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Fabulous Feature-Carol Moncado-God Knows What We Need

Today we welcome author:
Carol Moncado

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Carol's book

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Mary here. I'm so happy to welcome Carol. She is an absolute blast to hang out with. You have got to meet her. Spoiler alert, Carol makes chocolate chip cookies and shares them with her friends!! I asked my good friend Carol to tell us how God led her on her writing journey. Here is what she said: 

God Knows What We Need

Mary – thank you so much for having me today! I appreciate you! I first met Mary when we were roommates at a conference a few years ago. She’s fabulous! (But I’m sure you readers already know that ;).)

She asks such a simple question – how has God led you on your writing journey? – but it’s so complex! Such a nuanced thing. When did God lead me on my journey? As a kid when I spent more time in my room reading or making up stories in my head than I did playing with friends? When I took a creative writing class in college? As a mom with young kids when I wrote for fun? (Those things will remain hidden!!!!) What about when I got serious about this writing thing in 2009 and wrote my first manuscript I wanted to publish?

What about when manuscript after manuscript was rejected by publishers and agents? When one finally caught the eye of an editor and agent (later to be turned down)? When agent Tamela Hancock Murray signed me with a different manuscript? When we got no's all the way around from publishers and after much prayer and advice, I decided to go indie?

The answer is…well, God’s hand is visible in all of those times, even if it was hard to see at the time. Making up stories as a kid led to making up stories as an adult. All those manuscripts no one wanted? They were practice – and a stockpile. That decision to go indie in November 2014? One I’m so incredibly glad I made. And the stockpile? That led to eight novels released in my first year as an indie author (and two novellas – plus one more last weekend). If I hadn’t had them ready to go, I wouldn't have had the success I’ve had. God knew that ahead of time!

Book sales have led to moderate monetary success – enough to pay my own writing bills (conferences etc.) rather than taking it from family funds, money to fix my husband’s brakes (twice), pay for braces (for two kids – for now!), pay for vision therapy so a kiddo who struggles with reading is improving significantly as her eyes start working right together, paying off vehicles and other bills, etc. Five years ago, I knew braces were on the horizon and didn’t know how we’d pay for them. Vision therapy? Not a clue! It’s not cheap, but oh so worth it to see my ten-year-old FINALLY starting to grasp things most kids do when they’re younger – all because the muscles in her eyes don’t track right which has led to her brain processing things differently than most of us do.

Besides that, my husband and I both teach at a community college (my main job, his second job). With the Affordable Care Act regulations about full time vs. part time employees and how those hours are calculated, changing requirements for benefits, we both saw our hours cut (we don’t rely on that job for health insurance, etc. but the new regulations apply to everyone). The income from books has also helped make that up – as well as allowing me to stay home this coming summer rather than teaching summer school, a choice I haven’t been able to make in many years. 

With four kids doing two-a-day swim team practices, a new high schooler doing summer school and band camp, and everything else that goes with our summer schedule – not needing anyone to help me with pick-ups or drop offs – or need a babysitter while I work (my oldest did last year, but she’ll be in band camp).

Are all of those things about my writing career? Well, no. But God knows what we need in all areas of our lives. He knew years ago that I’d need to have a bunch of books out quickly when I started the indie career. He knew I’d need income to pay for braces or vision therapy – or even to pay bills when our “day job” pay got cut some. Without His guiding hand over the last /mumble/mumble/ years, I wouldn’t have been ready when the time came.

Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (Hebrews 13:20-21, NIV; bolding mine)

Even when I didn’t know it, He was equipping me. I don’t want you to come away with the impression it’s all about the money – it’s not! But it’s been a huge blessing to my family. Beyond that, the friends I’ve made (both other authors – like Mary here and so very many others – and readers) are invaluable. The emails from readers who tell me I helped make their day a little better because they needed escape from a difficult situation. Emails from readers who let me know that some little thing I barely remember writing was just what they needed to hear – to remind them of God’s plan for their own lives. All of those things and so much more.

I’m not anything special – just a gal with an imagination that won’t quit and a God who can use her imaginary friends for good. My good. My family’s good. My readers’ good.

God is good. All the time. Even when we have a hard time seeing it (like when we wallow in Ben and Jerry’s after that email from that editor) or in difficult situations where it may be years before we see how those things are part of a beautiful tapestry.

But what a beautiful tapestry it is! And I am so very blessed to be a part of it!

Carol Moncado, Mary Vee, and Pepper Basham
at the St. Louis ACFW Conference
When not writing about imaginary friends, Carol Moncado is with her family and dog, who weighs less than most hardback books. Her favorite activity is watching NCIS, unless Castle is on - or Girl Meets World (with her four kids, of course!). She believes peanut butter M&Ms are the perfect food, and Dr Pepper should come in an IV. If her kids, and the dog, aren’t racing around her big backyard in Southwest Missouri, she’s at the pool watching swim team practice or teaching American Government at a community college. She's President of MozArks ACFW.

Carol loves to connect with readers. You can find her at her:
Blog |  Facebook

Winning the Queen's Heart

Christiana Elizabeth Marissa Abigail has been queen of Ravenzario since her family died in a horrific car accident when she was five. Her uncle acted as her regent until she was of age. In the last year, the uncovering of his duplicity shook the country’s faith in her - and her faith in herself. At least she is finally going to get to marry her secret boyfriend. Isn’t she? 

