight about Stephen King. I will join you in prayer.
I hope to see you again!
Ganise said…
Hello Mary and Robin! (Nice to see you again Mary! :-)

Robin- how cool! I really enjoyed reading this.
ACFW's Executive Director starting 2013.... My congratulations! I've seen your name before and I'm glad to have read a bit about you.

'Every time I get a contract offer, I give praise to Him. Every day, I get to do something I love that honors can you beat that?'

Bless you, ma'am.

Please keep up the good work here, Mary!

You came back! Yeah.
You simply must meet Robin. Are you able to go to the conference? She and her husband, Casey are so much fun.
Robin is a blessing as are her books. I hope you have an opportunity to read one.
Unknown said…
Mary, thank you for having me! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply...we were without power for 8 days and I'm just now catching up on emails!

Thank you all for your kind words and support. It's truly appreciated!
Yes, I know, and felt so bad for all you went through. We held down the fort here and talked about your wonderful books:)

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