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Fabulous Feature-Terri Reed

Today we welcome author:
Terri Reed

A commenter will win a copy of
Terri's book:

Person of Interest
Book 1 of the Rookie K-9 Series

Scroll down to see how.

Mary here.   I asked Terri: how has God led you on your writing journey? Here is what she said: 

Dreams God Has for Me

Thank you Mary for hosting me today.

When America was attacked in September 2011, the world changed. I remember my heart hurt for those who had suffered and died. I thought how could my writing ever mean anything to anyone when there were more important issues going on in the world. 

I had been writing and trying to publish for eight years at that point and was getting discouraged. I had begun to think maybe it was time to let the dream of publishing go.  A few weeks after 9/11 my women’s Bible study went for a weekend retreat to the beach. The theme of the retreat was Dream Big. Throughout the weekend I kept wondering what God would want me to dream. Was my hope of publishing inline with God’s plan for my life?

One morning as I was walking on the beach I prayed God would show what He wanted for my life   When I returned to the retreat center, the speaker talked about God having bigger dreams for us that we could ever imagine.  And that it was okay to dream. I left the retreat feeling renewed and ready to submit again. 

As a favor from the retreat, we were given a bookmark with the quote “God give me the dreams that You have dreamed for me” by Dr. Robert Schuller.  I hung the bookmark on my bulletin board where I could see it as I write.  Everyday I say this prayer.  It took another three years before I finally published and since that time I know God has used my writing to touch lives. And really that is the best dream possible.


Terri Reed’s romance and romantic suspense novels have appeared on Publisher’s Weekly top 25, Nielsen’s Bookscan top 100 and featured in USA Today, Christian Fiction Magazine and Romantic Times Magazine, finaled in RWA’s RITA contest, National Reader’s Choice Award contest, ACFW’s The Carol Award contest.

Terri loves to connect with readers
You can find her at her:


When rookie K-9 officer Shane West and his German shepherd partner find the lead police dog trainer murdered, he's determined to bring the killer to justice. But then he discovers Gina Perry hiding nearby—a pretty junior trainer who had the motive, means and opportunity to kill her boss. Gina insists her troubled brother is the real murderer…and this isn't the first time he's killed. And when Gina's brother comes after her, Shane is assigned to protect her and uncover the truth. Suddenly, Shane—a cop who always hoped to join a big-city force—vows to stay by Gina's side as a murderer lurks in the small-town shadows. 

Rookie K-9 Unit: These lawmen solve the toughest cases with the help of their brave canine partners.


Enter the contest to win Terri's book:
Person of Interest
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Thank you, Terri, for joining us this weekend!

We enjoy chatting with you, Reader, and look forward to reading your comments and questions. Or at least your hi, hello, or hey.

Thanks for stopping by!

Don't forget to comment!


Terri Reed said…
It's a beautiful day in Oregon. How about where you are?
Does anyone have a big dream they'd like to share?
Margaret Daley said…
What a neat story, Terri. Thanks for sharing.
Patricia Johns said…
Your book sounds great! Congrats on your release! :)

