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Fabulous Friday Feature-Kathy Herman

Today I welcome an author who discovered her gift for writing after an illness. She is a Christ-like lady who can warm your heart:
Kathy Herman

Enter to win Kathy's new release,
Not By Sight 
Five Books will be awarded!
Scroll to the end of the post to see how to enter.

The Discovered Gift

I had never aspired to be a writer. But at age fifty, I had to retire from our family-owned Christian book store due to joint problems and decided to take a stab at writing a children’s book. I had managed the children's department at our store, read every book I put on the shelves, and thought for sure I could write them. But after two weeks of staring at the blank screen on my laptop, I was sorely discouraged. 

My husband, Paul, told me to write something—anything—it didn’t have to be a children’s book. So I wrote a scene: a detective sitting on a park bench, a lake in front of him and a quaint little town behind him. He was waiting for something to surface in the lake…I had no idea what it was and was intrigued that I didn’t! 

The next day I wrote the prologue to Tested By Fire, which was my first suspense novel. When it was finished, I let my former coworkers read it, and they got really excited. I honestly thought it was a fluke, and that I could never do it again. But then I started on Day of Reckoning, and ten weeks later, it was finished. Same enthusiastic reaction. So I wrote Vital Signs—they loved that too. I finally conceded that it wasn't a fluke, and perhaps it was time to seek a publisher.

Paul called someone we knew at Multnomah Publishers simply to find out about the process and accidentally got the voice mail for the president, Don Jacobson. Because we had prayed about it, Paul decided to leave a message. Don actually called back. And after Paul explained our situation, Don indicated that he was interested. He asked us to come to the Christian Booksellers convention, which was just two months away, and he would give us an hour-long interview with their publishing board. That just never happens, and we eagerly accepted the invitation. Paul created a clever marketing kit, and we kept our meeting with the pub board.

Two weeks later, we got a call from Bill Jensen, the VP of Editorial, who sounded very excited about the "series," and said they were offering me a contract for all three books. Paul said (I remember wanting to wring his neck at the time), “Oh, Kathy’s got at least two more in her.” Bill replied, “Then we’ll give her a contract for five.”

My reaction? Tears, joy, sheer disbelief‑‑and fear.  I had expected to be rejected. Instead, it felt as though I had just been drafted off the sandlot into the major leagues.  I wasn't sure I could write another novel, let alone two. But I believed God had answered our prayers and opened a door. So I walked through it in total and utter dependence on Him.

And that ongoing dependence on God has resulted in twenty published novels, and a contract for five more.  My writing method (known to authors and publishers as "seat of the pants) is such that I don't outline or know much of the story ahead of time. So I have to trust that what God has gifted me to do, He will give me the grace to finish. Every time.

Rev. Michael Beckwith is credited with saying, "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called."  That pretty much describes my writing journey. I'm not sure if I was born talented or if God gifted me at fifty years old when I could no longer work at the bookstore. I suppose a part of me enjoys believing the latter.

Kathy Herman is no stranger to the Christian book industry.  Before becoming a bestselling author, she worked five years on staff at the Christian Booksellers Association in Colorado Springs. She also worked for eleven years at Better Books Christian Center in Tyler as a children’s products specialist, and drew on that expertise to conduct related seminars in the U.S. and Canada.

Kathy quickly rose to the rank of bestselling author when her first book, Tested by Fire became a CBA bestseller. Since then, eight more of her twenty suspense novels have claimed bestseller status, including her latest release, Not by Sight.

 Kathy and her husband Paul live in Tyler and have three grown children, five almost-perfect grandchildren, and an adorable cat named Samantha. Her hobbies include world travel, photography, bird watching—and an ongoing fascination with hummingbirds.

To enter the contest for an autographed copy of Kathy's book: "Not By Sight":
leave a comment (and email address)
and become a follower of this site if you aren't already.
U.S. residents only
Winner announced on my facebook page.

Thank you, Kathy, for Joining us This Weekend!

