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Celebrate My Birthday With Me in Alaska

Photo Courtesy

Yeah! Today is my birthday. So this weekend, I am my guest.

And since I am the guest, I will be doing the book giveaways. Someday I will feature my own book, but, for now, I will be giving away some awesome author books to as many commenters as I can.

Those of you who have stopped in to read previous posts probably know I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to travel. So, hubby searched this year's list of conferences and found one in the beautiful mountains of Alaska. And it happened to fall during this week--my birthday. 

Of course I said--YES! Let's go. Everything you see in black is written before we left. Everything written in burgundy is fabulous news from Alaska!

I've posted the winning photos so far. 
Wow it was a really difficult choice!!

Photo by Mary Vee - Alyeska Resort

We, of course, will suffer in a beautiful mountain resort, will have to endure fresh caught fish for a meal or two, be dragged on board a one-day cruise to see glaciers, and etc. I CAN'T WAIT!! (disclaimer, I am writing this ahead of time and will visit with you when I come back). We saw fjords, and so many interesting animals. Totally recommend this trip.

I am hoping to post pictures while there. They have Internet in Alaska, right?

This is my wish list of want-to-see while there: (remember, everything in black is written before I go.)

1. a moose-not done yet

Photo by Mary Vee - Mountains
near Portage, AK

2. mountains-check

3. aurora borealis-won't happen. The long sun hours that I love are preventing it.

Photo by Mary Vee - Northwestern Glacier, AK

4. glaciers-check

Photo by Mary Vee

5. Eat fresh salmon or halibut-check - we had an SLT which is a salmon lettuce tomato sandwich!

6. visit missionaries serving in Alaska- on the list for Saturday

7. see the sun still up after 11:00pm-check! Can you believe it! I saw it at 2am and 4am, too!

Photo by Mary Vee-eagle on mud when
Pacific ocean tide is out


Photo by Mary Vee - Sea Otter swimming in Pacific Ocean

And now it's time to share my birthday party with you. I have books to give away! 

Each of these books are fabulous! The list of authors, in alphabetical order, are: 

Photo by Mary Vee-Horned Puffins swimming in
Pacific Ocean

Joanne Bischof
Terri Blackstock
Dawn Crandall
Lisa Harris
Katy Lee
Julie Lessman
Anne Mateer
Laura Scott

Photo by Mary Vee - Whale swimming in Pacific Ocean

1. Winners need to either be a follower of this blog or sign up to receive email posts. Both can be found in the right column.

2.  Commenters will be chosen randomly and, in the order they were chosen, may pick which book he/she would like until the last book is given away. Trust me, though, even if you are the last commenter chosen, you will love the book!

Ready to party?

Photo by Mary Vee - Black bear in Girdwood, AK

Choose a question for your comment:

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you like to go?

If you could have one hour all to yourself, what would you like to do?

What would be top on your bucket list?

What is your favorite season and why?

Photo by Mary Vee- taken on the Iditarod trail
near Girdwood, AK


Winners will be notified sometime after Tuesday.

Winners will be announced on my Facebook Blog Page

Thanks for celebrating with me!!


Anonymous said…
Happy birthday,Mary Vee. I hope your birthday is all you hope for and more. My birthday was June 6th. It was also my sons graduation day as well. If I had an hour for myself I would love to spend it with my 4 year old daughter snuggled on my lap reading to her and reading a book to myself as well. Have an absolutely wonderful day.
Anonymous said…
Deanne Patterson
Forgot my email in my comment.
Anonymous said…
Your Alaska pictures are absolutely breathtaking. Thank you for sharing them with us. I am really enjoying them.minwould really love to visit Alaska.
Amy C said…
Happy Birthday, Mary! I would love to be in Northern Ireland to meet my aunts, uncles, and cousins.
campbellamyd at gmail dot com
Caryl Kane said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARY! Thank you for the AMAZING eagle picture. I long to visit Israel.

I follow via email. psalm103and138[at]gmail[dot]com
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday Mary! If I had an hour to myself I would read in a hot bubble bath and each a brownie all at the same time! haha! I follow you by email! Enjoy your trip shellymae1002(at)yahoo(dot)com
Loraine Nunley said…
Happy Birthday Mary. I hope you see a moose on your trip - I love moose and that would be on my bucket list also (maybe not the top but pretty close). Thanks for sharing your trip and for the giveaway!


I follow your blog and will share on social media.
Patty said…
Happy Birthday Mary! What a neat birthday trip. My sister and brother-in-law went on an Alaska cruise last year, and really enjoyed it.

There are so many interesting places in this world that I would love to visit, but I think for the pure fun and relaxation of it I would love to visit Hawaii!

J.Grace said…
Happy Birthday Mary!! I have heard Alaska is beautiful.

If I could visit anywhere, I would love to go to Europe and Hawaii.

