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Fabulous Friday Feature-Lacy Williams

Today we welcome author: 
Lacy Williams

To win a copy
of Lacy's new release:
Secondhand Cowboy

Scroll to the end of the post 
to see how to get your copy.

Great news! International may participated AND more than one copy will be given away!

Mary Vee here. It didn't take long for me to see Lacy has a sparky personality. She's energetic and so excited to be with people. I asked her to come visit us here on Let's Talk. I think a whole nano second passed before she responded. She is definitely a fun person to get to know. We're going to have a great time this weekend.

I asked Lacy, to join us and share how God has led her on her writing journey. Here is what she said:

Open Doors

Mary asked me to share about God’s leading in my writing career. I’ll tell you I can see His hand mostly through the open doors He has provided.

In my childhood, my parents bought me a typewriter one Christmas (I was about ten). Their belief and support of me as a writer built my faith that I was a writer. About this time, I submitted a short poem to an anthology and had it published. There was no payment for publication, but I still have a copy of the hardback anthology. Back then, I thought I had arrived! This early recognition was definitely God nurturing the tiny seed of my desire to be a novelist “someday.”

I joined American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) in December of 2006 and God really started throwing open doors my way.

First, I was personally invited to visit the Tulsa chapter, Writers of Inspirational Novels. Those women were so encouraging, and I met my first writing mentor, Margaret Daley. Margaret has encouraged me many times along my publishing journey and I’m so thankful that God put her in my life.

Another door opened when I was part of founding the Oklahoma City chapter of ACFW in 2008 with a group of local writers. Through this chapter, I found support, encouragement, and people to share the journey with, including the two editors I now work with at Redbud Press.

A huge door opened for me in 2009 when I finaled and won in ACFW’s Genesis contest for unpublished writers. Through this contest, my (then) future editor at Harlequin requested the full manuscript, and she bought that book (Marrying Miss Marshal). That first publishing contract turned into ten books and one novella with Harlequin’s Love Inspired Historical line.

And in 2012, I attended the ACFW national conference and heard Michael Hyatt speak. His keynote addresses really opened a door for me and my indie publishing career. Basically, he freed me with the realization that it was okay to take another path than the one I was one.

In late 2013, God opened doors for me to form Inspy Kisses with several published inspirational romance authors. Through this endeavor, we published three inspirational romance anthologies during 2014, and one of those anthologies hit the USA Today bestseller list. Talk about a wide-open door.

Also in 2014, God started opening doors for a new publishing company, Redbud Press. Formed with two other authors, we are publishing thirteen inspirational romance books during 2015. God has opened many doors here, including bringing awesome authors to us, as well as providing industry connections we never could have expected.

For me, one of the most important things I’ve had to learn is sorting through opportunities to find the true door that God wants to lead me to. In a world full of noise, I have to slow down, pray a lot, and even get advice from my trusted mentors (and husband!) before making a decision.

Thanks for hosting me, Mary. It’s been a pleasure to think back about these times that God has blessed my writing career.


Isn't this one of the most awesome selfies??
Love it. What a fun family, Lacy.

USA Today bestselling author Lacy Williams works in a hostile environment (read: three kids age 5 and under). In spite of this, she has somehow managed to be a hybrid author since 2011, publishing 17 books & novellas. She is also the Managing Editor for Redbud Press, an inspirational romance publisher. Lacy has a passion for helping authors get their stories out to readers and is almost always glued to her computer working on story structure edits, SEO, graphic design, cover art, and spreadsheets. Lots and lots of spreadsheets.

Contact Lacy through:
Twitter:          @lacy_williams

She loves to hear from her readers!


Iris Tatum hasn’t seen her high school sweetheart Callum Stewart since he left years ago without a single word. Then she witnesses a horrific hit-and-run accident, and comes face to face with her past–and Cal’s triplets. A volunteer paramedic, Iris can’t walk away. No matter how much she wants to.

Bull rider Callum Stewart was run out of town at age twenty and vowed never to return. Only one thing could bring him back: building a future for his sons. Now, thanks to the accident that left him with a broken leg—he needs help to care for his boys. He has no choice but to accept Iris’s grudging help.

As they rediscover a friendship–and the sparks that never faded between them–Callum’s secrets are brought back with a vengeance. How can they keep the past from destroying their future?


To enter the contest for a copy of 
Lacy's  new release: 
"Secondhand Cowboy"
leave a comment (and email address)
AND become a follower of this blog, 
OR sign up to receive posts by email
if you aren't already.