Wow! I feel blessed just having read this story, Kathy. Reader, how about you? Have you witnessed God qualifying your calling, whatever it may be for?


Unknown said…
Your a new author to me amnd i would love to win this boook
DDowning said…
Kathy Herman has become my new favorite author. I have a hard time putting down her books. "Please just one more chapter". Which usually ends up being more than one if my husband isn't paying attention.
Janet said…
Hi Kathy! I enjoyed reading the feature of you and your books! My mom and I both love your books! I enjoy seeing all your bird pictures.
You are a very Talented lady!

P.S. Your follower link is blank so it won't let me become one.
DDowning said…
Not sure how I become a follower of this site. I post on Facebook and Google. Sure would like to win this book.
Janet said…
I added your blog manually to the "list of blogs I follow" so I am now a follower. Here is the link to my blog so you can see I really am a follower.
Unknown said…
Wow, this is a wonderful interview! Kathy is a new author to me. It's amazing when one door closes, God opens another one and that door is usually remarkable. Thank you! Please enter me in your giveaway! I am a follower!
Barbara Thompson
Anonymous said…
I have read Kathy's books for the last several years. Not by Sight may well be the best yet. Thank you, Kathy, for sharing your talent with us.
Anonymous said…
One of my favorite my husband and I both say, "These books are awlful! I can't put them down." or "I have to wait that long for the next one?"
Unknown said…
What a great story. I have only known you through FB and I've enjoyed your wonderful pictures, Now I look forward to reading your work.

Brad Swartz
Pam K. said…
I've read a couple of Kathy's Secrets of Roux River Bayou series and really enjoyed them. I love how God gifts us with what we need just at the right time. Though I've always worked with children in one way or another, I never thought I'd work with special ed kids. A few years ago when I was needing a job, God provided an opening at the local elementary school for a special ed para. I was happy to get the job since I needed one badly. I just finished my 6th year there; it was just this last year that it started feeling like this was my calling, not just a job. I thank God for that.
I'd love to win a copy of Kathy's new book, Not by Sight. Thanks for the interview with her and the book giveaway.
I follow by email subscription.
Unknown said…
I am a big fan of Kathy Herman. I can't seem to read her books fast enough. They are wonderful!

tsotela at cox [.] Net
Thank you Janet,
I must admit, I wish I was a techy, no know how to fix it.
You were so sweet to go to such great lengths to let me know you are a follower.
Of course you are entered in the drawing.

And what an encouraging comment to leave Kathy. Both you and your mom!!! What a treasure you are.
I just received my new copy of Not by Sight and love it already.
Oh, Janet, guess what? I went to my techy daughter and asked for her help. The "followers" screen appeared blank for her too. She clicked on it and then was able to click on the "join this site" button and complete the process. I LOVE TECHY KIDS!!
Thanks for joining our chat today, Brad and for becoming a follower. I was immediately inspired after reading her story above, too. You are definitely entered in the book drawing.
Hi Pam,
So nice to see you again. Your testimony of God's leading to work with special ed kids is equally heartwarming. So glad God has led you to this great ministry. Blessings on you.
You are definitely entered in the drawing.
Hi Tammy,
Thanks so much for stopping by today and sharing your excitement for Kathy's books. Had a great time chatting with you.
Thank you also for becoming a follower. Hope you can stop by again soon.
You are definitely entered for the book drawing.
What a wonderful compliment in disguise. Guys have such an awesome way of making us smile:)

Thanks for stopping by today.
I emailed you instructions, D. :)
Hi Shirley!
Kathy is an author you will be so happy to have read! Definitely someone to add to the list to read.
I enjoyed chatting with you today.
Thanks for coming. Hope to see you again.
I know exactly what you mean. And then hubby says, "You said five more minutes three hours ago!"
Ahhh, love those kinds of books.