American Alexander Bayfield has been in love with the queen of his adopted country for years. A chance conversation, one he wasn’t supposed to overhear, inserted him into Queen Christiana’s inner circle. For two years, he’s watched as her relationship with a man he knows to be evil progressed. The evidence to finally put him away for good has been uncovered and it’s up to Alexander to break the news to her. 

The aftermath leaves Alexander as the only one Christiana can turn to, the only one who can protect her reputation and, more importantly, her heart. Will he be able to win it for himself, or will secrets from his past, paparazzi who tell stories before checking facts, and the long-reaching tentacles of her uncle’s empire keep them from finding love?

Protecting the Prince, an e-novella from the Brides of Belles Montagnes series, is free for a limited time for Carol's newsletter subscribers!


Finding Mr. Write and Good Enough for a Princess are free on Amazon! 

Enter the contest to win a kindle copy of Carol's books:
Along Came a Prince and More than a Princess
Finding Mr. Write and Falling for Mr. Write
International Readers are welcome to enter!
here is how:

leave a comment (and email address)

AND sign up to receive my newsletter -in the right column
(subscribers to my newsletter will receive a special gift)

AND/OR sign up to receive posts by email if you aren't already

Thank you, Carol, for joining us this weekend!

We enjoy chatting with you, Reader, and look forward to reading your comments and questions. Or at least your hi, hello, or hey.

Thanks for stopping by!

Don't forget to comment!


Mary Preston said…
A lovely post thank you. WINNING THE QUEEN'S HEART looks wonderful.

Lientjie Human said…
Thank you for sharing you journey Carol.
I have Good Enough for a Princess, would LOVE to win Along Came a Prince and More than a Princess!

I agree with you, Mary. What I especially liked was learning about how publishing her books has brought some money into their family. This really is a business. I haven't thought about this aspect. But would someday be able to say I helped my family with my writing. Ooo that does have a pleasant ring to it. Winning one of Carol's kindle books will be great, but remember The Queen's Heart isn't one that will be sent to a winner. Two other awesome Carol books will be. See the note above.

So glad you could stop by to chat with us, Mary.
I was just thinking of you, Lientjie. Haven't seen you in a bit and have missed chatting with you. I'm so glad I get to tell you, Merry Christmas.
kim hansen said…
Thanks for sharing. kamundsen44ATyahooDOTcom
Unknown said…
Your dog weighs less than most hard back books? Ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I love that! I'd like to see a picture!
Trixi said…
Carol, it's so nice to connect with you here! I've gotten to know you a bit more and to share in your journey with God and your writing :-) Such a fun post! God IS good...ALL the time and He does provide for us, sometimes before we even know we need it. He's faithful and just :-) Thanks for sharing your writing path, family life (which I DO know is & anything in between.
Mary, I am acquainted with Carol through the Inspy Romance blog as well. Thank you for featuring her on this one. Like I said, love connecting with authors wherever I can. Blessings to you both!!

teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com
I receive both your newsletter and post via email :-)

Hi, Kim! Happy Advent and almost Christmas!
I'm so glad you stopped by today. I was thinking about Carol's post and realizing how writing isn't the only application for God's provision to the spouses of the main pay check. Isn't amazing how God provides just when we need it.
Sure sounds like an itty bitty dog, eh?
How is your Advent season going, Laurie? Sure hope all is well with you and that your plans for Christmas are going well. Thanks for chatting with Carol and me today.
So awesome to hear more of the story behind the author. I'm glad you've connected with Carol at her blog. She is a lot of fun to be around.
And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours, Trixi. :)
Lientjie Human said…
It's nice to be back on this lovely blog:)
Hope you enjoy the holidays.
Carol Moncado said…
Hi Mary! So nice to see you! It has been a true blessing to have the income. It's about so much more than that, of course, but at some point it can't just be for fun because silly kids...they like to eat ;). So do I come to think of it :D.

WINNING THE QUEEN'S HEART was a lot of fun to write (plus isn't her dress GORGEOUS?!)
Carol Moncado said…
Hi Lientjie! Didn't I see you on another blog or an email or something recently?! (I've been sick for weeks :( - everything is running together!) Thanks so much for popping by! Good luck!
Carol Moncado said…
Hi Kim! Thanks for stopping by! It really never ceases to amaze me how God knows what we need before we need it!
Carol Moncado said…
Hi Laurie! Okay - that's a smidge of an exaggeration - but not much! He weighs right at 5 lbs most of the time ;). Pop over to my FB page - I posted one there last Sunday :D.
Carol Moncado said…
Hi Trixi! So good to see you! Even though I don't always reply, I loved seeing your Sunday comments on IR! I can't say I've missed doing the posts (too busy being sick ;)), but I do miss that connection.

Life is busy - but I wouldn't have it any other way! Hugs!
Lientjie Human said…
I won Hand Me Down Princess & Winning the Queen's Heart on you post at Fiction 411. Really enjoyed Prince Malachi & Jessabelle's Story.

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