I'm glad you took the leap!
Robert Schuller married my parents and when I published my first book (I'm exaggerating here - it was really a pamphlet) he wrote me a lovely note which I still have. I think people underestimate the power of prayer in their lives. My daily prayer is that I get out of the way and let God's plan work. Some days I'm successful. Others not so much. Lovely blog.
Jean C. Gordon said…
Wonderful share, Terri. Your book and the whole series sound great. (I looked up the next two.)
Pamela Tracy said…
I think it's important to realize dreams, especially when they involve God, like our writing does :)
I'm looking forward to reading your book :)
Missy Tippens said…
Thanks for sharing your story, Terri. I had my dream to publish for over ten years before finally making that first book sale. All in God's perfect timing!
Susan Sleeman said…
Thanks for sharing your story, Terri. My big dream was similar to yours, publication of my books, and since than, God had blessed my writing career beyond what I could ever imagine.
Terri, this is such an important story to share because it gives hope and encouragement to aspiring writers who struggle to keep believing in their work and dreams. Also, that book cover...SO ADORABLE. xoxo
Carolyne said…
I always like hearing stories how people started writing. It's a good reminder to anyone out there who wants to write but is afraid to start, or feels they are not good enough.
I woke up in Tucson. 104 degrees. I gotta tell you, it isn't so bad. No humidity. No mosquitos. Wow...totally awesome. Let's have our chat today, down on the virtual beach. I'm serving virtual ICED Sweet tea, and fresh fruit.
Unknown said…
Terri, what a wonderful, heartfelt message--and one I need to hear. Thank you for inspired books and an inspirational blog I will read again.
What a great message about persevering until God points us toward the right opportunity at the right time. Thank you for sharing.
Great post, Terri! Thanks for sharing.
Terri Reed said…
Thank you for stopping in Margaret.
Terri Reed said…
Me, too, Patricia. Every time I start to doubt I remember that prayer.
Terri Reed said…
Nancy, that is sooo cool. (okay, I'm dating myself with the use of cool-not sure what word is in vogue these days). That's a good daily prayer. I know I can get too busy trying to manage everything that there's no room for God to work.
Terri Reed said…
Thanks Jean. The second book in the series by Lenora Worth was #20 on Publishers Weekly Its gratifying to see the series do well.
Dawn L. said…
It's cloudy and in the low 70's here in Mass. Good weather for reading - actually I think any kind of weather is good for reading. Thanks Terri for sharing that story about your dream of being published and the Schuller quote. Really glad you went for it because I love your books. Protect and Serve is a great one and the rest of the series so far is good too! Please don't include me in the drawing as I've already read the book - give it to someone else who hopefully will enjoy it as much as I did.
Terri Reed said…
My sister in law recently told me it's good to have dreams, even outlandish ones. I always thought having a career as a published author was too outlandish for me. I still sometimes have to pinch myself.
Terri Reed said…
Good for you for preserving Missy. I remember judging a contest entry of yours way back when and I knew then you would publish soon. So glad I was right.
Terri Reed said…
Susan It's so exciting to see your success.
Terri! I have been looking for a word from God in my own writing and I felt as if I got it in your post! Thank you for sharing your sweet story. How relaxing to know we can wait for His green light when His timing is perfect for His plan for our life. I can simply step forward in faith and see where His path leads. I'm encouraged. xoxo c
Terri Reed said…
Thank you Teri. I hope others will be encouraged to dream big.
Terri Reed said…
Years ago Muriel Jensen, a prolific Harlequin author, once told me everyone gets a crisis of confidence and the only thing to do is keep writing.
Terri Reed said…
Thank you Wendy for your kind words.
Terri Reed said…
Thanks Christine. Perseverance in this business is definitely a must. And sometimes hard won.
Terri Reed said…
Thanks for stopping by Janet.
Terri Reed said…
I agree Dawn, any weather is good for reading. So glad to know you enjoyed Protect and Serve. I can't wait for all the books to come out so I can found out how the overarching mystery is solved! LOL
Terri Reed said…
C, your post made me smile. It's always so wonderful when God reaches out in unexpected ways.
Terri Reed said…
I haven't had Iced sweet tea in years. Sound yummy. A beach, even virtual sounds nice and relaxing. Though 104 so much. lol
Margaret. I haven't seen you in a while. I hope all is well with you and you have continued to publish books. Thanks so much for stopping by to chat with Terri and me. Hopefully we will see many from Love Inspired pop in!
So nice to have you join us today. Suspense stories are exciting reads. Can't wait to hear what you think of the book! Stay awhile and chat with us.
I completely agree. There are times when the difficulties hit us and we think God is too busy. He never is. He loves us so much and even gives us the dreams to do great things. Thanks so much for joining us today. It wouldn't have been the same without you. Help yourself to some virtual sweet tea.
Love that you looked up the series. You have a detective mind. I think you're really going to enjoy these books. For now, have a seat on the virtual beach with us and enjoy sweet conversation.
Thank you for sharing this "new to me" quote by Robert Schuller. I think that I am sometimes guilty of not allowing myself to dream big enough!
Best wishes for this new series!
So true. And dreams for anything. As a team I remember asking God to let me have a nice husband. He did. Then I remember asking God to give me children. He did. God is not a Santa...but, He does say that He loves us, and enjoys giving us things. Genesis chapter 1. Everything was good.
How awesome to have a Seekerville gal and LI writer join us today. You've done really well with your books. What a joy to have you here today. I have noticed many authors use the number ten as the waiting time for publication. Hmmmm, I wonder if that is the standard God training time. :)
You are steps in front of me. I am still in the dream and hoping one day to be able to say what you did. I'm so glad you stopped by today. Terri and you are a great encouragement for anyone pursuing their God dream no matter what career.
Terri Reed does have an awesome book cover. AND a new puppy at her house! Sleepless nights have returned!
I, too, agree about the struggle faced by anyone who is aspiring to do anything. Even some of my readers are aspiring to be physically well. But God does want us to continue the pursuit. Never give up. He will bless in due time.
Thanks so much for stopping by and joining the chat with Terri, me, and the readers.
So I am wondering, are you thinking of writing? Is there some way we can help you? Or perhaps you have a different dream that we can pray for you about? I hope you have an opportunity to read Terri's books. They may be the spark that helps.
I'm so glad you were able to come and chat with Terri and me today. I find that books written for Love Inspired do exactly that. They inspire us, encourage us, help us to get up in the morning and go after the dreams God has placed in our hearts. I hope you'll have a chance to read Terr's books and come back to visit us here at Let's Talk.
Thanks for joining us today. Yes, God has a way of using writer's like Terri to share heartfelt messages like persevering. Somehow I think you, too, have experienced a time of having to persevere. I hope all is well with you and look forward to your next visit with us.
Great to see you! Yeah, we've had many wonderful authors and writers stop by today. Our virtual beach is all a chatter, love it! Hope to see you again soon!
ah, 70's sounds good. I am in Tucson with 104 and climbing. But God has shown a desert beauty here! God has blessed Terri with a wonderful gift of story writing and I'm happy to see that you have enjoyed several of her books. Now that is encouragement.

