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Fabulous Friday Feature-Terri Blackstock

Today I welcome New York best selling 
author Terri Blackstock 

Enter to win an autographed copy of
Terri's book. There will be 2 winners chosen (see end of post) 

I feel honored and blessed to host Terri Blackstock this weekend. She graciously agreed to visit with not only me, but you too.

During my conversation with her I asked how God had led her on her writing journey. This is her awesome answer:

The Prodigal Daughter

In many ways, I could be described as a Prodigal Daughter, even though I never openly rebelled against God.
I was raised in the church and saved at 14. I walked closely with Christ through my teen years. However, as I reached college age, I grew lukewarm in my faith. Though I attended church, I stopped praying and reading the Bible, and I focused more on things of the world than on spiritual things.
When I began writing romance novels in 1982, I struggled briefly over whether to write books that dealt openly with sex. I managed to rationalize it, however, and when my work became popular, I told myself that God was making it all happen.
When my 13-year marriage ended in 1990, it was a terrible tragedy for me, but I now believe God used it to help me turn back to Him. I moved back to my hometown, where I found a church that offered a divorce recovery ministry and an active singles program. Through that ministry, I began getting my life back on track. I met my husband Ken through the church and we married in 1992.
But I still wasn’t able to give up my romance writing. I told myself I was reaching more people that way than I could writing Christian fiction. I disregarded the fact that what I was writing was helping no one — in fact, my work was full of lies that pointed people away from God instead of to Him.
In 1994, Ken realized he had never had more than an intellectual knowledge of Jesus. He came to know Christ as his Lord and Savior, and became the spiritual leader that I had yearned for all my life.
Ken’s example rekindled my own fire for Christ. I finally saw that my work was an obstacle between Christ and me, and a stumbling block for others. It didn’t matter how many people read my work; if I couldn’t tell them what I knew — what would solve their problems and change their lives — it was of no good.
Since I’ve made my commitment to write books that glorify God, He has opened door after door for me. I am excited about using my gift to challenge other Christians and point unbelievers to Him.

Terri Blackstock ( has sold over six million books worldwide and is a New York Times bestselling author. She is the award-winning author of Intervention, Vicious Cycle, and Downfall, as well as such series as Cape Refuge, Newpointe 911, the SunCoast Chronicles, the Restoration Series, and the new Moonlighter Series

To enter the contest for an autographed copy of Terri Blackstock's book, leave a comment and become a follower of this site if you aren't already. Include email address in your comment. U.S. residents only. Winner announced on my facebook page.

Two winners will be chosen!

Thank you, Terri for Joining us This Weekend!

Reader, I think we all have at least one moment when we took a prodigal walk from our relationship with Christ. Is there someone or a Bible verse that helped you find the way back?

An added bonus for you. This is Terri telling more about what God did for her:
if you cannot access it here this is the link on You Tube:


Heather Marsten said…
I spent forty years in the wilderness - deciding at the age of eight that God had abandoned me because he never stopped my father's abuse. I rebelled, turing to the occult, new age, and wild lifestyle. At forty-five the Holy Spirit (didn't know it was the HS at the time) suggested I read the Bible cover to cover. I did and concluded that God hardened my heart like He hardened Pharaoh's heart. HS suggested I read again and a friend invited me to a BIble study. I went and after a year of Bible studies made an appointment with the pastor. My first words in that office were, "But Pastor Don, I'm a good witch." To his credit, he didn't fall off his chair laughing. Instead he showed me in the Word what God felt about witchcraft and explained how the devil used seemingly good things to promote his evil plan. We then got into the father wounds and the things that kept me from God. I would come into his office with the sin of the week - sure God couldn't forgive me for this or that. Pastor Don found passages in the Bible to show me that others did similar things and were forgiven. My Bible became permanently creased at 1 John 1:9 "If you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." After each time I shared a supposedly unforgivable sin, we turned there.

It took two years of counseling and sorting through things including anger at God -and He can handle our anger, I realized I needed Him.

Right now I'm writing a memoir, hoping my story will help others who were hurt the way I was or made similar mistakes and assumptions about God.
Janice said…
Thank you for the powerful witness on how God can turn lives around.

It does seem that when nothing else is working in life for a person, when a stream of sorrows runs through the body and out as tears, that the person is ready to listen to the prompting by the Holy Spirit to read and see what the Bible says. It was finding that closeness to God by reading his word daily that made me want more and made me realize what I had been missing. I was drawn into the peace and joy of salvation through the living word of God. I realized the sacrifice Jesus made for me to have new life. Previously I had not understood the personal nature of salvation. It was not a human person or a particular verse from the Bible, but it was more like realizing the fullness of God and all His facets from reading many passages in the Bible that brought me to salvation. It did help, also, that the Daily Walk Bible had devotionals with the Bible readings so whoever wrote the devotionals was helping pave the path to salvation for me.

The You Tube video is heart-warming and makes me glad that I already have Truth Stained Lies on my Kindle. It would be great to have an autographed hard copy, too. Thank you for entering me into the contest.
God blessed you with meeting Pastor Don. What a great testimony to show how God leads people in our lives. He also leads us to help other people as well, which seems to be your current goals. Blessings on you.
Thank you for stopping by today, Janice.
The power of the Scriptures is amazing. It can call a name, it send us into action, it can heal a broken heart and bubble up joy in a Spirit and so much more. Thanks for your words, Janice:)
Unknown said…
I love reading all of Terri's books. I also really enjoyed this interview. I'm so thankful she writes Christian fiction. Blessings, Susan Fryman
Thanks for joining us Susan.
I agree, I enjoy reading Terri's books as well. I need to get this latest one. I especially enjoyed the Covenant Child.
Patty said…
Thanks for sharing your story Terri! We are all very thankful that you are writing for God's glory.

So nice to have you back today. And thank you for the kind comment for Terri's writing ministry.
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed Terri's story. I too, let worldly things put me where I've gotten to not praying enough. Mine has mostly been TV and Computer. Need to get back on the narrow path. I would like to win Terri's book. I am a follower of this blog. Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com
I think we all allow worldly things rob time that needs to be devoted to God. And we all need to walk closer to Him. Thanks for stopping by. Always nice to see you.
Shopgirl said…
Thanks for the giveaway! I really enjoy her books. shopgirl152nykiki(at)yahoo(dot)com

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