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Fabulous Feature-Stacy Henrie

Today we welcome author:
Stacy Henrie

A commenter will win an eBook of
Stacy's book:

The Express Rider's Lady

Scroll down to see how.

US and International Readers Invited to Enter!

Mary here. I'm so happy to welcome Stacy to Let's Talk. I'm so excited to host a Love Inspired novelist! These are such delightful reads. One that will stir your heart. ! I asked Lynn: how has God led you on your writing journey? Here is what she said: 

Leading Me Along

It’s been nearly twelve years since I first embarked on this writing journey—a journey that has turned out far different than I expected, and yet, it’s one I feel was and continues to be orchestrated by God. 

I wrote for seven and a half of those twelve years before I received “the call” from Love Inspired Historical that they wanted to publish my book. My debut novel released with them in September 2012. Since then I’ve had four other books published, including my second with Love Inspired Historical that released this past February.

Looking back over the last twelve years, I can see how the Lord has guided me to where I am today. He has placed in my path the people and opportunities I needed to learn and grow. And He has given me quiet nudges that have brought clarity and reassurance. These moments have sustained me through many difficult days.

So, while I could share stories from earlier in my journey, I’m going to share instead how He’s guided me most recently. Because, thankfully, His guidance doesn’t end when we get the call or when our first book is published.

At the end of April, I learned some devastating news about a very close family member. I’d been steadily working on a book that was due in seven weeks, a book I hadn’t yet finished writing. I felt a lot of fear about not being able to write. I also felt it was important to take a break, which I did. Then I slowly started back into writing. I can’t say the words just flowed—most days they didn’t. But I can say that the Lord led me along. Not only was I able to finish that book, I was able to finish it much earlier than my deadline.

I’ve also seen God leading me in other ways, through things I’ve learned this year that apply to both my regular life’s journey and my writing journey. He’s led me to truly understand that my worth as His daughter is not dependent on what I do or how many books I sell or whether my latest proposal was accepted or not. My worth as His child is constant—it doesn’t fluctuate with the number of Twitter followers I have or contest wins or publishing contracts.

Mary here: Wow, Stacy, these words are so very true. Then I think it could also apply to any career that demands advancement to continue.

He’s also aided me in pulling myself out of the trap of comparisons, to understand someone else’s success is in no way my failure. He’s helped me see this writing journey is mine; and it may look different and be different than someone else’s. 

There is such beauty in that. In knowing, that whatever our individual journeys, He will lead us along our own path of growth and change and dreams.

Stacy Henrie has always had a love for history, fiction, and chocolate. She earned her B.A. in public relations before turning her attentions to raising a family and writing inspirational historical romances. Wife of an entrepreneur husband and a mother to three, Stacy loves to live out history through her fictional characters. In addition to author, she is also a reader, a road trip enthusiast, and a novice interior decorator. Her books include Hope at Dawn, a 2015 Romance Writers of America RITA finalist for excellence in romance.

Stacy Loves to hear from you! Contact her at:    


The Express Rider's Lady

Delsie Radford is going to make it to California, no matter the danger or difficulty. Her father may have kept her and her sister apart, but Delsie refuses to miss her sister's wedding—even with only eighteen days to get there. And she's found the perfect escort in Pony Express rider Myles Patton. 

Myles can't believe it when a pretty socialite hires him to take her cross-country through rough terrain and dangerous territory. Surely she'll quit before they reach their destination—he's known girls like her before. But the longer they ride together, the more Myles notices Delsie's toughness and kindness beneath her polished exterior. And though they may be worlds apart…they might just be perfect for each other.

Enter the contest to win an eBook of Stacy Henrie's book:
The Express Rider's Lady
US and International readers invited to enter!!

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Thank you, Stacy, for joining us this weekend!

We enjoy chatting with you, Reader, and look forward to reading your comments and questions. Or at least your hi, hello, or hey.

Thanks for stopping by!

Don't forget to comment!


Tristan said…
What an adventure traveling with the Pony Express would be! That is a fun idea for a book. Thank you for writing!
Stacy Henrie said…
Thanks, Tristan! It was a fun adventure to write. And I'm grateful we have cars and can make the same trek in just a couple days. :)
I have to agree, Stacy's book sounds like such a soothing read full of spunk and fun. Also, a Pony Express rider is a great choice for a protector. This is going to be so good to read! Thanks for joining us today.

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