2 ebooks and 2 paper books all be awarded

The winners will be announced on my facebook page.

Thank you, Lacy, for Joining us This Weekend!

We love chatting with you and are looking forward to reading your comments and questions. Or at least your hi, hello, hey, or ...

Thanks for stopping by!

Don't forget to comment!


Loraine Nunley said…
This sounds like a good read. Triplets?? Oh my. Thanks for the interview and giveaway! I am a follower of this blog. momrain(AT)aol(DOT)com
Good morning, Loraine!
Good thing I had the coffee and hot tea on early. Be sure to get a cup. Cream? Sugar?
I'm sure Lacy was up before either of us with her triplets!
Sure was nice chatting with you this morning. Thanks for joining our chat today!
Anonymous said…
Good morning Mary Vee and Lacy. It's a pleasure to visit with you both today.This sounds like such a fun and hea (happily ever after story Lacy. I am a follower of your wonderful blog Mary Vee. I give you so much credit Lacy for pursuing a writing career with a family of small children. As a mom of 12 children ages 22 years to 4 years I know how much work it is but yet how much fun it is as well having my family. The two closest in age are 10 month apart. Yikes, I wasn't epecting that but what a blessing they are. I would love to your your story about the triplets and their dad Lacy in paper book form. It sounds great. Keep up the great work Lacy , you are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for having your wonderful blog Mary Vee. I'll be back to visit again soon. Deanne
Patty said…
Thanks for sharing Lacy! I look forward to reading Iris and Callum's story.
Triplets, and all boys it sounds like, I'm sure they can get into some situations!

I follow via e-mail

Unknown said…
This looks like a great book!!

Hi, Deanne, so nice to see you today.
Wow, what a wonderful family you have. I have friends who are ranchers in Montana with a crew about your size. They are such a nice family and the kids get along great. Holidays must be a blast with your group.
I'm so glad you stopped by to chat with us and share about your family, too. Tell them all Lacy and I said, "Hey" ...that's what they say in Montana. :)
Hi Patty!
So nice to see you today. I think you'll enjoy this new book of Lacy's.
I have a feeling that any pint-sized group of family members will have loads of energy, I know mine did. :)
Loved chatting with you today, Patty!
I think you're right. The story and characters look exciting. I can't wait to hear what you think of the story!
Becky Dempsey said…
It was nice to hear your writing journey, Lacy. The new book sounds good!

Mary Preston said…
A lovely post thank you & I do love cowboys.

Thanks for hosting me, Mary. I appreciate your support!
So... the hero was originally going to have triplets, but due to some editorial concerns before publication, I needed him to have triplets. So... boom! Extra baby. Cute story: one of the boys is named after my own son.
Thanks for commenting, Deanne. I applaud you for managing such a wonderful, big family. My kids are 21 and 18 months apart so I know how it can be juggling them when they're tiny. God bless!
Thanks, Patty, Sierra, Becky and Mary. So nice to have you stop by!
Heidi Reads... said…
I love reading her stories! Thanks so much for sharing! Following on GFC.

colorvibrant at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
Hello Mary and Lacy. Enjoyed this interview very much. Don't know where you find time to write lacy with all of the things you named with your Publishing Company, and three little ones. I do love Westerns. It was a steady diet for me way back before I even thought of ever meeting all of these authors. That wasn't even a thought for me way back then. You see I will be 80 next month. Your books sound good and love the covers. Are they all e-books? Thanks mary for having lacy to visit. I would love to win her book. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <
Hi, Becky!
So nice to have you here today. Lacy's book really does look exciting. I hope you get a chance to read it soon. :)
There IS something special about a cowboy that attracts us to the character. They are usually handsome, polite, yet rugged. Thanks for chatting with us today. Let us know what you think of the book.
Hi Heidi!
Good to see you back. Reading a story about triplets just sound like an energy packed story, doesn't it. Top it off with a cowboy and a good read just couldn't get any better :) Thanks for stopping by today.
Hey, how are you doing? Girl, you are so young at heart. I love seeing you at our author get-togethers when you find time to come. I love chatting with you and look forward to being as engaged in life everyday as you are. :)
Thanks for stopping by, Heidi and Maxie.

It can be difficult to find writing time with the little ones around, but it's my passion and if I go a few days without writing I start getting antsy. :):)
Terri said…
I'm blessed to have Lacy in my local ACFW chapter.

You're such an encourager to everyone in our group. Secondhand Cowboy was great. I know both you and Redbud Press have a fantastic future.

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