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The Writer's Idea Resource

I’ve spent years learning about the writing craft from classes, conferences, and resources books, benefitting from honing my skills.

Like you, God has blessed me with experienced writers who’ve helped me throughout my writing journey, each contributing a golden nugget that opened the door to the next step. 

But there is one who was there when I started. He was there when you started too. His book has numerous new editions, has been translated into almost every language, and is a global bestseller. I believe you have a copy too. 

Because of his writing expertise, his compassion, and willingness to help, his book has become an invaluable tool. A writer’s perfect resource with helps to meet our calling. And the author, well, he is available to everyone and anyone who asks.

The one I am referring to is God, and his book is the Bible.

Yeah, really! Let me show you how the Bible is your perfect writing resource. For this discussion, we are going to focus on the basic model of storytelling since the Bible is the perfect resource for every aspect of our lives.

Consider the opening sentence. Genesis 1:1 states: In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. These words tell readers the setting, who the story is about, and leaves them a great hook: “What happened next?” and “Who is this God who created everything we know?” Aren’t you bursting to know more about the one who created everything and is completely interested in you? Me too!

So, in the opening pages, the Master Author develops setting and continues to show the people involved by taking us to the garden. He shows us what it looks like-- including the tree with the forbidden fruit in the middle--and he explains the basic rules for this new world formed by his spoken word. 

Soon sin, the epic problem, begins a story in need of redemption only a great God could provide.

This opening follows the rules we’ve been taught in writing classes and texts. 

  • Lead with a hook. 
  • Familiarize the reader with the setting.
  • Introduce the characters.
  • Open the reader’s eyes to the character’s epic problem.
  • Begin the journey seeking the solution.

The journey is long with many bumps in the road, components found in books.

 Layers. Depth. Passion. Villains. Hero.

The Bible moves forward using events to expand and deepen the journey: Noah and the terrible flood, David facing Goliaths, God’s Son sent as the only means of salvation, the call for disciples to go into all the world and tell the Good News. The news spreads to the ends of the known earth. Trials and troubles bleed into the ages. Heartache and miracles. Deception vs. Truth.

The climax is yet in our future. The book of Revelation tells us what will happen, but if you’re like me, we don’t fully understand the meanings presented. What we do know is: for those who follow The Way, the happily ever after will be eternity with God in heaven.

You see? Before writing instructors or books taught the principles of writing, God used them in his book, written just for us. 

He is available to stir your mind to generate great ideas. He will listen to your thoughts and provide clues to your story’s direction. He will laugh with you, cry with you, and love you every day. He is faithful to turn any story into a Never Give Up Story. One that will truly end in a happily ever after…with no end. Because we have an eternal God.

Never Give Up your calling as a writer. God, the great mentor is here for you whenever you need. He loves you.

You may wonder why I use these words: Never Give Up. This is my brand. All my stories fall into this realm, from fantasy to mystery and suspense to travel and holiday celebrations. God has rescued me from numerous pickle problems, some simple like a flat tire, some huge, like cancer’s ugly visit four times. In each case, God asked me to trust him by Never Giving Up. This was the only way I survived.

No matter the depth of the valley or the height of the mountain peak, he’ll ask the same of you. 

What one writing principle have you discovered in the Bible? How has God blessed you on your writing journey? Sometimes writers hear from readers that our story/words/characters have touched their heart. Would you be willing to share one today?

My debut book, Anders’ Redemption tells of one man’s heartache the night an accident robs him of a promising career. Forced to survive on cheap noodles for a year, Brice Anders finally receives the letter. The one that promises a second hope for his dream-until an intruder breaks into his new home and steals his work. With days left ‘til Christmas, his job on the line, his memory not helping, only hope can deliver redemption. 

Anders’ Redemption is on sale for the holidays. 
Both paperback and ebooks are available from:

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on Today's Writers and Readers World. 😎


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