Looking forward to your next visit. We love to chat here.
Wow, you are an inspiration yourself. God is so good helping us to go to places even on the Internet to see, hear, and feel the nudge He has for us. I am thankful you were able to stop by today and share your thoughts. I can't wait to hear what you think of Terri's stories. I'm sure you will be blessed.
Hey, Connie!
Good to see you.
So, Connie, I think it's time for a big dream. What has God placed on your heart? Think about it...then go for it. There is something big waiting for you...I just know it. Hope you get a chance to read Terri's book. I really think you will enjoy it.
Terri Reed said…
You're welcome Connie. I pray whatever your big dreams are they come to fruition. God knows what and when to make things happen. In Protect and Serve the hero has his idea of how his life is to go but by the end of the book he realizes that he wasn't pursuing the right dream. The one that God had for him. I think we all can relate to that at times.
Prayer before writing is an absolute must and although I haven't done as many retreats as I should, they are so spiritually revitalizing. We need that sometimes.
Deb Kastner said…
Hi Terri! Great post. The interesting things about my dreams is they morphed along with how my life has gone. I start every day by handing those dreams back to God, for His glory. Otherwise I stress myself out too much.
I'll give a hearty Amen to that, Terri.
I agree. Isn't amazing that the very people you really needed to talk with, share with, listen to, are the ones that show up? That includes, as in Terr'is case, the speaker. And the plan is all in motion courtesy of the Almighty.
I hope your stories are doing well, Barb. So happy that you joined us in this weekend's chat here on our virtual sunny beach.
What words of wisdom. That is so true, we don't necessary give up one dream for another, it is morphed to match our life. It always seems that the older version is not as tasteful as the new one any more. God is so good to us. And look at the awesome stories that Terri Reed has written as a result!!
Terri Reed said…
Hi Barb, retreats are so good for us. And as Mary said the speaker is such an important part of the experience. Thanks for stopping in.
Terri Reed said…
Hi Deb, that's good advice. I need to let go everyday. Stress is no fun.
Terri Reed said…
Thanks for the kind words Mary. It's been a fun day here at the beach.
Jolene Navarro said…
What a great story. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own plans and worries we forgot God has us. You are an inspiration.
Terri Reed said…
Ah thank you Jolene. You're right about worry. It's my one of my many weaknesses.
Merrillee said…
Terri, thanks for sharing how God helped you realize your dreams. Your story reminded me how I felt after 9/11. It was in the days before I had a publishing contract. I had just won a writing contest and felt bad about celebrating because so many people were suffering.
Dana Mentink said…
I enjoyed reading about all these dreams, both big and small! Thank you. :)
Leann Harris said…
I understand, Terri. I knew I was to write, but the journey wasn't easy. It took 9 years, but I made it and love it.
Terri Reed said…
I totally understand, Merrillee. The night of 9/11, I had a critique group meeting. All I could do was sit there trying to keep my tears at bay. I kept thinking what is the point of this.
I'm glad you won that contest and went on to publish. I love your books.
Terri Reed said…
Thank you Dana for stopping in.
Terri Reed said…
Hi Leann, I love the quote by Drake, Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination. I think the path to publishing prepares us for the reality of publishing.
Hey, Jolene!
We do indeed get caught up in our own plans and worries. Getting caught in plans are good...God's plans. The difficult part is staying close to all of those worries to hear His voice.
I'm so glad you stopped by, Jolene, and chatted with Terri and me...and all the rest of our friends. Sure loved seeing you today.
I am so sorry that happened. Wow! That makes me think of those who had other celebrations at the same difficult to enjoy the moment when so many could not. You have a heart of gold and a compassion of silver. I am glad you've published your books. What a treasure you've been to us today. I hope you get a chance to read Terri's exciting book. Us writers need to keep up our readings, eh?
So nice to see you today! I think it' fun to have dreams. It's like--even though whatever we hope for hasn't happened...we ride a God filled cloud waiting with great excitement for the moment, right? Yeah.
I'm so glad you were able to come chat with Terri and me today. When you get a chance, check out Terri's book. It's a great read.
Hey Leann!!
Another author visiting. We here at Let's Talk are so blessed. I brought extra virtual beach chairs for the whole gang. Oh, and help yourself to the virtual sweet tea and fresh fruit. It seems the journey has the bitter and sweet moments. But what I most love hearing about is people like you and Terri who have stepped up to the published platform. Congratulations and may God truly bless your stories as He has Terri's.
Hope you get a chance to enjoy Terri's book.
Janet said…
Hi Mary Vee! Haven't talked to you in a while!

