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Fabulous Friday Feature-Bethany Jett

Today I welcome author: 
Bethany Jett

To win a copy
The Cinderella Rule

Scroll to the end of the post 
to see how to get your copy.

Bethany has such a fun spirit and is dedicated to her calling.  I asked Bethany to share with us how God has led her on her writing journey. This is what she said:

Fairy God-the-Father Wishes

I sobbed in front of the open pink trunk I’d stolen borrowed from my sister. The dinged silver edges and worn interior matched the beating I’d verbally given myself. The cold kitchen tile seeped through my thin pajamas. With muster, I kicked the side of the case.

I needed to quit crying.

I needed to buck up.

I needed a shower.

“God—answer me,” I cried in my head…not wanting to distract my toddlers who were happily ignoring me with Legos. “I’m in the depths of despair.”

When you start quoting Anne of Green Gables in your prayers, there may be a problem.

My quest for fulfillment wove through three beautiful baby boys, a husband I adored, his youth ministry that I lived vicariously through him as a sponsor, an eight-year stint in one direct sales company and a two-year stretch in another.

I was proudly a WAHM – Work at Home Mom – but somehow it wasn’t enough, and that left gaping ugly guilt holes in my heart.

I’d waited for answers—searching for what God wanted from me.

Desperate to stretch my brain and implement our income, my husband and I made the heart-wrenching bittersweet decision that I would go back to work full-time…for a short while.

The temp agency placed me quickly, and while I enjoyed recognition for my own work, slipping out of the house so as to not wake sleeping babies and occasionally dragging myself in after an evening direct sales presentation took its toll.

For nine long months, I watched my one-year-old grow rapidly before my eyes…my three year-old talk more and more…my five-year-old start kindergarten.

I was missing it.

That pathetic Saturday morning on the kitchen floor was the last straw. I didn’t know how to pray for direction without feeling guilty, and I felt like I’d followed God’s direction in each job I’d taken.

So I wept, and let the Holy Spirit pray for me (Romans 8:26).

My sweet husband stopped short when he saw me—red-eyed, greasy-haired, pajama-heap.

“You really should start writing.” He spouted his favorite advice to me whenever in the last five years I mentioned needing something more.

I rolled my eyes as negativity swooshed through my mind.

My mom’s success with writing the previous year was hardly an achievement I could imitate. Yet, she echoed Justin. With a promise to do a preliminary edit, she gave me a virtual kiss, told me to start a blog, and to apply for a scholarship to the Florida Christian Writers Conference.

My years of experience working with teenage and college-age girls made my topic easy, and with our biggest group of girls getting ready to graduate, I started blogging the dating advice I wanted them to have access to.

I worked my full-time job.

I built my part-time direct sales business.

I applied for the scholarship.

…and got it.

Two weeks before the conference, I begin transforming the blog articles into a couple of chapters of a book. I researched proposals and how to write them. I created my bio and one sheet. I took selfie-headshots. I printed my own business cards on cardstock.

At the conference, I attended class-after-class, drinking in the advice, rules, lessons, and wisdom until my overloaded brain could hardly think. In the midst of a small campus, I felt God cupping me in His hands, and I felt peace.

Meeting with editor #1: “Send this to me, and anything else you’ve written.”

Meeting with editor #2: “This is good, but I don’t think it’s ready.” 

Meeting with editor #3: “This is really great. I want this.”

Cloud nine.

Meeting with agent #1: “I’ll send you a contract in the mail after the conference.”

Meeting with agent #2: “I’d represent you, but it seems like since you’ve got publishers interested, you really don’t need me.”

Meeting with agent #3: “Send me an email after the conference. Let’s talk.”


I did what any girl would do. I called my mom.

“I made a “deal” with God,” I joked. “If I win the “Nonfiction” award, I think I should spend some time dedicated to writing. Maybe this is affirmation that you and Justin have been right…maybe I should be writing.”

I felt like I was exactly where I needed to be at exactly the time I was supposed to be there.

I didn’t win “Best Non-fiction,” yet I still felt like I had a new path laid before me. I sat in my seat as the awards continued. This was enough. I didn’t need God to prove anything to me. Who was I to even ask?

