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Fabulous Feature-Jennifer Davids

Today we welcome author:
Jennifer Davids

A commenter will win a copy of
Jennifer's eBook:
Buckeye Dreams

International Readers Included!

Scroll down to see how.

Mary here. I'm so happy to welcome Jennifer. Isn't her photo beautiful?  She is just as beautiful in person. I met her at an ACFW conference. I must admit, my heart was truly touched as i read her story that is below. She is a true testimony of how God works His power in our lives turning what is "bad into something beautiful." God has led her on an incredible journey that is sure to minister to others who struggle. I asked Jennifer to tell us how God led her on her writing journey. Here is what she said: 

The Magic of Story

It began when I was ten. I had just gotten through the worst summer in my, as yet, short life. I don’t recall the beginning of that summer being any different than the start of any other, but by its end, my life had turned upside down and inside out and would never be the same ever again.

That was the summer my parents decided to get divorced.

Gone was the house in the country with my own room and the backyard as big as forever, the pony we had just started to raise and the chickens we raised for 4-H. The three of us, me, my mom, and my sister, were now in a small apartment in the suburbs struggling to make ends meet and trying to make new friends in, to me anyway, a foreign environment.

Imagine if you will, a slightly socially awkward girl going from a small country school classroom to a big city school classroom. Yes, it was culture shock and no, I wasn’t winning any popularity contests. I went from awkward to pariah in about 60 seconds. OK, ‘pariah’ is a bit strong but needless to say I didn’t fit in. Add to that all the drama surrounding the process of my parent’s divorce and you have a little girl in desperate need of somewhere to hide from the harshness of all that reality.

That’s when I found the magic of story.

Books became my refuge, the one place where I wasn’t picked on or teased, where there were happily ever afters and I was in any place but the present. Norman Juster took me to the Kingdom of Wisdom, L. Frank Baum whisked me off to Oz on numerous occasions, I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art thanks to Ms. Konigsburg, Anne McCaffrey took me to Pern… There were so many others; I could go on and on and on.

I didn’t always make the healthiest reading choices and the times and places I chose to read weren’t always appropriate, but you know God; He takes the bad and makes it beautiful. When my ninth grade English teacher gave me an A++ on my creative writing assignment, it was then that He showed me how all that reading had paid off. He showed me that I could weave words to bring Light to other people’s lives. There have been hiccups and sidetracks along the way, but He’s led me through to my first published books and I pray He will lead me to more as I continue on this journey with Him.

My first three books are available in one ebook called Buckeye Dreams and I would love to give away a copy to someone. Sign up for Mary's newsletter in the right column and tell me how God has taken your bad to beautiful in the comments and you’ll be entered in a drawing.



Jennifer loves a good book. Not only does she read and write them, she gets to take care of them at her part-time evening job at her local library. She resides in central Ohio with her husband and two children and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and a graduate of The Ohio State University. She makes room to write in between being a busy wife and mom and despite the fact her cats like to walk on her keyboard.

Jennifer loves to connect with readers. You can find her at her:

Website | Pinterest
Goodreads |  Facebook

Buckeye Dreams

Visit Ohio in the latter half of the 1800s, when rebuilding the country also involves rebuilding lives stripped of hope. Katherine has lost her home, Adele has lost her husband, and Anne has lost her dreams. Can each have their joy restored in romances with men who are also deeply wounded by their own pasts? Find out in this inspiring three-book collection by author Jennifer A. Davids.

Links to books:
Barnes and Noble:

Enter the contest to win a copy of Jennifer's eBook:
Buckeye Dreams
International Readers included!

Here is how:

1. Leave a comment (and email address)

2. AND sign up to receive my newsletter -in the right column

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Thank you, Jennifer, for joining us this weekend!

We enjoy chatting with you, Reader, and look forward to reading your comments and questions. Or at least your hi, hello, or hey.

Thanks for stopping by!

Don't forget to comment!