Hi Terri, I enjoyed the story! I love the saying on your bookmark! I may make me a bookmark with those words! I love mysteries especially if they have animals in them. The cover is adorable! Love the dogs on the front.....So cute!
Cate Nolan said…
What a fabulous story, Terri. I can really identify. I had similar feelings. I was working in NYC on 9/11 and my daughter was in school four blocks from the towers. The previous summer I had been a Golden Heart finalist for a paranormal story I'd written, but after September, I lost interest in that. I wanted stories of small towns and kind people, a gentler more peace-filled world.
I did stop writing for a long time, and it was the idea of writing for Love Inspired that brought me out of that slump. So I guess I finally found the bigger dream God had for me. I'm so glad you followed yours.
I'm so glad you've returned. Wipe the dust from your feet, girl. Step into the sand and grab an empty seat. Terri and I are having such a great time with all our friends. God has blessed this weekend with people like you.
I love your idea of making your own bookmark with those words. Let me encourage you to really do so. It will mean so much for you.
This seemed to be the perfect day for you to stop by. Mysteries. Animals. Dogs. Cuteness all around. Wowsers. I am convinced you are in for a great read with Terri's new book.
So great seeing you.
Now, It's 113 degrees at this moment where I happen to be. So please, cool off with some of my virtual iced sweet tea and dip your toes in the cool water.
Blessings on you.
Oh, Cate, my heart is pounding from reading your comment. You were there, and your daughter in school so close? How frightening.
You are so sweet to be led to write cozy, warm, small town and kind people stories. Yes. I think of how successful books like Little House on the Prairie and Anne of Green Gables were. They have become classics. Why? Because they are the small town, kind people, gentler more peace-filled world stories.
I am so glad you returned to writing. Wow. The world of readers are blessed for it. Thanks so much for sharing your story.
I have a feeling you will really enjoy Terri's book. Even though it's'll have many of the components that you enjoy. Let me know what you think.
Cate Nolan said…
LOL, Mary. I'm reading your lovely response and realized I neglected to mention that when I did finally get published, it was with LIS. I guess I found a way to combat the scary with faith. In fact, that was sort of the niche I settled into - stories of ordinary people surviving extraordinary situations through faith.
Okay...wiping the egg off my face.
Well, at least I'm glad you plunged into my favorite pool - suspense.
Terri Reed said…
Hi Janet, making your own bookmark is a brilliant idea. I think its important to have inspiring quotes near by to give a boost now and then. I love the cover too. My editor really wanted a puppy on the cover. We're only at 97 here in Oregon today but it feels hotter. I can't imagine 113. eek.
Terri Reed said…
Cate, I can't imagine how scary that was. I'm so glad you and your family were safe and that God pulled you out of your slump to follow a different dream for your writing. I enjoy your books. Keep up the great writing.
Roxanne Rustand said…
Wonderful post, Terri!
Terri Reed said…
Thank you Roxanne. So nice to see you!
Hey Roxanne!
So nice to meet you. I love meeting new friends. I went to Amazon and saw your books. So nice to have authors stop by to chat with Terri and me. I trust you have felt blessed with your writings. God is good. I hope you will have or have had a chance to read Terri's new exciting LIS book.
Fortunately, we also have virtual umbrellas to scoot our chairs underneath. And the sweet tea is sun tea...the real stuff. Yum!
Janet said…
I said "I enjoyed the story" -- I meant I enjoyed the interview! I haven't read your book yet! I am excited about winning a copy of it! Thank you so much to both of you! Thanks to Mary for being such an awesome host too! I can't imagine 113* either. I live in GA and the hottest we get is around 100* (Usually)
You are so sweet, Janet. Can't wait to hear what you think of Terri's awesome book. Keep cool!!

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