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Fabulous Friday Feature-Mary Moore

Today I welcome authoress and my new friend,
one whom I have such respect for: Mary Moore 

Enter to win an autographed copy of
Mary Moore's book. There will be 2 winners chosen 

I never know when God is going to bless me by bringing a new friend along the way. After our first chats, Mary Moore and I found we had many things in common. As a result a friendship has been born.

During the conversation I asked her how God led her on her writing journey. This is her awesome answer:


All blogs and interviews are different, but the one question that almost always pops up is – “When did you know you wanted to be a writer.” I read the responses from other authors, how they’ve wanted to write since they wrote their first story. Or, maybe it was after a college course in literature, or maybe they had just always known. Not me, nope…I never wanted to be a writer!

Me too, Mary!

I am a reader. That is what I’ve always loved to do. And when I was about fifteen, I had to read Pride and Prejudice for school. Everything about it interested me, the time period in Regency England, Jane Austen’s wit and storytelling ability, the language; all of it, I really loved just about everything. But I very quickly devoured her six books!

So, in my search for more stories in the Regency genre, I discovered Georgette Heyer and Victoria Holt. Ms. Heyer’s novels quickly rose higher in my estimation than Jane Austen. And if I wanted a little mystery along with it, I went to Ms. Holt. Both ladies were awesome writers and the stories were squeaky clean. But all good things come to an end and I read the last one of each author.

You read Victoria Holt, too?  I read all her books, every one.

OK, Ok, I know this is supposed to be how I started writing, not reading, but I have just one more background item! At that time, in the early 90’s, I wanted to find Regency genre stories centered on Christian messages. There were a few established Christian fiction writers, Eugenia Price and Janette Oke to name two, but there were none in the Regency era.

In 1995, my husband’s job changed his hours to the midnight shift, and that meant he was asleep most evenings. But he is a very light sleeper, and even the TV, in an entirely different part of the house, was enough to keep him awake. Here it comes…that is when I started to write. You are saying, “Didn’t she say she never wanted to be a writer?” and you’d be right. I just needed something quiet to do and I decided that I was going to write Regencies just for me.

Oh, I can tell where this is going, can't you, Reader?

I wrote six books over those two years and started a few more. My sister-in-law, Carol, hounded me to read them. I don’t know why I let her, I didn’t let anyone else, but from then on she was on a mission…she wanted them published. I won second place in a contest and I made very half-hearted attempts to present my work directly to publishers, but I knew nothing about that world and was not surprised that I received no responses. So, those books were boxed up and put in the attic not to see the light of day until ten years later.

In 2004, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. In the midst of that eight months of chemo treatments, my husband found the box of manuscripts. He thought I might like to read them again. What it made me realize is how little about life I knew when I wrote them. I saw ways to make them so much better with real experiences I now had under my belt…but I didn’t, not then. I read them and put them back.

Hark back to my sister-in-law on a mission (don’t get me wrong, I love her dearly and she always believed in me). There isn’t enough time to tell you all of the crazy things she did on her own. But once, she walked into Alive Communications, the literary agents for Billy Graham, Tim LaHaye, etc. and handed them a copy of one of my manuscripts and told them they NEEDED to publish it. I praised God for a week that she lives in Colorado and I live on the east coast!


But in 2008, we went to a women’s retreat together. She found out that there was a published author in attendance. She made it her goal to find that woman and meet her. The next morning at breakfast she came and told me to bring my plate to a different table where she wanted to sit. Yep, you guessed it, the author was sitting at that table and Carol introduced me as an aspiring author. Unfortunately, there were no longer 30 states in between us! God bless the lovely lady who took the time to give me some web sites to visit and some agencies that might be looking for new authors.

When I returned home and looked those sites up, I thought, OK, I’ll give it one more college try and then I can lay it to rest once and for all. It seems like God had been waiting for me to catch up with Him and I found an awesome agent pretty quickly. She really liked the story I sent, we signed a contract, and then we went to work on revising that book. 

When I added my life experiences to my work, I found just the message to go with the story, I thought maybe I could have a ministry through my stories.

And that’s when I knew I wanted to be a writer!

Mary Moore has been writing historical fiction for more than 15 years. After battling and beating breast cancer, Mary is even more excited about her career, as she incorporates some of her struggles throughout her books, dedicated to encouraging others in the Lord and using her writing for God’s glory.