Kim Hampton said…
What an inspiring story Jennifer! I'm a country girl, born and raised, and I can't even imagine being forced to live in the city, especially as a young girl.
God has definitely blessed me, much more than I deserve. When I was in college, I met what I thought was the perfect man. We started dating and everything was great for the first few months. I was head over heels in love with him, when he started changing almost overnight. He became abusive, first mentally and then physically. He shredded my self-esteem, and I stayed with him because I truly believed that no one else would ever want me. I prayed every night that God would change him back into the man I first met, but it never happened. Eventually he cheated on me and got another girl pregnant. I finally pulled myself together and broke up with him then, but he just kept drawing me in, time after time. We were in an on again off again relationship for 8 years, before I finally found the courage to break it off with him for good. God protected me the whole time, I have no doubt about that. Eventually I met and married a good man. We've been together almost 11 years and have two beautiful daughters. God chose not to answer my prayers the way I originally asked Him to, and instead to send me something better than I ever imagined. I thank Him every day for taking my messy life and turning it into joy.
imaclogger23 at yahoo dot com
Unknown said…
What a moving story Kim, thank you so much for sharing. I love how God takes what we want - or what we think we want - and gives us what we couldn't ever imagined. Hugs and blessings, Jen
kim hansen said…
sounds like a good read. My maternal grandparents both had grown up in the country and live in San Antonio for about 35 years. They raised 2 kids in the country too.
Robin E. Mason said…
i'm reminded of Mary and the "waste" of expensive perfume. nothing is wasted on Him, or with Him. another blog today the title was, "Nothing is Wasted in God's Plan!" all the years of torment, or a loss, or [insert your "loss"] are all, always, redeemed in His hands!
Kim, what a beautiful story of God's blessings. It's so hard to know the big picture when we are standing in the middle of the situation. It's so hard to give things to God and trust Him. But look how He protected you! Your comment is such a testimony to everyone visiting this page. Thank you so much for sharing.
I was raised in the city, but have always loved the woods, the country side....Hubby found an awesome place for us surrounded by State woods. This is a certain peace in this kind of setting, don't you think? I'm so glad you stopped by today, Kim! Jennifer and I loved chatting with you.
That's right, Robin. Your story really echoes this message, too. What a great point you add, "Nothing is wasted in God's plan!' So difficult to remember in the moment, yet it is the very thought that will help us through.
Unknown said…
Thank you, Kim. Having lived in both the country and the city I could live comfortably either place. Thanks for stopping by. :)
Unknown said…
Absolutely, Robin. I also think of Joseph and the years of hardship God used to get him ready for great things. Thanks so much for stopping by. :)
Trixi said…
My story parallels Kim in a lot of ways. The difference was he never got another girl pregnant, though I'm fairly certain he had cheated on me (can't prove it, but a person just KNOWS). But the rest I can relate to. I was in the marriage way too long. We had a daughter together, but I just found myself looking at her future & it wasn't a good one. I finally got out when she wasn't quite 3 & moved back in with my mom and step-dad. It was at that point in my life that I rededicated my life to God & started living for Him.
Fast forward to today (almost 20yrs): I am married to a Godly man, we attend a wonderful church, have a son who will graduate this year & my daughter has a sweet little girl (our grand-girl). I would say God has restored 1000 fold!! Life still has it's ups and downs, but I'm living it alongside a spouse who supports me and leads our family in spiritual matters. :-) Oh and a side note: my husband adopted my daughter at the age of 7! Looking back, I can see God's hand of mercy on my life, even through all the bad stuff. I wouldn't be in the place I am if it wasn't for him :-)

Thanks for the author interview, Jennifer! I can surely see God's hand on your life as well. And I'm glad that you reflect that in your writing, I love when writers stick with their faith in the stories. Your book sounds wonderful, thank you for the chance to win a copy!

teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com
Trixi said…
I do all the above, Mary! Thanks for the author introduction, I always enjoy your posts :-)
Unknown said…
Thank you for stopping by, Trixie. I'm so glad God has blessed you so richly. And thank you for your kind words. :)
Trixi, What a heart story. The blessing is, continuing to walk forward with God.
Thank you so much for sharing how God's hand of mercy has touched your life.

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