So nice to see you here today, looking forward to future chats.
And you're right about the bird photos. I am amazed at the one in this post. HOW DID THEY CAPTURE THE MOMENT????
I hope Kathy tells us. :)
Nancy Hart made this comment on the FB page:

Really enjoyed the article on Kathy. I am an avid reader of Christian fiction and suspense books. I would love to read some of your books. Does Lifeway carry them?
Kathy Herman said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathy Herman said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathy Herman said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathy Herman said…
It's a privilege!
Kathy Herman said…
I'm excited that you're looking forward to it and hope you'll be eagerly awaiting book two!
Kathy Herman said…
Thanks for your wonderful endorsement, Tammy!
Kathy Herman said…
I'm blushing. Thanks, gals!
Kathy Herman said…
Every summer we get dozens of hummingbirds that swarm our feeders. They tend to be quite possessive. So ... in the height of the season, I remove all the nectar feeders except one--which I hold in my hand. The birds buzz around me and check me out for about ten minutes before they can't stand it any longer and come to the feeder. It has been a thrill. But what you don't see in this picture are the birds that land on my hands. It's A THRILL unlike any I have experienced. I look forward to it every July and August.
Kathy Herman said…
I love the disguised compliment!
Kathy Herman said…
It's great when you come to recognize that what you're doing is a calling. I don't think I realized it until I had published TESTED BY FIRE and started getting feedback from readers. I realized that my words were powerful and sometimes lifechanging when God made them come alive in a reader's heart.
Kathy Herman said…
LifeWay definitely carries the latest books! They have been my biggest supporter/partner since the beginning of my writing ministry. I love LifeWay!
Kathy Herman said…
Thanks, Janet. I'm so glad you enjoy my bird pictures too. I love photography as much as writing and seem to have created a following of bird lovers and nature lovers. It's really fun sharing them.
Cynthia Herron said…
Mary, thanks for the uplifting interview with Kathy! Absolutely got chills to see how God has moved in Kathy's life!

Looking forward to reading Not by Sight!

Kathy Herman said…
I got chills, too, Cynthia. It was really something. He has done some equally powerful things to help me along the way.
Anonymous said…
I've enjoyed the posting. Kathy is a new author to me, but her book sounds wonderful. Please enter me in your giveaway! Also, I am a follower! Thank you!!
Barbara Thompson
So awesome to see you today. I am already reading my copy, you are going to love it.
God loves all His kids and has so many great blessings for us.:)
Hi Barbara
Yes, her books are wonderful, as I am finding out with each page I turn. You are entered in the drawing.
So nice to see you again:)
Anonymous said…
Hi Mary. Thanks for hosting Kathy. A very interesting story. Unreal, writing 3 books right from the beginning, then no rejections, but a contract for 5 books the first time she tried. Maybe all of the work she done helped her more than she knows with being able to write right away. Anyway, it is miraculous Kathy. I would like to win your book. mary, I am a follower already.
Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com
I also heard that the author Avi (a YA author in the ABA) worked in a library for years. He really knew the books and what the readers wanted. One day he decided to write a book. His first few didn't do well but then as he published, his books gained such a great response. He has more than one Newberry winner.

This tells us IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO PURSUE WHAT GOD LAYS ON YOUR HEART. :) Love great stories like this.
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed this interview--gives much insight into Kathy Herman! I absolutely love her photography as well. Thank you for this opportunity to win a signed copy of her book.
Denise Bokman
Giveaway Lady said…
I would love to be entered in this giveaway! Kathy is a great author and I love her writing style. I am a new follower of your blog as Charity. Thanks for the giveaway!