Her debut novel, The Aristocrat’s Lady, won several acclaimed awards, including the 2011 Reviewers Choice Award by RT Magazine for Best Love Inspired Historical, and the 2011 Holt Medallion from Virginia Romance Writers for Best Book by a Virginia Author. She also received an Award of Merit for Best First Book and Best Long Inspirational by the VRW.

Mary is a native of the Washington, DC area, but she and her husband, Craig, now live in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in southwestern Virginia. When not writing, she loves to read, minister in her church, and spend time with her husband and black lab, Darcy.

Mary Moore would love to hear from you! She can be reached by visiting her website at



To enter the contest for an autographed copy of Mary Moore's book, leave a comment and become a follower of this site if you aren't already. Include email address in your comment. U.S. residents only. Winner announced on my facebook page.

Two winners will be chosen!

Thank you, Mary Moore for Joining us This Weekend!

Reader, Mary's sister-in-law and husband became a great help and encouragement to her. Who is your encouragement?


My husband is probably my encourager. Always there for me when i think no way he is always there to say there is.I would love to read Mary's book. Loved your interview also Mary. Thanks for the giveaway.
Janice said…
Now that is quite an interesting path to publication. God blessed you with a creative use for your quiet time and now others are being blessed to enjoy quiet times reading your books. That is a beautiful circle of love from the Lord. Thank you for sharing! It would be great to win your book.

Blessings, Janice jsmithg(at)hotmail(dot)com
Heather Marsten said…
What a wonderful Sister-in-law. I am glad you persevered. Your husband uprooting your manuscript is also a blessing. My husband teases me, but is supportive of writing. My pastor's wife has encouraged me with my memoir - she tells me that my story will help not only hurting people, but people who have never been abused or involved with the occult to learn what that is like so they can help others. I am grateful for all who encourage. My sister is a breast cancer survivor.

HM at HVC dot RR dot COM
Patty said…
My Mom is my encourager! Always loving and believing in me no matter what.

So glad Mary's book are finally seeing the light of day.


ps. I follow via e-mail
Good morning, Diana. Nice to see you today. I would have to say my husband and my teen daughter are my encouragers. It is good to have support at home. :)
Be sure to grab some virtual coffee before you leave.
Welcome back. Always enjoy chatting with you. God's plan for our lives never cease to amaze me. Sometimes I wish I could understand the plan sooner, but that would take out the trust factor.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your wonderful thoughts.
I totally agree. I have learned so much about issues I have not experienced and it has helped me to gain additional compassion or to find better words to say to those who are experiencing similar situations.

So nice to have you join our discussion today. Blessings on your work, Heather.
You are so blessed. Have you told her? As a mom, I love hearing my children tell me I've helped, blessed them. Not for an ego. It just lets me know I've managed to please and follow the will of God, it warms my heart.

So glad you stopped by for our discussion today. Blessings on your day.
susanlulu said…
I am a follower and love historical fiction. I live in NC, not too far from Mary Moore, I'm guessing. I had not heard of her before, so I enjoyed the blog post.
Susan Fletcher
Mary Moore said…
Good afternoon,Ladies! Mary thanks so much for your kind words. I agree, finding a friend in this busy world and then online, what a blessing you are! Diana, my husband is an encourager,too. My sister-in-law is the "Cujo" of encouragement!! And the new book acknowledges her. She is also the person that led to the Lord! How special is that?
Mary Moore said…
Janice, it has been interesting for sure but very awesome and such a blessing! And I've never really had the chance to tell this whole story before. I told Mary she could edit it, but she said no! :0) Thanks for commenting and visiting today.
Mary Moore said…
Heather,it sounds like you have faced many unique hardships in your life. Even if you don't do a memoir, surviving those experiences will show up in your writing. But telling it could be good for you and others that have or caught up in it. Praise the Lord for you...

Thanks for sharing.
Mary Moore said…
Patty, I'm with Mary,I hope you are able to convey that to her. My mom passed away when I was in my twenties. And I didn't appreciate all she did. I wish I had known her as an adult to apologize!! I know I'll get the chance :)PTL!
Anonymous said…
Welcome to Mary Moore. Hers was a very interesting story. Glad her sister-in-law was so determined. And, her husband's encouragement. I would love to own one of her books. Thanks Mary Vee. I am already a follower of this site. Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com
Anonymous said…
Mary Vee, I forgot to answer your question. My husband used to encourage me in times I needed it, but has been gone now for 16 years next month. But, my three daughters encourage me anytime it is needed. I am very blessed! Maxie
Mary Moore said…
Susan, I'm in SW Virginia and we visit NC often. I sure am glad you visited Mary today. She's doing such a wonderful thing for us-as a new author we have a tough time trying to get our stories out there. I hope you get a chance to readthe book. I'd love to make some more Regency converts! :0)
Hi Susan.
How nice to see you today. Isn't it a treat to meet new people. And yes, Mary Moore is one you will enjoy. Her books are a blessing.

