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Fabulous Friday Feature-Julianna Deering-The Mystery is Afoot

Today we welcome author:
Julianna Deering

A commenter will win one title from
Julianna's mystery series

Scroll down to see how.

Mary here. I'm so happy to welcome Julianna Deering today. I love, love mysteries. We are in for such a treat today with a mystery writer guest.  I don't want to steal Julianna's thunder or whodunit answer book, so without further is what Julianna said when I asked her: how has God led you on your writing journey. Come, be inspired: 

I Had No Intention of Ever...

People are often surprised when I tell them I had no plans to be a writer when I was growing up or even when I was in college. I always loved to read, but it never occurred to me to try to write anything. Certainly not for publication. During my teen years I sometimes wrote short episodes of my favorite television shows. I guess it was Fan Fiction before such a thing actually existed, but that was just for my own amusement.

When I was in college, sitting through boring lectures on tax accounting or business law, I began writing little scenes that were totally original. I had only recently developed a real interest in Shakespeare’s history plays and medieval English history, and these scenes were definitely influenced by that, but there wasn’t really a story there yet. All I knew was that this young man from medieval times had been in a terrible battle and had been gravely injured and was just waking up. Who was he? What had the battle been about? What was his current situation? All of that began to take shape the more I wrote, but I still had no intention of ever trying to get published or even making the scenes I had into one coherent whole.

Then a friend of mine suggested I actually write a book and get it published. I didn’t take that suggestion seriously for a long time, but then I decided to give it a try. What would it hurt? To my amazement, In Honor Bound, the book I pieced together out of my collection of random scenes, was accepted by the third publisher I queried. It was nothing short of a miracle, but looking back I could see how those little “TV episodes” and other scenes I wrote were practice for what was to come. I could see how my sudden interest in Shakespeare and English history, something I would have run from (shrieking!) before that time was all story fodder. For the first time, I felt sure I was doing what I was called to do.

Now, writing as Julianna Deering and as DeAnna Julie Dodson, I have twelve books traditionally published and three more due to come out over the next several months. I am more certain than ever that I am meant to be a writer. There have been lots of ups and downs over the past few years, some times of waiting, and some times of incredible answers to prayer. Through it all, I have held on to this scripture: For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, “Do not fear. I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13

What will this writing career look like for me in the future? Well, that’s where the adventure comes into play. That’s when I pray and trust God to lead me where He wants me to go and make me all He wants me to be. Whatever comes, I know He is holding my hand and helping me through.

Julianna's cat: Eddie
JULIANNA DEERING has always been an avid reader and a lover of storytelling, whether on the page, the screen or the stage. This, along with her keen interest in history and her Christian faith, shows in her tales of love, forgiveness and triumph over adversity. 
A fifth-generation Texan, she makes her home north of Dallas with three spoiled cats and, when not writing, spends her free time quilting, cross stitching and watching NHL hockey. 
Her new series of Drew Farthering mysteries set in 1930s England debuted with Rules of Murder (Bethany House, 2013) and is followed by Death by the Book and Murder at the Mikado (Bethany House, 2014). Also, as DeAnna Julie Dodson, she has written a trilogy of medieval romances (In Honor Bound, By Love Redeemed and To Grace Surrendered) and four contemporary mysteries for the Annie's Attic series. She is represented by Wendy Lawton of the Books & Such Literary Agency (

Julianna loves to connect with readers. 
You can find her at her:
Website | Twitter



Drew and Madeline Farthering arrive at a Regency-Era house party at Winteroak House, excited to be reunited with old friends, including Drew’s former Oxford classmate Talbot Cummins. Tal is there with his fiancée, Alice Henley, and though many present seem worried about the couple, nobody is prepared when Alice dies from an apparent overdose. Tal refuses to believe she’d taken the drugs intentionally, and a dark question arises of whether the death is an accident or murder.

The police have their own information though, and Drew is shocked when they arrest someone he’s trusted and admired since his childhood—someone who’s been smuggling drugs into the country for years. Stunned by what has happened, Tal begs Drew to get to the bottom of everything, but Drew’s never felt more unsettled. Questioning his own ability to see people as they really are, Drew doesn’t know who to trust, and he’s not ready for the secrets he’s about to uncover—or the danger he’ll bring down on everyone he holds dear.


Enter the contest to win one title from 
Julianna Deering's mystery series:

Here is how:

1. Leave a comment (and email address)

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Thank you, Julianna, for joining us this weekend!

We enjoy chatting with you, Reader, and look forward to reading your comments and questions. Or at least your hi, hello, or hey.

Thanks for stopping by!

Don't forget to comment!


Good morning Julianna. I've enjoyed this conversation and learning that you write under two names. I have always admired the covers of your mystery series; your name is so fitting for the regency series! Thanks, Mary, for choosing another excellent author to interview.
Good morning, Connie.
So nice to see you this morning. I must admit, I found the cover of her books very intriguing also. Don't they just make you want to open the cover and start reading? Which one would you pick to read?
Sylvia said…
I have enjoyed reading the books in this series so far. Julianna certainly has a gift for writing. Since I'm a big fan of the Regency time period it was neat to find out that this new book will include those elements.

I am a newsletter subscriber.

Sylvia, I did see your comment but was called away on a family errand. I'm so glad you came to chat with Julianna and me.
I especially enjoy books that have all the components I enjoy. Just think Regency and mystery. Too awesome! Since you've had a chance to read some of her books, which one are you excited to read next?
Pam K. said…
I've read the first three books in the Drew Farthering series so I'm really looking forward to this fourth book, Dressed for Death.
I receive your newsletter and blogs by email; have for quite some time. Thanks for this interview with Julianna and the giveaway.

Pam, so nice to see you!
So tell me, what did you like about the first three books in this series? I haven't had a chance to read the series, but like others popping in her are very intrigued.
Thanks for chatting with Julianna and me.
Thank you, Connie! Actually, this book is still my 1930s mystery series. Drew and Madeline are just attending a Regency costume party. I thought it would be fun, sine my literary inspiration for this one was Jane Austen. :D
Hi, Pam! I'm thrilled to hear you've been enjoying this series. I hope you like the latest entry. I'd love to know what you think of it. :)
I'm so happy to hear you've been enjoying Drew and Madeline, Sylvia!

Thank you Please let me know what you think of their latest adventure. :)
Thank you, Mary, for letting me visit your blog. It's been a crazy release week, but I certainly appreciate it!
You are so very welcome. :)

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