Yet there are times when God is crystal clear.

I won the $200 grand prize “Writer of the Year” award.

I signed contracts with agent #3 and editor #2 (who had originally said “no”).

I gave my two-weeks notice.

The conference was my fairy-tale ball, except instead of fairy godmothers, I have the God of the universe on my side—the Creator of life, and the Father who gave me gifts and talents and wants me to succeed for His glory.

The Cinderella Rule: a Young Woman’s Guide to Happily Ever After published and the connections from the Florida Christian Writers Conference led to multiple writing gigs, publications, speaking engagements and a life that I’d always been afraid to dream of.

When you’re on the path that God has set for you, things click. Following God’s direction with a talent I was dismissing meant I traded in kitchen-floor-trunk-kicking-crying for coffee-filled nights and overflowing piles of laundry.

Gotta check the dryer.

National speaker Bethany Jett is an award-winning writer, whose first attempt at writing a book proposal landed her Writer of the Year at the 2012 Florida Christian Writers Conference, a contract with the MacGregor Literary Agency, and a publishing deal. Her book, The Cinderella Rule, was a finalist for the 2014 Selah Awards.

Bethany is a video contributor for, web editor for Splickety magazine, a featured columnist with Choose NOW Ministries, and has been interviewed on radio stations nationwide and internationally. Her writing can be found in Gospel Roads magazine,,,,, along with other magazines and sites.

When she’s not writing or speaking, Bethany enjoys cooking, spending time with her husband and sons, coaching cheerleading, and rooting for her favorite football team, the Florida State Seminoles.
Bethany blogs on girly topics, godly perspective at


Of all the fairytale princesses we know and love, Cinderella is the one who got it right. She knew the spell was about to break, and ran out of the castle just in time to keep her mysterious identity a secret. Prince Charming couldn't help himself! He had to pursue her, to track her down and invite her to be his queen.

The Cinderella Rule is your guide to letting your prince do the work. Whether he knows it or not, the man God has for you longs to experience the thrill of the chase . . . and that means running out of the castle before you give away all your secrets! Find out how to be a woman of mystery who lets herself be pursued, knowing you are worth every ounce of effort. The Cinderella Rule will show you how to be the queen your prince is already looking for.

Click Here to buy The Cinderella Rule

To enter the contest for a copy of 
Bethany Jett's book: "The Cinderella Rule"
leave a comment (and email address)
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International readers are invited to enter for the eBook
US may choose eBook or paperback

Winner announced on my facebook page.

Thank you, Bethany, for Joining us This Weekend!

Reader, wasn't this a fun post to read? I can see why God called Bethany to work and write for young women. Do you know any young mom's, young married women, or single young women who might benefit from Bethany's book? I remember how I struggled. My mom wasn't around and my mother-in-law didn't feel she should say anything. But I needed advice so many times. I have a feeling older moms and mom-in-laws could benefit from this as well. :)

If you don't have an answer, that's okay, just say howdy-do in the comment section. I love chatting with you.

Thanks for stopping by!

Don't forget to comment!


Janka Halcinova said…
Lovely post! Yes, I agree that we (women) should let the prince pursue us and that we have one suitor for sure - God Himself.

God bless you both, Mary and Bethany!

So nice to see you this morning. Sometimes just remembering that God wants us can soothe our souls.
Blessings on you, too, Janka.
I absolutely love Bethany's story. God's purpose for her life is very evident but I feel exhausted just reading all that she does! This book would be perfect to share with the girls in my Sunday School class. I have four high-school students who are facing the dilemmas all.of us encountered when we began searching for our Prince Charmings. Mary, thank you for sharing Bethany's own Cinderella story and as always, blessings to both of you!
cps1950 at gmail dot com
Yeah, Connie!
When I first met Bethany and heard her story I simply knew there were many in need of her advice. I'm so glad her book could help your need.
Thanks for stopping by :)
Unknown said…
Thank you, Janka! Yes - I totally agree. God is our one suitor! :)
Unknown said…
Connie - I'm exhausted, too! :) The Cinderella Rule has discussion questions laid out in the back of the book. I've done it as a study with our students, as well as a couple of other churches. If you decide to use it, I'd love to know how it goes! Thanks!

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