Yes, Maxie. We get to visit with you again. What a treasure you are. I see in your next comment that your husband use to be a source of encouragement. You now have these treasured memories of a wonderful husband. So nice that your daughters are your source of encouragement at this time. God continues to bless.
Mary Moore said…
You guys are all an awesome encouragement to me today!! I'm sorry I've missed a few of your comments, this has been a busy day for me, but I'm so looking forward to spending the weekend with you. Mary Vee obviously has a site that attracts a very special group...people who can empathize and sympathize and use it to encourage each other.

Be sure and share her site with others! I am learning the power of tweeting and facebooking...I want as many people as I can to get the blessing she is already to me!

In Him,
Mary Moore
Wendy Newcomb said…
My best friend Lucy is my encourager. Thank you for the chance to win one of Mary's books.

I am a follower of this site.

Nice to see you here again, Wendy. Lucy is a treasure. How wonderful that God has placed her in your life. Blessings on you.
Mary Moore said…
Hi Lucy,

Thanks for coming by today! After my husband, my best friend takes the load. When I've gotten myself into some stupid predicament (which for some reason seems to happen more than you would think!) I call her and she'll make me laugh it off. And she's there when I have a bad day. We have my husband mystified! "What can you possibly have left to talk about, you just talked to her yesterday?!" Men!
Shopgirl said…
I've been wanting to read these so badly! I love Regency and have heard great things. I'm a follower. shopgirl152nykiki(at)yahoo(dot)com
I can't wait for Mary Moore to read your comment. You have brightened her day:)
Mary Moore said…
Wow, you are not kidding! Another Regency fan...I'm always on the lookout for them! My publisher puts out four historical inspirationals each month. Not as many Regencies as the Westerns or WWII, but there are some really great Regency writers in our group. Be sure and check out Regina Scott and Louise Gouge and Deborah Hale, and OK I'll stop now! I'm so happy to get the Regency word out there whether it's mine or someone else's! And I see Mary has already had quite a few on her site! The more the merrier...thanks Veronica. :0)
Kathy said…
The students at my school have recently been asking for historical fiction books. Their request has gotten my attention and now I would like to jump on board and read some of my own. I would be very interested in reading these books.

The person who encourages me the most is my mother. We send each other an email every single day and just talk about our day - successes and failures. She accepts me as I am. She is 85 years old and still swims, drives, goes to Bible Studies and continues to encourage new students at Albion College. She is amazing.
Mary Moore said…
Hi Kathy!

Thanks for coming by! Your comment is sort of an answer to my prayers! Love Inspired Historical require that we put 15 questions at the end of the book. They have to be thought provoking questions. Student book clubs/circles, along with Church book clubs/circles have been on my heart back to the first book.

The questions are not for a quiz, they are to dig a little deeper into our own thoughts and feelings. I know that if a church book club (I picture a lovely groups of women sitting in a circle) would read the books then talk about the questions in the back, it could only lead to a closer bond because you might talk about things that mean something to you in what you read and it might help another get to know you better from hearing one of your answers. I don't think I'm describing this very well, but I think you would understand if you saw the questions.

Students would be a little different because an element of romance always comes to play in Love Inspired Historicals, so the boys may not be interested! ;0) But a group of girls, asking for some extra credit, might be a perfect fit. And the historicals include any period of time before the Viet Nam war. I write in Regency, England, others write westerns, WWII, even back to Biblical times, so the different types of history they would learn about has no limits.

If that is ever something you want to pursue, please get in touch with me! You could be my beta book club!

What a wonderful description of your mother. Emailing each other every day makes me smile. I'll bet she facebooks, too! Love every minute of it and be sure to encourage her back!

Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Your mom sounds like an awesome lady, Kathy. How blessed you are.

Historical fiction is a great way to become interested in history and the lives of those who lived then.

Thanks for stopping by, Kathy. Sure loved seeing you.

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