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Fabulous Feature: Celebrating the New Year

Celebrating 74 subscribers
to my 
Never Give Up Stories Newsletter
 in only three months!

Happy New Year!

How are those New Year's resolutions coming?  I didn't even try this year. Doesn't mean I don't have tasks I'd like to get done...I just have chosen a different way to set this goal. I will be selecting One-Word. Scroll down to the last post to see how this works.

Starting a new year is like opening a gift. Yah never know what is going to be inside. I always hope for something amazing. Don't you?

This year is no different.

Those who have hung out here on Let's Talk know I love to travel. 

Top. Top. Top on my to-do list is seeing God's world. 

What travels are on my docket for this year? Eeeeeee, I am excited to say: 

San Jose, California (I have never been to California! I'm attending a writer's conference), 
Italy (oh, this is going to be a-mazing), and 
Florida (my daughter is getting married). 

If God wants to squeeze in a few more places--I am totally on board!

Photo Courtesy

Now the Party!

Today through Thursday, January 7, 2016 US residents may enter to win books from the list of authors below. 

What are we celebrating?

In October, 2015, I started my first writer's newsletter. In December, I gave a mystery story to every subscriber. I am celebrating 74 subscribers to my Never Give Up Stories newsletter and excited to have more readers sign up. Yeah!!!

Five winners will be chosen. 

Books by the following authors and others will be given away: 

Stacy Hawkins Adams, Rick Barry, Vannetta Chapman, Colleen Coble, Brandilyn Collins, Dale Cramer, Melanie Dobson, Robin Hatcher, Kristi Hunter, Beverly Lewis, Max Lucado, Bodie Thoene, Karen Witemeyer, and more!

Winners will be chosen using the Rafflecopter website. Winners will be able to choose from my great author's book stack, many have been a guest on my blog. Winner's names and the book/s they chose will be announced on my Facebook page: Mary.Vee.Writer

Sorry-United States only

May the Lord greatly bless you in this coming year. 
May your trials be manageable, 
and your joys a pinnacle experience.
I am looking forward to another exciting year with you 
here on Let's Talk.


Caryl Kane said…
HAPPY NEW YEAR MARY! Congratulations on your daughter's upcoming wedding! Blessings to you and your family.
Thank you Caryl. And a very happy New Year to you as well!!
Susan Johnson said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan Johnson said…
Happy New Year! I am thankful that God has kept my family safe and healthy.
Susan Johnson said…
OOps You said to leave my email address. susanmsj at msn dot com
Me, too, Susan. I have heard about trials several friends have had to go through. They really struggled through this year and needed lots of prayer. I am thankful God has kept your family safe and healthy, too.
This is a comment from my friend, Robin Mason
Father gave me a word for 2015: FORWARD. and boy-o-boy did i move forward. shift, change—growth! my word for 2016 is INHABIT, and as i stood on my porch last night, shortlyy after midnight (wrapped in a fuzzy blanket) i tangibly felt the crackle of newness in my spirit.
looks like you've got a fanTAStic year this year, Mary!! enjoy and savor every minute of it!
Robin E. Mason said…
let's try (to comment) again shall we???
Yeah! There you are!!!
Unknown said…
I am thankful to God that in 2015 I had the means to start planning retirement and in 2016 this will happen!
Pam K. said…
2015 was a hard year because I lost a special cousin in April, a treasured aunt in June, and my beloved mom in November. But, I am very thankful for all the years they were in my life and that I will see them again in heaven.
Trixi said…
One thing I'm thankful for in 2015, my husbands new job he started in October for so many more reasons than I can list! It's been a true blessing :-)
Thank you, Mary for the chance to win a book from your pile. You have a great list of authors I love!

teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) comr
Trixi said…
Mary, I go to the "visit the God Loves Kids" link and it give me an error and won't take to website.
Also if I were to choose one word for the year it would be Faith. I've had that whispered in my ears for a few days so I think God is telling me something :-) Now to have Him show me what this will mean over the course of the year, I'm excited!
Trixi said…
That is suppose to be

teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com
Congratulations, Laurie! Have you thought of what you'd like to do next?
I'm so sorry to hear this news. Truly these were special people in your life. May God grant yu peace and joy filled memories
Thanks for letting me know about the God Loves Kids link. I'll look into that.
You've chosen a wonderful word for your one-word. I can't wait to see how this word will impact your life the year.
AND congrats to hubby for his new job!!
I had quite a learning curve in tackling the God Loves Kids link. Kinda had to invent the wheel..but it works now. You can put your name in again and add this to your rafflecopter count. I've also set it up so you can enter more than once in this category.
Oh, that nasty auto correct. I meant Trixi. Sorry about that.
I had quite a learning curve in tackling the God Loves Kids link. Kinda had to invent the wheel..but it works now. You can put your name in again and add this to your rafflecopter count. I've also set it up so you can enter more than once in this category.
I had quite a learning curve in tackling the God Loves Kids link. Kinda had to invent the wheel..but it works now. You can put your name in again and add this to your rafflecopter count. I've also set it up so you can enter more than once in this category.
Caryl, did you want to enter? Use the rafflecopter entry box.
I had quite a learning curve in tackling the God Loves Kids link. Kinda had to invent the wheel..but it works now. You can put your name in again and add this to your rafflecopter count. I've also set it up so you can enter more than once in this category.
kim hansen said… health
Kim Hampton said…
I am thankful that my family made it through 2015 without any major health crises.
imaclogger23 at yahoo dot com
Kim Hampton said…
My one word for the year is accomplish. I want to get at least one thing done every day.
Trixi said…
No worries Mary, I hate auto correct too! I've had it come up with all sorts of interesting things in the past :-) I did get the God Loves Kids link to work on the Rafflecopter, so glad you were able to figure it out! Since I've never set up a giveaway, I'm sure it is quite a learning experience.
Also, when I mentioned my hubbies job, it isn't as if he didn't have's just the one he was in for 6 years was becoming quite unbearable. So glad God answered our prayers for a new one in the right timing & with the perfect job. God is so good at providing what we need & when we need it the most. But I can tell you, it really tested my faith. Maybe that's why He whispered that in my ear, I need to stretch my faith more. Scary thought, though, at least for me. :-\ Almost like praying for patience (which I've learned NOT to do, lol), seems He'll put you in situations where it will stretch you in that area. I have to remember it's for my good & builds Godly character! Which is always my prayer for a new year, to be open to God's will and way in my life everyday. If that means He will stretch me beyond my comfort zone, so be it. I just have to trust that He has it all under control :-)
Blessings on the New Year, Mary, may you let the light of Christ shine in your heart to others always!
Such good news, Trixi. If hubby isn't happy in his job..well, we just don't like our hubby's unhappy. I am SO excited God handled the situation and made a way for your hubby to move to a job that he enjoys.
Blessings on you, too, Trixi.
Patty said…
Happy New year!

I am so thankful for my new husband, I married for the first time in April at the age of 41!
Aerykah said…
I am very thankful to God for the safe and healthy delivery of my sister's son-- he's 4 days old today! What a blessing!! :)

sleepy_bookworm_aery [at] yahoo [dot] com
Aerykah said…
My word for this year: HELD

After the past few years, I just want to really focus on remembering that everything (especially me and my circumstances) is held in God's hands. I don't have to be in control and I don't have to understand everything that's going on and why it's happening. He's holding me and it's going to be okay.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am SOOOOOOO happy for you, Patty. You must have had an a-mazing Christmas!!! Cuddles, cookies, Christ's birthday....the list is endless. May this union be full of joy, many years, and happiness.
Did you get to hold him, yet? Those little ones squeak. They are so cute. Tiny fingers and toes. So precious. What a gift from God. And the good part about being an aunt is you get to spoil him ;) Congratulations, Aunt Aerykah!
Wow. These are great words. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. I can't wait to see how God will use this word in your life this year.
Aerykah said…
Oh yes! My bro-in-law had to work the day after the baby was born, so I spent the first night and following day with my sister to help her out-- lots of time to hold that adorable baby!! ;D His big brother just loves his tiny toes & keeps asking to see them. It's so sweet. ;)
Thank you! I shall spoil him to the best of my abilities. Lol!
Aerykah said…
Thank you. :)

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