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Fabulous Friday Feature-Janelle Mowery

Today I welcome an award winner author, 
a lady who is both kind and friendly,
Janelle Mowery

Enter to win Janell's new release, 
Always Remembered
Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter.

I met Janell through ACFW. Seems I've met so many wonderful people there. What a kind, giving, and friendly person. She immediately responded to my message asking her to visit with us and spoke to me as if we'd known each other for a long time. How awesome is that?

I asked Janell to share how God has led her writing journey. This is what she said:

God Made Me with an Extra Dash of Adventure Spirit

I believe our creator God makes every individual unique, each with our own dreams, desires, and bents. I think He made me with a slightly adventurous spirit.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved books. When I was six, I was given Alice in Wonderland, which I believe awakened in me that adventurous spirit. 

My third grade teacher gave me the book, Journey to the Center of the Earth, which added to the adventure, and I learned books could be a great escape. 
Yes! This is Janell, and the pic is not photoshopped.

I began to devour almost every book I could get my hands on, some of them three or four times. When my classmates moaned about the classics we had to read in English, I’d quietly rejoice and finish reading them before the next day of class. Well, most of them anyway. Some, in my opinion, were a bit odd.

I think that same adventurous spirit sent me on a journey, moving me from my home state of Minnesota to my new home in Texas. And it was that same spirit of adventure that helped me jump out of a perfectly good airplane to see what skydiving was like. But the adventure I found in books, as well as my God-given dream, is what called me to write.

My younger sister introduced me to Lori Wick’s books. After reading several, God placed within my heart a new dream, a new adventure. He made me certain that I, too, could write a book. My decision was that I would only write for Him, and my prayer was that my books would bring people to Him or give them a closer relationship with Him.

After writing four stories in 2001, I decided to see if they were good enough to be published. I attended my first conference in 2003 and received positive feedback. In 2006, I received my first contract…a mystery written with my good friend, Elizabeth Ludwig. A few years later, Harvest House contracted the first three books I’d ever written. Their choice to change the title of the first book blew me away. They titled it, When All My Dreams Come True. How perfect. (My original title was Light of Dawn.)

As I research and write each new book, I get to live a new adventure…and make yet another dream come true. Praise God!
Janelle was born and raised in southern Minnesota. She is an award-winning author who began writing inspirational stories in 2001 and has since written several historical novels as well as a mystery series, many of them receiving four stars from Romantic Times Review. 

When Janelle is not writing, she loves reading, researching history, and spending time in the great outdoors. She now resides in Texas with her husband and their two sons. To learn more about Janelle, visit her website at

To enter the contest for an autographed copy of Janelle Mowery's book: 
"Always Remembered":
leave a comment (and email address)
and become a follower of this site if you aren't already.
U.S. residents only
Winner announced on my facebook page.

Thank you, Janelle, for Joining us This Weekend!

Reader, have you been on an adventure? 

I taught my young children how to ride a busy city bus. We boarded the first bus that came to the stop. The kids picked where we got off. Then the game began. What do we do next? Now that was an adventure. We actually found our way back home!

Or did you have a sibling influence what you are doing today?


Anonymous said…
Love the cover on this book and bet it is good. Congrats on getting the first books you wrote published. Thats great. One adventure I remember is taking my four children on their first train ride. They loved it. The little one was just barely tall enough to stand on a raised place by the window and see out. We went to visit both sets of the grandparents. But, when we returned just a week later, when we got to Dallas, Tx. we were told the train didn't go any further. The one that was to go to Houston had stopped going there. What a surprise. Can't believe they didn't tell us when we bought our tickets in Houston. Well, there i was in Dallas train station with four children. I had to call my husband and he had to come get us, which was about 5 hours, at least. That part wasn't so pleasant. Please enter me for this chance to win this book. I am a follower of this blog. Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com
Janice said…
I have not done very many adventurous things in my life. I am always interested in hearing about those kinds of things others around me have done. One lady I worked with in children's Sunday School did a zip line a few years back. She was (and is) in her eighties. She was the oldest ever to do it. She is an inspiration.