Follower of blog and on FB.
Susan Johnson said…
Happy Birthday, Mary. I would love to go to Alaska. I don't know if that will ever happen, but I am planning to go to Hawaii in February.
I am an e-mail follower.
susanmsj at msn dot com
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday Mary! I have wanted to visit Alaska for about 45 years after watching a movie on Alaska. I follow you several ways, write that book soon!
Bonnie Roof said…
Happy Birthday, Mary - so glad you have been blessed by getting to spend it in Alaska!! Thank you for your wonderful pictures - they bring back wonderful memories of my cruise to Alaska about 10 years ago. It is a beautiful state - full of adventure, wildlife, and tons of God's majestic nature. How can anyone doubt there is a God after seeing Alaska?? The glaciers are incredible, aren't they?? I enjoyed a sled-dog ride, although it was on dry land.

One of the things on my bucket list would be seeing the Northern Lights - as with you, I wasn't in Alaska at the right time to see them. Others would be to go to the Holy Land, the Polynesian Islands, and Scotland (the home of some of my ancestors).

As with you, I love to travel - although, I am limited in my travel now - due to health issues. However, several weeks ago - I did take a trip through Tn., N.C., S.C., Va., and W.V.; driving nearly 2,000 miles and spending time with some special friends and some of my fave Christian Fiction authors. It was a blessing that God gave me the strength to do, while supplying help with my mobility issues - along the way. I was inspired, encouraged, prayed for, and provided with many treasure memories. I am so thankful!!

I am a follower.
Joanne Sher said…
Happy Birthday, lovely Mary! I am sure you are absolutely having a LOVELY time. There are SO many places I would love to visit - Israel, the Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, and Alaska top the list, I think. Beautiful pictures :) :)
Anonymous said…
Birthday Blessings to you Mary! May you enjoy the special day God has given to you. I would love to visit New Zealand. I have seen pictures and it just looks like such a wonderful place to visit.
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
Anonymous said…
oops, forgot to say I am an e mail follower
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
Deanne, Sure sounds like a great way to spend an hour. Hope you get that hour soon.
So if I met you in person...would I hear a bit o the Irish in your voice?
Ireland is definitely on my list. I've seen pictures of the countryside. Totally amazing.
Yeah, you saw your picture!!!
Hubby and I were just talking about what would be our next big trip. Israel was top on the list. I hope you get to go.
Thank you Michelle. Sounds like you have a busy schedule. Hope you get that quiet moment!
Thank you.
Three people have seen a moose here. Agh! I'll keep looking. I have 2 more days.
Thank you!
Hawaii? Yes. You must go. We went to Maui. If you get a chance be sure to visit the aquarium, go up the mountain, buy a Hawaiian dress, is a great trip. One you won't forget.
Thank you, Janella.
You didn't say where in Europe. I have visited Paris. I think I would like to see Italy next. Hawaii is also a great choice!
Thank you, Susan,
Hawaii seems to be the winner today! You are going to have such a fun time. Save up to do some of the awesome special things like fly over a volcano, scuba dive, etc. It will be money worth spending.
Ann, you are so sweet!
I'll work extra fast on my book.
In the mean time I'm anxious to hear the day you get to visit Alaska. :)
Thanks Bonnie,
I recall seeing some of your posts about your recent trip and was so excited for you.
I'd have to think about the Polynesian Islands. Aren't they really buggy?
I'd probably sneak along with you to Scotland and the Holy Land though.
We saw the place where we could take sled-dog rides but it was getting really late at night. You'll have to tell me about it.
Thank you Joanne.
I was thinking about you. During the cruise on the Pacific a fantastic idea came to me for a children's book. I'm going to have to research how to do it. Yep. Sounds like a great idea.
Mount Rushmore is a great idea. Some people say it is smaller than they thought. Don't listen. It is a great place to visit. The Grand Canyon will take your breath away. Plenty to do for a week. Israel..that is next on the list.
Thank you, Maryann
New Zealand. Tell me what intrigues you about it. I haven't seen photos and don't really know anything about it.
J.Grace said…
I would like to visit England, Italy, France and Greece.

We choose Hawaii as our vacation destination this spring until we noticed it was 12-14 hour flight.
Trixi said…
Happy birthday, Mary! May you feel God's love shine down on you today!
Choosing only one question....I'd like to answer them all :-)
I'd love to visit New Zealand. My mom lives there and has since 2001. She says it's so much like the Oregon coast (where I live), a little more 'wild" land if you will. The beaches are gorgeous and the air is so much fresher! And I'd love to go where they filmed "The Hobbit" movies. That would be a treat! To be able to spend time with my mom would be a real treat!
If I had an hour to myself, that's not a long period of time so probably go to take myself to get an ice-cream cone and sit and contemplate life, I guess!
Bucket list: Learn to play the piano or violin (or both), Buy an 5th Wheel/Truck to travel the U.S. with my husband.
Favorite season: Spring. I love when I see new life appearing after a long winter. The buds on the trees, the purple crocuses & daffodils coming up....just all the new life around me! Reminds me of the new life Christ gave me on the cross :-)
I follow your blog via email and do so enjoy each post! Happy birthday again!!
teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com
Pam K. said…
Happy Birthday, Mary! What a great husband you have to take you to Alaska to celebrate!
I always thought it would be fun to go to England and walk on the moors, then tour some of the small villages and drive through the countryside. I read a lot of Victoria Holt and other gothic romantic suspense when I was young and loved James Herriot's show on PBS, so have been influenced by them. It's nice we can dream and "visit" places through books or movies when we can't in real life.

