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A Fresh Idea To Mend Social Distancing Woes

Grandma adopted my mom. She and grandpa had tried to have their own children for many years. The decision to adopt came on a whim one day when the neighbor across the street volunteered to babysit a little three-year-old girl. The little one twirled outside in her frock. She played with the toys and laughed. 

Grandma crossed the street, curious about this new visitor. The neighbor said, "Her mother  only recently died. There are five children, and the father doesn't know what to do. He says he can care for the older three children, but feels he must let the two little ones go for adoption."

Grandma watched the little girl play.

Not long after, Grandma and Grandpa signed adoption papers changing my mom's name and giving her a new home.

They lived on a large rectangular plot of land more deep than wide. Grandma cooked and sewed everything from scratch, including mom's clothes. In her free time she made quilts. Keeping in her frugal budget, Grandma took swatches from clothes mom outgrew and cut them into two-inch pieces. Over the fourteen years mom lived in their house, Grandma's two-inch piece stack grew big enough to design a quilt. 

A life quilt. 

How is a quilt different than a time capsule? They both tell a story about a period of time. One is buried, the other is displayed.

The story of Mom's years in Grandma's house. 

Throughout my years in my mom's house, this quilt was on her bed. She passed it on to my youngest sister.

We often think a story is told in the pages of a book. But a story can be told in so many other ways. In music. In art. Food. Interior Design. 

In Quilts and much more.

This quilt made by Grandma for Mom fits a queen size been. Look at all the tiny squares! 

The entire quilt is hand sewn. Grandma's stitches had precision lengths and spaces. She made many quilts and gave each grand child one when they became adults.

But quilts don't have to be big. They can be the size of placemats, wallets, and much more.

If you'd like to learn how to quilt a simple or huge project Edyta Sitar has a website. She is from Norway and connects with a global audience teaching the art of quilting. 

During this season of social distancing, she is giving away some free patterns. Check out her website that she calls:   Laundry Baskets Quilts. You'll love it!

Its a 20-20 year!
Who would have known a virus would have thrown the world 
 onto a crazy roller coaster ride! 
Hold on! 
We have a hope.

Announcing my new release coming in April!

If you're looking for some great reads whether drama, mystery, or fantasy visit my Amazon page where you will find the perfect read. Ebooks are on sale.

Link to Mary's books:

Mary Vee loves to travel to places like New York City and Paris and infuse these amazing places in her stories. Mary is an award-winning author and writes for her king.  

Visit Mary at her WebsiteBlog, and her ministry blog to families: God Loves Kids. Or chat on Facebook or Twitter


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