When I was first starting out in the university in downtown Atlanta (I had transferred after two years at a much smaller college in a small town), I had to take the bus to get to school. I did fine getting off at the bus stop where I needed to be. When it came time to go back home, I went across the street thinking that would be where to catch the bus to go home. Well, I waited and waited, and the bus did not come. It did not go back the same way it came into the city because of one way streets, etc. I had to figure out where to go to get on the right bus going back home. Somehow I figured it out.

The most adventurous thing I have ever done was on a date when we went caving with a group. It was all day in the cave, and I loved it. I think I would have been more adventurous, but I was not in the habit of thinking like that because of my family background.

Good morning, Maxie. Nice to have you here today.
How unfortunate your train ride didn't take you and the kids all the way to Houston. Good that your hubby was available to come rescue.
I've heard from twitter and good reads that this book by Janelle is fantastic!
Good morning, Janice.
Well, I'd say going caving is very adventurous, being the claustrophobic person I am. Actually, as long as they have lights on in the cave, I'm good.
The Sunday School friend of yours is an inspiration! She must be very healthy to try a zip line in her eighties. Wow!

I'm so glad you stopped by today.
Janelle said…
I've never been on a train but it sounds like fun...especially those that run through the canyons, like the one in Colorado that starts and ends in Durango, I believe. Might have to put that on my bucket list.
Janelle said…
I would LOVE to go on a zip line! There's one in Branson, MO that I wanted to go on but it was closed while I was there. And I agree with Mary...caving sounds incredibly adventurous. I've been on tours through caverns but that was just a walk-through. Our family background wasn't all that adventurous either, Janice. We never had the money to do much, but I think that might have enhanced my imagination as I made up my own adventure out on our farm.
Unknown said…
I believe the only way I'm adventurous is that I love to meet new people and have new friends. I'm an avid book reader and I have read one of your books and enjoyed it. As a child, our family always lived in the country. We raised a huge garden and all the different types of animals. Raised our own beef and pork, collected the eggs, milked the cows, went fishing and brandishing, rode horses and etc. So my childhood was adventurous enough for me.
Welcome Barbara,
We have something in common, I love to meet new people and am so glad I met you. Your childhood sounds full of life. Do you still live on a farm? God certainly has blessed you.
I noticed you recently became a follower. Thank you. I look forward to seeing you here again.
Linda Ortiz said…
The last time I travel on a plane was 23 years ago. So, about a week I went to Pennsylvania for a job interview with my husband, and younger son. Believe me, I was nervous. Then after it became an adventure for my family and I. Will I get back on a plane...well, that is too be seen!
Hi, welcome back. Flying can be an interesting experience. I pretend I am in a rodeo to calm any jitters. Okay, maybe a bad idea, but it works for me :)
Thanks for being here today.
squiresj said…
As the oldest daughter, I remember riding a city bus. I remember the year we took a city bus to mall and bought a Christmas tree after Christmas. We had problems getting it on bus but got it back home. It was my family's Christmas tree for years - my brother still uses it.
jrs362 at hotmail dot com
As I read you comment, I immediately wondered how you got the tree home on a bus. What a completely wonderful adventure, and so very memorable.
Thanks for stopping by today and sharing.
Janelle said…
As far as I'm concerned, there are many ways to find adventure on a farm. I grew up on a farm and still live on one and wouldn't change it for anything.
Janelle said…
Flying is NOT my favorite mode of transportation but it's definitely and adventure.
Shopgirl said…
I love finding MN authors! My brother and I went to London, Paris, and Rome and we did a lot of things on our own by taking the subways. It was a little stressful but a lot of fun!
Janelle said…
You live in MN? I still love that state. Most of my family still lives there and I visit once a year. I've never been to another country other than Mexico. I'd imagine it had to be a blast.
Janelle said…
LOL. A tree in a bus. What a picture that presents...and very memorable.
Taking a subway in a foreign country is super adventurous. Wow, Veronica.
How nice to have you here today sharing your fabulous adventure.

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