I receive your blog by email. Thanks for having this wonderful book giveaway.

I must admit, the long flight to Hawaii was the downside. But once you arrive, you will love it.
I would like to see England, too. Maybe Big Ben, and other London sights. Greece would be awesome. And, I'd like to see France's countryside. Wouldn't you?
Maryann said New Zealand, too. It must be a great place. Since both of you are talking about it, I better add it to my list!
What kind of ice cream? I think I would like tin roof.
I'd like to play the piano also. I tried the violin and can't seem to get the squeak out :) The fifth wheel sounds wonderful. Think of the freedom to go anywhere, not have to worry about a hotel. Great idea!
I have to agree with your season choice. I love the chartreuse color of the plants. They turn a darker green in summer. I like the brighter greens of spring.
Oh, yes, the moors! I forgot about them. I would love to see those, too. Great idea.
You have the absolute key, something worthy of a writer's post. Readers really do look forward to dream visiting places through books and movies. Hmmmmm I'll think about that.
Trixi said…
I'm a vanilla fan myself so I really enjoy Dairy Queen's soft serve vanilla or if I have it at home, Bryer's natural vanilla. I'm very picky about my ice-cream, it really must have natural stuff in it...vanilla bean, milk or cream (or both), real sugar (not sweetner!), etc. I love when I read a package and it says "Natural and Artificial flavors"...I think to myself, yuck! Eating healthy to me has become rather important over the last few years :-) Not that we don't occasionally have a sweet or two, lol!
As far as the 5th wheel idea, that would be our permanent home. I like the idea of traveling and not having to worry about where we'd lay our heads at night. And we'd have more freedom to move around like you said. There's so much to see in this great country! My husband introduced me to the love of travel and we've seen some great out of the way places and some historical sites too. We have a lot of fun together and I think it would be awesome to explore new places!
I can't wait to hear where your first adventure takes you. Seriously, I'd love to hear about it when you get to go. There is something so very special about hearing someone's fantastic adventure. The teller is so excited and bubbly. Just like how I feel during this Alaska trip. Yeah, you'll feel it, too.
Leslie Waters said…
Alaska is beautiful. Happy Birthday.
If you could visit any place in the world, where would you like to go? I love regency romance books so I would have to say England mainly the country side and small villages. I also have a lot of ancestors from England so to go to there home towns would be wonderful.
Anonymous said…
I have seen pictures from the north and south islands. My husband has gone there on business trips and has taken 2 of our boys once for vacation (gotta love frequent flier miles) . They hiked and saw where the Lord of The Rings movie was being filmed. They kayaked in some beautiful places. . Only thing they said was there was no ketchup to be found! lol.
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
Becky Dempsey said…
Happy birthday :) My favorite season is Spring. I love to watch the world wake up from winter with all the flowers and new baby animals. dbdempsey98(at)gmail(dot)com
Bonnie Roof said…
Mary, my brother met a couple from New Zealand when he visited Alaska - they told him New Zealand was a lot like Alaska. I was surprised to hear that, if true - I'm sure I'd love New Zealand, also!!
Jennifer said…
I hope you have the awesomely best birthday ever and getting to go to Alaska will accomplish that! I have to say fall is my favorite time of year because of the cool weather with all the pretty colors to go with the lovely temps.
jennydtipton at gmail dot com
No ketchup? Imagine. I think some European countries do the same. They use vinegar or mayonnaise. It would be nice to see where The Lord of The Rings was filmed. Sounds very inviting. Thanks for helping me to add New Zealand to my list!
Oh, me too, Bonnie!!
Leslie, English country sides sound absolutely fantastic. Imagine a green hillside, a bench overlooking the water, a gentle breeze. Sigh. Does sound like a good place to find romance.
You description-watching the world wake up from winter- is so well said. The birds seem to serenade the opening, inviting the new flowers and baby animals to play.
I love your answer. Sometimes the summer gets so hot and muggy, then the fall cools the temperatures and colors the leaves. The fall scent is lovely.
If I could go anywhere I'd love to visit Ireland. I was there when I was 15 and saw the home where my grandmother was born. There are many more parts of that beautiful country I'd love to explore.
Ireland would be on my list as well. I've only seen pictures, but my sister and her family were missionaries near there in Wales for several years at the Bible College in Swansea. I understand the grass is greener than green. :)
Jenella, I don't see your email address. I'm trying to email you.
J.Grace said…
Just emailed you :)
Thanks! Got it. :)

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