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We're in Space with A Rare Sequel That Rose Above It's First Book

Moon Photo by Mary Vee
Moon, Photo by Mary Vee

Usually a sequel is not as good as the first book. There is something about the process of meeting new characters, new situations, new problems, new. 

I mean, sequels aren't necessarily bad, they just don't meet up to the star status of the first book.


Ender's Game
, by Orson Scott Card is one of those books that appeals to young and old. I'm not typically a sci fy reader, but when a good book comes my way, I'll give it a whirl. I read the entire book, cover to cover and enjoyed the futuristic way of solving a global problem.


I was asked to read the sequel, Ender's Shadow, by Orson Scott Card and found this book superior.


Netherlands, Photo by Mary Vee
Netherlands, earthly setting
for this story. Photo by Mary Vee

Character development. From the main character, Bean, to minor characters such as the homeless boys and girls on the streets to major characters like Sister Carlotta life is breathed into the characters with such a depth readers can't help but want to follow this journey into space. 

The key to this development is not filling pages and pages of descriptions. Rather, Card fills the pages with storytelling scenes, fast paced--

Photo by Mary Vee

--Think of an old oak tree. The wide trunk stands tall with a few thick, heavy branches reaching out, and from those medium branches, and from those thinner branches, and from those tiny branches, each filled with leaves fanning out, filling space, creating a huge shadow on the ground.

Each part of the oak taking only the necessary space, and yet as a whole, the tree is enormous, full, complete.

Ender's Game, the first book has a great plot. 

Ender's Shadow has phenomenal character development. 

I clearly saw the greater importance of character development over great plot for a lasting, satisfying story that asked to be read again.

Definitely five out of five stars.

I think the themes help unfold the changes in the characters. Ender's Shadow is like an Oliver Twist. From poverty to general in the army, Bean discovers his need for others over self survival. Also, as pointed out by the mother in the end, in case we missed it, the Parable of the Prodigal Son. There are many other themes, but I found these two dominant.

As a warning, there is some swearing in the book, used to paint realistic characters.

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