Esterried(@)yahoo dot com
The following comment was made on a different page, but was for Kathy so i am posting it here:

I'm probably not posting on the correct page but I wanted to say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Kathy Herman's books!! She is my favorite author. Whenever I read her books, I forget about all my problems and can focus on what's going on in the book. Sometimes, I get up a few minutes earlier for work, just so I can read from her books before leaving for work! :)
The comment was from Ashley Williams.
Ashley, what a wonderful testimony to Kathy's books. I am so glad you found us and was able to chat. Sure hope to see you again.
So nice to meet you! Thanks for becoming a follower. this is the first book that I am reading of Kathy's and I have already planned to read more, you are so right!
You are definitely entered in the drawing. :)
Love Kathy Herman's book. They keep you at the edge of your seat.Only problem reading them is I have to make sure I have nothing else to do, because I can not put it down unntil it is finished.
Hi Michelle!
Welcome to our chat session about God's blessings and Kathy's books. What a kind encouragement you have given for Kathy. Thanks so much!
Hoping to see you again.
Unknown said…
I LOVE Kathy Herman's books!!

Cindy -
Shopgirl said…
I would love to win this! I'm still not sure about my calling. shopgirl152nykiki(at)yahoo(dot)com
Nice to have you visit with us, today, Denise!
Be sure to become a follower to enter the drawing:)
Hope to see you again, soon.
That's okay, Veronica.
Often times we all are unsure of our calling. God will show you.
Thanks for stopping by today, sure enjoyed chatting with you:)
Unknown said…
I started reading Kathy's books about year and a half to two years ago when I was extremely depressed and going through a spiritual crisis. God really spoke to me through her books and showed me so many things. I was stunne by her testimony because one would think she's been writing her whole life. Kathy is a remarkable writer ordained by God. It's that
Davida Metcalf
Thanks for stopping by today, Cindy!
Your enthusiastic comment says it all.
Thank you for your encouraging words.
So nice to see you here today and thank you for becoming a follower. I can't wait for Kathy to see your encouraging comment. What a blessing you are.
And you're is just that simple:)
Kathy Herman said…
Yes, my heart is like a sponge. I had fifty years of life experience just waiting to be recycled into stories. God obviously wanted me to write them because He opened the door wide with little effort. But trust me, I paid my dues later, learning how to write professionally. Writing is the hardest thing I do, but the fruit of it is also the most far-reaching.
Kathy Herman said…
Hi Denise ~ Glad you came by, read the interview, and entered the drawing. Appreciate your comment!
Kathy Herman said…
Hi Charity ~ Thanks for your encouraging comments! I'm so pleased you enjoy my writing style. If you read my interview, you know how that began!
Kathy Herman said…
Hi Ashley,

It thrills me to know that you love my books are they are a happy "escape." I'm humbled to be your favorite author!
Kathy Herman said…
Wow, Michelle! Thanks for the saying that! It's exciting to know I'm able to hold your attention that way!
Kathy Herman said…
Thanks for your encouraging words, Cindy!
Kathy Herman said…
Hi Veronica~I didn't realize that writing was my calling for this seasons of my life until I began to hear back from readers and realized my words were touching lives beyond anything I had imagined. But our calling is usually something less obvious. My calling for years was to be a wife and mother and to touch lives through the children's department at our bookstore.
Kathy Herman said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathy Herman said…
Davida, your comments really touched me. All I have ever wanted was to honor God with the gift He has given me. It blesses me when someone reinforces that I'm on the right track. Nothing makes me happier than when I'm able to make a positive difference in a reader friend's life. I appreciate your comments more than you know!
Kathy Herman said…
And Mary Vee ... I have appreciated all your encouraging marks throughout this thread. It's been a blessing being a part what you're doing here!
Kathy Herman said…
Shirley, I hope that soon I will be one of your favorites. I love making new reader friends!
Kathy Herman said…
Barbara, I hope that, down the road, I will be one of your favorite authors. But regardless, I'm glad you came by and entered the drawing!
Unknown said…
Thank you both for your kind remarks. Ms. Kathy, I'm glad that I encouraged you today because you have encouraged me through your books and posts on facebook. Every time you post one of your pictures of birds, I can't but to think of God, His wonders, and His creativity. Thank you again for you testimony and devotion to God. Ms. Mary, thank you for assisting me today, the interview with Ms. Kathy, and the drawing. May God Bless you both and your families.
Kathy Herman said…
:-) Thanks, Davida. I'm excited you were a winner.

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